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I too like Kip. Sorry guys. I thought he was ok on commentary too as the sort of mustache twirling villain. We need a couple more of those in wrestling. I kind of wish Penelope would respond a little more to him as part of the act but it does go a bit against her Superbad thing and partnership with the Bunny. Wight did ok. One "snug" reference. No Zebras.

  • I liked TRENT vs Cassidy a lot more than I was expecting, actually. I came in thinking it'd be like the ZSJ match, which was a fine match and would have been a fine workrate match, but they leaned the other way with it and leaned into the shtick. Always a possibility but I thought that would have been more of an OC vs Chuck match. Big fan of the counters based on knowing one another. Lots of entertaining bits. I got a kick out of the hug for instance and thought Danhausen kicking Cassidy was pretty hilarious. I just chuckled again thinking about that. I really do hope we get an OC vs Danhausen match at some point. One more notch for OC's 2022 though.
  • Kip's Orange Punch looked pretty terrible but that was kind of the point and he'd already hit the double stomp. I will say it's good this thing is paying off next week and at least it's a match for BOTB that has some build.
  • Vance saying that he can talk in a promo where he was kind of stumbling a bit was maybe not the best move. I'm looking forward to Vance vs Silver at some point though.
  • The Jade vs Hogan match really opened up after Velvet stopped her. If they are sweeping Hogan under the rug because Sasha's coming in, at least she's getting some shine. she did against Athena as well. I agree that this could have used some promos and better build and probably could have been saved to BOTB since it's a legitimate issue (former lackey turning on her boss, etc). They're hotshotting the Velvet thing instead which is a little bit of a shame as I like Velvet much more as a heel. Maybe there's more to it.
  • First, it's not a Megaman song, it's the Punch Out running music. Second, Mox referencing Killshot almost broke Swerve, but he's so good at kind of rolling into the exasperated laughter that fits his character. I really loved the way he hit that dropkick to the leg to set up the commercial break but I kind of wish he had more tricked out submissions to match his weirdo offense. Yuta took all of his stuff well (the triple backbreakers) and worked on one leg pretty well. The low blow at the end did more to further Swerve's character than protect Yuta. It's kind of fun to watch Bordeaux cheerlead on the outside.

Fun Saturday morning wrestling.

Wednesday's show is stacked.

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Fun opening match between two of the top 10-15 wrestlers in AEW. Mix of comedy bits, storytelling, and moves.

The second 15 minute block was booked very well to avoid people like me changing the channel when threatened with a Kip Sabian match. They cut to a fantastic backstage segment with Darby and Sting, come back to a 2 minute squash, and end with Moxley in-ring promo. Mox is trying to turn heel, we’ll see if the fans let him.

The third segment was the Jade-Hogan match and A LOT of commercials. Got interesting after Red’s sort-of turn. Hogan accidentally(?) kicked Jade really hard square in the face. It was an ok match with a foregone conclusion. Jade-Red vs. Hogan-Skye I guess has some potential as “will Red Velvet cost Jade her streak?”

Main was fun, enjoyed seeing Yuta lean away some from his recent BCC style and have to work with Swerve’s strange style. I really do enjoy all the ways that Swerve can use his legs and feet to do weird trips, reversals, and kicks.

A little disappointed the show didn’t end with someone like Hobbs doing a run-in and destroying the set.

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OC and Trent are indeed two of the best all-around talents in the company and that was a damn fine match!

Kip heeling it up was perfectly alright!

The end stretch of Jade/Hogan was pretty good!

I love how Mark Sterling never actually severed any ties with folks like Jade and MJF, that's the kinda heel behavior I adore. Dragon vs Buttmeat will RULE. 

I fucking hate how the whole gang member/prisoner tattoo trend has gone basically mainstream. That garbage never looks good and automatically makes me take somebody to be a joke. 

I love Yutes. Heel Swerve is best Swerve. 

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OC/Trent was a banger. TK is an admitted e-feeder as am I. This was such an e-fed match and a damn good one. Loved they leaned not just into the shtick but a story as to what happens when the competition of wrestling gets in the way of (Best) friends. They had good over-the-top emotional beats, which is what I want in my emotional beats in wrestling. And an evil soap opera villain like Kip Sabian (who I sorta love?) stirring things up was a chef’s kiss. 

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