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Posted (edited)

Last AEW show of the year!


ORANGEY BOY CASSDIDY vs TRENT QUESTION MARK! Last GREAT match of the year? Maybe! I am.SUPER stoked to see how they work this one! Both of these guys are VERY good at the whole pro wrestling part of pro wrestling.

It's for the ALL ATLANTIC CHAMPION'S HIP! I think Trent could also represent that region, but I BOLDLY predict that Orange will win.


KIP SABIAN "in action" and I wanna joke that I BOLDLY predict Kip will win... but we all know what happened last time Jericho was in action, so I am afraid to make that joke.


tbs Champion JADE CARGILL vs KIERA HOGAN in a match I BOLDLY PREDICT will be extremely callipygous! And also probably pretty good.


WHEELER YUTA vs SWERVE (WITH BOUDREAUX AND WHITE UMAGA) which really could be the last GREAT match of the year. 


I think maybe Ren vs Zack at WK17 might be the first GREAT match of 2023. Maybe Go vs Nakajima?


Cheers for all the great discussion and all the lousy jokes this year. Here's to more of the same in 2023!

Edited by Gordlow
I spelled "callipygous" incorrectly
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2 hours ago, Gordlow said:

tbs Champion JADE CARGILL vs KIERA HOGAN in a match I BOLDLY PREDICT will be extremely callipygous! And also probably pretty good.

I had to look up callipygous and yeah, I could see it.  Especially with Kiera Hogan.  CONCILIATE, LIL GORDLOWNETICO!

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For the lazy/uninformed:

Definitions of callipygous:
adjective pertaining to or having finely developed buttocks
synonyms: callipygian, shapely.

Calm down indeed! 

OC vs Trent should be a banger and a great way to finish the year. 

5 hours ago, Gordlow said:

I think maybe Ren vs Zack at WK17 might be the first GREAT match of 2023. Maybe Go vs Nakajima?

Beyond Wrestling run Heavy Lies the Crown every New Year's Eve. The main event is prefigured by the countdown to Midnight, so that they can host both the last match of one year, and the first match of the next (in the Eastern Standard Timezone, anyway).

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, AxB said:


Edit! Had the wrong years lineup, thanks to Casey for catching that!

Edited by christopher.annino
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1 hour ago, christopher.annino said:

I hadn't seen the lineup for tonight and just checked it out, looks like a fine ass show and I can't help but notice that Leyla Hirsch is in action! I wonder when we'll see her in AEW again...

If you’re seeing Leyla vs Alec Price as a match on the card, that’s from last year’s show.

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Posted (edited)

This is the card listed on IWTV

Fans Bring The Weapons: B3CCA vs Alec Price
Thumbtack Match: Atticus Cogar vs SLADE
Willow Nightingale vs LuFisto
Max Caster vs JD Drake
Anthony Henry vs Ichiban
The Tender Weapon and Love, Doug vs Little Mean Kathleen and Teddy Goodz
Jody Threat vs Trish Adora
Eel O'Neal vs Andy Brown
Dan Barry vs Aaron Rourke
Finals of the T4 Summit Tournament to crown the first ever IWTV Independent Wrestling Tag Team Champions
plus WARHORSE, Davey Richards and more!

Cogar-Slade from January 2021 was a fun brawl, looking forward to the rematch.

Edited by elizium
1 hour ago, Casey said:

If you’re seeing Leyla vs Alec Price as a match on the card, that’s from last year’s show.

Yep, definitely the wrong year, good catch!

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Show was just there. I only paid attention to like half of the main too, and Yuter's my boy. But TONY NESE getting the crap beat out of him by BRYAN DANIELSON next week is gonna be fun. 

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Orange Cassidy and Trent Barretta do an odd Handshaking Sequence!  I love that Cassidy is channeling Ric Flair, the Traveling NWA Champion!  Oh man, they are laying it in.  Trent Barretta is so fucking great.  SUWA DROPKICK BY CASSIDY ON THE FLOOR!  So Cassidy is the best wrestler in AEW?  Or maybe Trent?  Well, Jamie Hayter is the best but these two dudes are pretty close. BEAUTIFUL Toprope Vertical Suplex by Trent!  Man, this match is fucking great.  GREAT High Angle Tequila Sunrise Suplex by Trent!  DDT by Cassidy!  Another DDT!  FOR TWO!  LE MARTINETE BY TRENT!  So the Best Friends are the Blackpool Combat Club.  GREAT FUCKING PILEDRIVER BY TRENT!  This is fucking great.  Penelope Ford shows up!  BEACH BREAK FOR TWO!  ORANGE PUNCH FOR THE WIN!  I completely LOVED that Cassidy had second thoughts about using the Orange Punch but Trent hit THREE Piledrivers!  SO FUCKING GREAT.  Kip Sabian beats a dude.  Preston Vance ON THE STICK!  MOX on the STICK!  SLEEP LIKE BABIES!  Jeff Jarrett is AWESOME on the STICK!  Kiera Hogan is callipygous.  Jade Cargill will crush her, I assume.  Cargill looks pretty great in this.  One wonders if Hogan can summon the snugness she summoned versus ATHENA! ATHENA! ATHENA!  Jade beats the hell out of her in picture in picture.  Red Velvet kinda turns!  Hogan has a little comeback!  DIVING CROSSBODY!  Then she gets JADED!  That was the best Jade Cargill match I can remember.  That was the second best Kiera Hogan match she has had this week.  ATHENA! ATHENA! ATHENA!  Shane Swerve Strickland and Wheeler Yuta are going to beat the fudge out of each other!  So I need to see both of these dudes wrestle Angelico.  This match is total Strange Style.  AREZ! AREZ! AREZ!  Yeah, Strickland and Angelico for ten minutes on Dark would completely rule.  Yuta sells the knee like a king!  He really sells it to the back row.  NICE Brainbuster by Strickland.  This match is good.  I don't know if it's the best match to put in front of a completely fried crowd, but it's still good.  NICE SUPERPLEX by Yuta!  FUN NEARFALLS!  Strickland CHEATS!  And WINS!  That was good.  Trent/ Cassidy was fucking awesome.  AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD.

