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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Gordlow said:

LOVED Shida's red suit!

Just when I thought I could retire the whole "Shida and her white pantsuit" joke here she comes with a new one. I swear that joke will never die.

Edited by The Green Meanie
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Actually thought this was a pretty solid show tonight. Sammy and Moxley ended up having a banger. Definitely one of Sammy's better singles performances. 

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3 hours ago, The Green Meanie said:

Just when I thought I could retire the whole "Shida and her white pantsuit" joke here she comes with a new one. I swear that joke will never die.

With Shida a fella can't but wonder if under the pantsuit is yet another pantsuit


3 hours ago, DEAN said:

Tay Melo is fucking awesome.


Tay is the best Sherri Martel since Sherri Martel 


Wardlow wants to challenge Joe to find out who is the one true king of HOSSWEIGHT!!! The Big Fat Party Animal accepts!

Dana White promises us meaty men slapping FACE! Speaking of slapping how glorious would it be to see Hayter and Rhea Ripley slap meat! I mean a man can dream of interpromotional women's HOSSWEIGHT challenges!

ONCE AGAIN TRENT SEVEN IS YOU RAMAPAGE MAIN EVENTER!!! Earlier tonight I got to see Devon Allman and Duane Betts play midnight rider before heading home to watch my DVR of Rampage! Speaking of Which that was the Son of The Son of a Plumber's Daddy nickname! Apparently Penelope and Bunny watched Jawbreaker at this weeks slumber party! Dustin wins! Move him up to HOSSWEIGHT Tony! (Much like Jeff Foxworthy and Rednecks HOSSWEIGHT is a state of mind as much as anything) Send him after JOE! 

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Posted (edited)

That Sammy/Mox match was a fucking war, I loved it.

Sammy doesn’t get enough credit but he always delivers. He gets ton of hate from the crowd while still pulling all this crowd popping moves that would usually get anyone cheered. One of the few guys that actually gets this kind of reaction nowadays which always makes for a chaotic atmosphere when he’s wrestling.


And Trent Seven made that last bulldog look so deadly and smooth at the same time.

Edited by eikerir
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Trent Seven is 41 (so he was born in 1981) and grew up in Birmingham, England. In 1992, WCW Worldwide aired on ITV Central on Saturday afternoons. There's every chance that he was watching The Natural Dustin Rhodes when he was 10, 11 years old on there, and that's what made him a wrestling fan.

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33 minutes ago, AxB said:

Trent Seven is 41 (so he was born in 1981) and grew up in Birmingham, England. In 1992, WCW Worldwide aired on ITV Central on Saturday afternoons. There's every chance that he was watching The Natural Dustin Rhodes when he was 10, 11 years old on there, and that's what made him a wrestling fan.

Same! Except I'm 39. Worldwide was a godsend back then with all those Dustin/Barry/Steamboat/Dangerous Alliance matches, and the weird curios like Vinnie Vegas, DDP before he actually wrestled and the Diamond Stud

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8 hours ago, DEAN said:



Hey, I saw Exodus Prime a couple of weeks ago when I saw the free local indie show!

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9 hours ago, eikerir said:

Sammy doesn’t get enough credit but he always delivers. He gets ton of hate from the crowd while still pulling all this crowd popping moves that would usually get anyone cheered. One of the few guys that actually gets this kind of reaction nowadays which always makes for a chaotic atmosphere when he’s wrestling.

He's got weird heat from the Tay stuff and people not loving the TNT run, and it plays so well. And after vicious performances like this and the Danielson 2/3 falls match, alot of the flack he catches looks foolish. Feels nuts that it was this year he and Cody had one of the better ladder matches in years (more singles ladder matches please). So much has changed. He's lowkey one of my favourite performers in AEW. Garcia's gonna learn so much from him. 

Also: Tonguey kissing with Mox's blood on Sammy's face? Y'all nasty. 

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Posted (edited)

Loved that Guevera-Rhodes ladder match. Sammy and the Mox delivered here as they're both consistently prone To Do! I'm a Mox booster, but I would love for him to stop with the back rake fakes. And if we're being honest that BCC Stomp is really really really weak looking. Mostly everything else is great. Including this angling in on the Hangman! Baker-Skye Blue was fine. Sidenote: I have a great deal of love for Rebel. Hayter-Shida, let's do it! 8 Man from promo to finish was fun, fun, fun! Trent Seven is clearly a special performer. He needs a pair of valets for him to go full on sleaze the way of Playboy Buddy Rose, and make me very happy. Trent Seven v Trent Barretta will also make me very happy. Like this Dallas crowd! And this show!  

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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Did AEW Saturday Morning for the first time in a while at my house - I loved this show! That opener kicked all kinds of ass, and I've gotta agree with most everyone here: I think the Sammy/Tay redemption tour is in full swing. They've lost some of the awkwardness now that they've leaned in and started doing so many great little things outside of just the obnoxious PDA, and I loved them here (especially the nasty bloody kiss as @John From Cincinnati mentioned, and Tay's super-well done slap and follow-up w the camera/front row). LOVED the Hangman involvement - I'll never not enjoy a good pull-apart, and they brought the intensity to this one.

The ladies' match was great and I'm reeeeeallllly looking forward to Hayter/Shida on Wednesday. Shida obviously already has the built-in story with Britt, so I'm curious to see if we're heading to a triple threat or something where things finally, officially fall apart between Hayter/Britt.

Vance's promo was a little awkward, but he'll get there. 100% the right call to do this as a pretape with J.R. (and Ross is still great at these, credit where it's due). Delivery needs a little work but he hit the basic points you'd want out of a dickhead heel - college athlete, hand-picked by Brodie, he heeled on the kid - so overall, good stuff.

