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Awesome! Trent Seven again!  EDIT:  I'm sure I could find a tinier picture.


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17 hours ago, DEAN said:

Awesome! Trent Seven again!  EDIT:  I'm sure I could find a tinier picture.


Trent on Trent AND Seven on Seven violence in a four on four match? Oh, you KNOW that's a paddlin'! 

Will The Blade blade? Will Sabian try a kip-up?


Plus also a dentist vs a colour, which is a natural match-up (assuming she is the kind of dentist who makes a lot of money out of whitening).


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25 minutes ago, Gordlow said:

Trent on Trent AND Seven on Seven violence in a four on four match? Oh, you KNOW that's a paddlin'! 

Will The Blade blade? Will Sabian try a kip-up?


Plus also a dentist vs a colour, which is a natural match-up (assuming she is the kind of dentist who makes a lot of money out of whitening).


I...I don't even... I...

  • Haha 8
3 minutes ago, Log said:

It's a travesty that @Gordlow is allowed to just walk the streets a free man when clearly he belongs in Dad Joke Jail.


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I don't usually watch Rampage live but I do want to see Moxley's ear almost get torn off, so...

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Zimbra said:

don't usually watch Rampage live but I do want to see Moxley's ear almost get torn off, so...

Man, i'm sure he's on the same kind of WWE Legends deal as Bret where it's prohibited, but GOD a Mick Foley one-off appearance where he tells Mox he's gone too far, and he needs to lay off it for the sake of his family, but Mox is just too hardcore and wants Hanger TONOYT? Put it in my blooooood

Edit: realizing he can give Hangman the same speech about the head injury (not sure if they want to go there, as NFL owners, but that story about the phone wallpaper Page told in Wednesday's promo definitely had some 'cane Dewey' in it's DNA, IMO). Special ref? 

Edited by Zakk_Sabbath
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7 hours ago, Gordlow said:

Trent on Trent AND Seven on Seven violence in a four on four match? Oh, you KNOW that's a paddlin'! 

Will The Blade blade? Will Sabian try a kip-up?


Plus also a dentist vs a colour, which is a natural match-up (assuming she is the kind of dentist who makes a lot of money out of whitening).


Honestly took me several hours to get Seven on Seven violence....

With how slim Dustin has been looking and reports of Cody being up to 240 do you suppose their respective weights are in some sort of equilibrium?

  • Haha 2
Posted (edited)

Startin out HAWT! Best bloody ear since Misawa '94? Tay with blood on her face after making out with Sammy was a SICK visual. Mox and Hanger gonna give us one HELL of a brawl.

Dax broke his ass bone 😮

LOVED Shida's red suit!

That dude took the MOST AWESOME bumps for Wardlow's powerbombs!

Joe vs Wardog also.gonna be crazy.

Dustin handing out powerslams, Orangehausen Eddie Guerreroing... What a fun, feel-good main event tv match!

I would love to see Kip & Seven vs Workhorsemen.