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Okay I thought of two things that were really great on this one. 

1. The Michinoku Driver from... I wanna say Trent? That was just evil as all fucking Hell. 

2. Lay Jethal (I accidentally writed Lay so now that's his name forever) losing his mind just to induce laughter. "I'M SIGGUVIT!"

Also, finding out that Mox is a shoot Strickland mark and Yuta's music was the old NBA on NBC theme written by John Tesh from our friends that partake in the Discord was cool. 

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Posted (edited)

Here's my takeaway from Orange vs Trent:There's a time for love, and a time for letting it be.

Chuck looking like Dave Grohl. (There goes Chris Hero! He's ordinary!)

Powerslap is the DUMBEST thing I have kinda wanted to watch since... Since The Go Big Show, actually!

Nice story progression in the Callypigian Title Match! Hogan & Cake vs Jade & Baddy #2 oughta be fun.

Athena > Jade, clearly... but Athena > a lot of people in the ring.

I wonder if Bryan vs Neece will be a better match than Bryan vs Ethan (my BOLD PREDICTION: Abs-olutely!)

B-b-b-b-b basketball! C'mon c'mon gimme the ball because I'm gonna DUNK IT!

There was a lot of nifty and neat-o wrestling in THE MAIN EVENT! but I was totally distracted by trying to figure out if Boudreaux was wearing Zubaz or not. I totally wore Zubaz and a fanny pack in the 1980s! All the damn time. I thought Boudreaux was wearing snakeskin Zubaz and was kinda bummed out it was actually fancy distressed jeans. Zicky Dice, baby!

Cool show to end the year on! Sufficiently weird and indie to make ole Gordlow very happy!

EDIT:  the memorial graphic to start off was nice to see, as well. I heard Cole also said something on SmackDown. RIP



Edited by Gordlow
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Curt McGirt said:

Show was just there. I only paid attention to like half of the main too, and Yuter's my boy. But TONY NESE getting the crap beat out of him by BRYAN DANIELSON next week is gonna be fun. 

Yeah, nothing will stick in my mind like this still does from a year ago:

Edited by The Natural
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Posted (edited)

I had stuff to say about matches and shit but nothing I can add will be better than White Umaga.

I do not want to go the way of Cibernetico, so I will just say that I already knew the definition for callipygous and will add that the reason I know is probably a cultural thing.

Edited by J.T.
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Posted (edited)

Kip Sabian sucked so hard on commentary. Trent and Orange was a lot of fun otherwise. Main event was great but those are some terrible tattoos. Curt scared me for a second that they had replaced Yuta's rad Mega Man X intro stage music with Roundball Rock, but they just used it to promo some matches so that's good.

Edit: Also Bug Dad and Skull Kid are the most wholesome thing in wrestling. Please don't ever break Sting and Darby up.

Edited by Sammo~!
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, BrianS81177 said:

Also loved Mox throwing a Killshot reference Swerve's way. 

IIRC, it came out on the Swerve episode of Renee's show (might have been some other Swerve thing I was listening to, but that makes the most sense) that Mox was excited when he found out Swerve was Killshot. So kind of a semi-shoot there? Very fun. 

Disappointed at Tony's restraint not giving OC and Trent the Mark Henry segment while having them clearly be in the same room. 

Edited by John from Cincinnati
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4 hours ago, J.T. said:


I do not want to go the way of Cibernetico, so I will just say that I already knew the definition for callipygous and will add that the reason I know is probably a cultural thing.

It appears that Adonitology has made it's way all the way to the land of the rising sun thanks to our dear @Gordlow


Adonitology: A religion where followers worship big curvy women's butts. :  r/Helltaker


Nice shout out to DW at the beginning...

BEST FRIENDS EXPLODE! Orange wins after Trent? gets distracted by Penelope..so more Kip? Yay?

Last week Jade hit a sweet axe kick this week she damn near takes Keira's head off with a thrust kick NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKA!

Hayter Hits Harder! Remember that!

BCC v Sneaky Swerve and his illustrated men! Lucha Underground shoutout! Now this is why I had Yuta as one of my guys when we did that! And Swerve held his end up as well! Best Swerve match yet!

Mixed bad of an episode good stuff to start and finish and some stuff in the middle


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I liked Yuta using the Misawa colour scheme.

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Nice to see Kiera get some offense in tonight so that it wasn't a total squash. Would have been nice to get some televised promos or even a video package to enhance the story here so that it didn't feel so much like another random Jade title defense as opposed to former allies doing battle. Not sure what's up with Red Velvet either but breaking up the Baddies seems a little premature. Unless the idea is maybe to break them off from Jade? 

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10 hours ago, Sammo~! said:

Kip Sabian sucked so hard


That guy had crickets that didn't even bother booing him. 

10 hours ago, Sammo~! said:

Yuta's rad Mega Man X intro stage music

Fuck, that's what I thought you were talking about! I listened to "Roundball Rock" and thought they sounded similar but it was just an anime/video-gamed up version they had made for Yuter. 

Kiera was the one with the axe kick and that was nas-tee. 

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I like Kip. I mentioned in the discord that he should start leaning more into that lilting sing-song thing he does and slowly morph into Willy Wonka

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