Main event was just straight up fun, zero complaints there, and always great to watch Dustin in TX one more time. @Nice Guy Eddie I too, needed settling. I complain almost every day about how there are too many damn belts, and I walked away from that one going 'You know what we need, is Women's Tags...'

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Saturday Reflections: I watched the International Feed and I seeing the de-earring upclose, I'm assuming MOX BLADES HIS EAR?!?!?!  You can see Sammy pull his earring from his pants and the camera lingers of him while I assume MOX is blading.  So MOX saw Jericho blade his pec and said, "Oh I can blade weirder that THAT.  Watch this."  That match is even MORE balls out than the after the first veiwing.  Insane spots and violence took precedence over selling, but it wasn't a classic match in any way or form. The Baker/Skye Blue match was pretty much to show how much of a jerk Baker is, as Blue didn't really get much in, though half the crowd was into her heat segment and the other half were more into Baker beating the crud out of her.  Somebody notice how great Rebel is and I concur.  She is so EVIL after she interferes that it was second only to Tay Melo in the Sammy/MOX match.  I'm assuming Baker will beat the fudge out of Shida during the Shida/Hayter match.  Shida/Hayter had better be STIFF!  I'm guessing that Orange Cassidy is delighted to be working with Trent Seven as he was the glue that held this match together along with Trent Barretta.  Kip Sabian is our SECRET WRESTLING MACHINE!  Sabian and Seven are going to be a FILTHY tag team if TK plays it right.  Sabian/Seven versus the Briscoes, best of seven!

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9 hours ago, Matt D said:

Re: Kip Sabian and the announcers...

A double stomp to a standing opponent is just a dropkick.

Just saying.

Now to be fair. a dropkick doesn't normally end with the attacker standing on their now-prone target.

At the very least, it was a dropkick with an unusually strong follow-through.

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I love blood in wrestling but Sammy and Tay was too much for me.  Takes a lot to gross me out and that did it.  And that's on top of Mox's fucking ear gushing blood everywhere.  I couldn't help but wonder what Jane Q Public would think if she came across this barbarism on a Friday evening.  I do appreciate Mox taking it upon himself to become Mr. Rampage the last couple weeks.

Legit LOL for Orange faking getting lowblowed, then Danhausen following his lead leading to both the women getting ejected.  Great spot.  Orange is the perfect midcard champion for this promotion right now.  He can have an entertaining match with literally anyone and you can use him and Best Friends to get other people on TV and tell some stories like they did here. 

I watched the last two weeks of Rampage back to back (Mox and Takeshita ruled), very good, think I'm back on board if they can keep up this formula.  And I didn't even realize it until now but I missed JR!!

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, DEAN said:

Kip Sabian is our SECRET WRESTLING MACHINE!  Sabian and Seven are going to be a FILTHY tag team if TK plays it right.  Sabian/Seven versus the Briscoes, best of seven!

We all love Tag Team Wrestling, and it's great to see it become a potential option for good (if lacking something special to be a stand alone top singles star) workers like Kip Sabian. Or Josh Woods, Anthony Bowens, Max Caster etc etc. Sweet Stan, Beautiful Bobby, The Anvil, Brunzell, Blair, Furnas, Lafon, etc. etc. So much great talent historically and today better suited for tag team wrestling. I don't take for granted how AEW has given tags importance again. Post-MackMann it's still sorely lacking on the otherside.

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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Coincidentally, I watched the last two weeks of Rampage in a row.  

I 2nd, 3rd, and 4thd kudos for Sammy.  It’s wacky and odd but it works.  He and his wife only elevated the weird that works with the lengths they were willing to go to with the gross blood stuff and PDA.  Yeah.  He can be kinda cringy.  But that’s not always bad for a heel.


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6 hours ago, Brandon Bones said:

Coincidentally, I watched the last two weeks of Rampage in a row.  

I 2nd, 3rd, and 4thd kudos for Sammy.  It’s wacky and odd but it works.  He and his wife only elevated the weird that works with the lengths they were willing to go to with the gross blood stuff and PDA.  Yeah.  He can be kinda cringy.  But that’s not always bad for a heel.


We've gone fully through the looking glass and folks don't realize it. Like the way people describe their hatred for MJF? That's EXACTLY how I felt about Ric Flair growing up as a lil ol mark. 

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Posted (edited)

I'll edit more comments in later, but this ear stuff in Mox-Sammy is just sick and gross in many ways! Points for trying to be different! Hell of a match. Is the "not cleared" stuff with Hangman just a way to not sign the rematch between the two yet? I don't think he should be doing these things if he's not cleared.

Who is Saraya going to pick as a partner? Plenty of choices, but watch her pick Madison Rayne.

Good FTR promo. Gunns gets theirs this Wednesday!

Skye Blue with a good effort. Britt with an ingenious and organic counter to the Code Blue, making Skye slip off due to Britt's strategic lack of glutes. Rebel justifying her existence by unsuccessfully charging at Shida was gold, once more. She's not scared, I'll give her that! Always first to attack...well, trying to, anyway.

Wardlow with squash. Quite the name on his opponent. How the hell are they going to proceed with the Samoa Joe feud, unless Wardlow regains the title?

Main event starting with Trent? vs Trent7 was a nice touch. Very entertaining match, overall. Holy jesus that sell of the bulldog on Trent7! Straight as an arrow on the top of his head! Insane! Wow!

Edited by Shartnado
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Dustin is a great partner for the Best Friends because more than almost anyone in AEW he can hit that "only human in a muppet movie" energy.

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