Edited by Gordlow
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It's SAMMY GUEVARA!  IT'S JON MOXLEY!  Sammy attacks early! They brawl all around the ring!  Sammy takes a Cutter like a FREAK!  MOX lays it the fuck in to set up a Superplex!  Sammy makes a comeback!  Deuling Back Rakes!  Sammy with a Double Stomp off the top to the apron!  During picture in picture, Sammy rips out MOX's ear ring and THERE IS BLOOD!  This is AWESOME.  MOX'S BLOOD IN IN SAMMY'S MOUTH!  Tay is fucking AWESOME smacking MOX in the face!  This match is GREAT!  Sammy with the Boston Crab!  Sammy and MOX trade shots to the face!  SAMMY HITS THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM THE TOP THROUGH MOX ON A TABLE!  MOX with the Piledriver into the Bulldog Choke!  Sammy takes the Lariat like Davey Boy Smith!  Okay this match mirrors GUNTHER/Ricochet!  Except THIS HAS BLOOD!  DEATH RIDER BY SAMMY!  SENTON ATOMICO BY SAMMY!  FOR TWO!  MOX rolls through the Spanish Fly off the top and PROCURES THE BULLDOG CHOKE FOR THE WIN!  That was fucking GREAT.  Sammy is fucking awesome.  MOX is fucking AWESOME.  Postmatch,  Hangman fucking CRUSHES a security guard!  I love that Evil Uno changed his shirt since it's NOW Friday!  It's Britt Baker!  She's a Yinzer!  COOKIE TABLES!  Butterfly Suplex by Britt!  On picture in picture, Baker beats the hell out of Skye Blue!  Jamie Hayter CHEATS!  Baker is really beating the crap out of Skye.  We are back!  Skye has a little comeback!  Britt Baker stomps on Blue's head for the win!  Postmatch!  Baker applies the Mandible Claw!  Hikaru Shida does what everyone does, beats on Rebel on the ramp!  Shida and Hayter face off!  WARDLOW!  EXODUS PRIME!  Is he the NEW Action Andretti?  No.  Exodus Prime is not the new Action Andretti.  Prime takes a Powerbomb LIKE A KING!  Joe is the King of Television.  JANE!  TRENT versus TRENT!  Oh, you KNOW that's a paddlin'!  Trent Seven is fucking awesome.  Kip Sabian USES A WALL OF LADIES!  Oh man, Trent and Trent RULE the picture in picture.  That is going to make me watch the International Feed tomorrow. Butcher and the Blade hit a DECAPITATION variation on Orange Cassidy!  Kip Sabian then comes in and beats on Cassidy as Cawsidy assumes the role of our face in peril!  Dustin makes the HOT TAG and its Power Slam Mania!  Everybody flies to the floor!  Bryce Remsberg milks the MOLTEN crowd for maximum effect of EJECTING PENELOPE AND THE BUNNY!  TOPROPE EMERALD FROZIEN BY TRENT SEVEN!  DUSTIN MAKES THE SAVE!  DUSTIN WITH THE CANADIAN DESTROYER! MANY THINGS! HAPPEN! DUSTIN PINS SEVEN!  Well, that was fun.  MOX versus Sammy was fucking GREAT!   AEW RULES THE WHOLE ENTIRE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!

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@DEAN summed up Rampage so well; there's not much I can add. Oh yeah, I was digging The Bunny and Penelope Ford mixing the school girl and goth look. I'll save everyone the trouble, Settle down Nice Guy Cibereddico.

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The Moxley/Sammy match may have been the most AEW match I can think of in my tenure watching AEW. First it had Mox. Then it had one of the pillars in Sammy. The reason behind this match is that even though the neverending JAS/BCC feud is over apparently it's not. Match starts off really good and heated and then during the picture-in-picture Sammy bites off Mox's earring? WTF??? And Mox bleeds from his friggin ear??? Why did we have an earlobe ripping occur during the picture-in-picture? If you're going to have an earlobe ripping on some random Rampage, then at least make sure it's during live so we can get the full commentary and crowd reaction and not during some Kia commercial ad or whatever. Then we get to see Sammy do Sammy crazy stuff and Mox lay shit in on him. While Daniel Garcia watches with hopefully an angle that goes somewhere. Before Hangman comes out and we have a really friggin' great brawl. 

That was sloppy and needless. It was brutal and compelling. It was a lot of things in one glorious mess and I'm glad I watched that. 

Also, when was the last time there was a really heated face versus face feud where neither guy turned? Really great spin on things. 

The women's match was pretty bleh. Sky Blue is really green. (I had no idea what other word to use there, sorry.) I love Britt. She's like a heel Ruby in that she realizes her strengths are in character work and she can lean into that to overcome her not being a natural athlete. But Sky Blue is maybe trying a bit too hard and doesn't have great timing. It's still an average match, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. I also laughed really hard at Shida's outfit. I just love the thought of Shida sitting around the back trying on business suits with a sparkly halter in case the networking seminar becomes an orgy, all while wearing face paint and having a kendo stick. They did a nice job building to the match with Jamie Hayter. 

Joe as the "King of Television" rules so hard. May his reign never end.

That main event absolutely ruled. It was everything I wanted in a Best Friends/Dustin versus Kip/Seven/Butcher + Blade. Another point for anyone who wants to make the argument that OC is the best worker of 2022. There was so much great stuff in this match from the goofy (Orange and Danhausen doing a fakeout on Penelope and The Bunny) to the really great fun dives with Dustin getting the pinfall in Texas in an awesome touch. Well-paced throughout. I am thinking that Dustin is a huge Orange and Best Friends fan. How can anyone who loves wrestling in all its ridiculous glory not be a huge OC and Best Friends fan? 

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