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4 minutes ago, Craig H said:

How has no one done a spot where they grabbed Sammy's tongue while he was sticking it out?

If Kingston didn't, he should have.

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Posted (edited)

Should be a good show. I think Mox will get a pretty good match out of Penta and Sammy vs Danielson matched up well in the tag a couple of weeks ago. We should have some more clarity on the PPV direction too.

  • Do we get Yuta vs Danielson?
  • Does Jericho defend against Claudio who deserves a rematch or do we get a fresh match?
  • Is it going to be FTR or SITG vs the Acclaimed (or both).
  • If it's the former, do we get Swerve vs Lee?
  • Do they run back Jungleboy and Luchasaurus with a gimmick?
  • Darby and Sting vs Lethal and Satnam?
  • Hayter or Riho vs Storm? Saraya vs Baker?
  • Do they blow off Jade vs Nyla by then or is it entertaining enough to run to the PPV? '
  • Pac vs Eddie?

If we do get FTR vs Acclaimed at the PPV, I think Kingdom costs FTR the match to build to the AEW PPV.

Edited by Matt D
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Seeing lots of "Why is Penta getting a title shot?" whining. My headcanon answer is he's getting a title shot because he took Villano IV's mask in arguably the biggest match of the year in AAA, and I also think that's the real reason this match was made, and I'm hoping they at least mention that it happened.

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3 minutes ago, S.K.o.S. said:

Seeing lots of "Why is Penta getting a title shot?" whining. My headcanon answer is he's getting a title shot because he took Villano IV's mask in arguably the biggest match of the year in AAA, and I also think that's the real reason this match was made, and I'm hoping they at least mention that it happened.

It's because he beat Low Ki in September.

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13 minutes ago, S.K.o.S. said:

Seeing lots of "Why is Penta getting a title shot?" whining. My headcanon answer is he's getting a title shot because he took Villano IV's mask in arguably the biggest match of the year in AAA, and I also think that's the real reason this match was made, and I'm hoping they at least mention that it happened.

They said it last week on Dynamite or Rampage. In fact, they mentioned that both Penta and Fenix basically had a hell of a weekend and are coming in with a lot of momentum.

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Stokel E Hathaway: Super Genius

I'm much more interested in where they go with this than yet another "Guy has to run through MJF's crew to get to him" angle.


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I’ve missed show ending beatdowns. 

I think MJF taking the beating is like Tyler Durden getting beat down by Lou in Fight Club. He’s sacrificing himself to convince people he’s changed but in reality he’s still a devil. 

  • Like 5

And we're starting off hot with Claudio and Wheeler Yuta versus Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia.  Wheeler Yuta is OVER in the 757!  Ange Parker kissing Garcia on the top of the head is solid gold.  Jake Hagar CHEATS! And CHEATS even more in picture in picture!  YAY! CHEATING!  Claudio eases into our babyface in peril role.  Garcia is fucking GREAT beating the fudge out of Claudio.  Jake Hagar is the secret all star of this match. Fun nearfall after Yuta makes the tag!  This match is a hoot.  THE GOOFIEST GIANT SWING IN WEEKS!  Claudio does the John Silver nine part thing to the outside!  Jericho puts over Claudio!  Chris Jericho is fucking awesome.  Well.  I see that the Elite are back.  I see they brung the audio problems from Cincinnatti to Norfolk.  It's Shane Strickland and Keith Lee!  This should be good.  FTR! FTR! FTR! FTR!  THE ASS BOYS!  I can't wait until the Gunns get in the ring with FTR.  The Acclaimed are over in Norfolk.  Oh man, Cash Wheeler and Shane Strickland are GOLDEN in the ring together.  FTR make Keith Lee look like a complete physical FREAK.  We go to picture in picture and Cash Wheeler assume the role of our babyface in peril.  Keith Lee SO needs to go ahead and turn heel.  He is so fucking great at beating the fuck out of a babyface.  Keith Lee and Shane Strickland are so the Midnight Express.  Fun nearfalls as Dax beats the crap out of everyone. DRAGON SUPLEX by Cash!  GREAT NEARFALL after KEith Lee hits a very elaborate Powerbomb. ANOTHER GREAT NEARFALL AS CASH AND LEE KNOCK EACH OTHER OUT!  Yes, this is truly AWESOME.  GREATEST NEARFALL WHEN LEE IS SUPERPLEXED AND CASH HITS A SUPERFLY SPLASH!  GREATESESEST NEARFALL AS SWERVE PULLS DAX OFF LEE AFTER THE BIG RIG!  SHANE STRICKLAND KICKS DAX BALLS INTO OUTER SPACE!*  LEE PINS DAX!  THE ASS BOYS HIT THE RING!  ACCLAIMED MAKE THE SAVE!  So fucking GREAT.  Man, FTR and Swerve In Your Glory are so fucking great.  FEUD FOREVER!  MJF channels Ric Flair and it's fun!  It's the second best HEAT MACHINE in AEW behind the divine QT Marshall!  I can already see the Sammy VLOG Tuesday.  It's going to be like when Fuego Del Sol gets his ass beat.  Sammy Guevara goes all BattlARTS early!  Sammy is fucking great chopping his way into the corner so Danielson can beat the fudge out of him.  Guevara is fucking SPECTACULAR with the Toprope Asai Moonsault!  Tay CHEATS while we are in picture in picture.  Sammy looks fucking great in this match.  JESUS CHRIST, DANIELSON LAYS IT THE FUCK IN.  GREAT fucking lunatic Tope by Danielson.  Cool counter by Sammy into a Spanish Fly. This match is fucking GREAT.  TOPROPE SPANISH FLY by SAMMY!  POISON RANA by Danielson!  BIG KNEE and Triangle Choke!  Oh man, that was great.  Best Sammy match ever!  Oh man, poor Riho.  This isn't going to be pretty.  I forgot that Jamie Hayter is the absolute best at taking a pescada.  Hayter just fucking MAULS Riho in the floor.  GREAT fucking Twisting Suplex by Hayter.  It must rule wrestling someone as tiny as Riho.  Baker, Reba and Hayter are the Dump Army and Riho is the Crush Gals.  Except Hayter doesn't need weapons to beat the crap out of Riho.  NASTY fucking BRAINBUSTER by Hayter,  Beautiful Code Red by Riho,  DRAGON SUPLEX NUMBER TWO BY RIHO!  GNARLY SHORT LARIAT FOR THE WIN BY HAYTER!  That was fucking GREAT.  What a night of wrestling!  PENTA should wear that thing he was wearing when he came out everywhere.  MOX and PENTA channel Wahoo McDaniel and the Mid-Atlantic crowd responds,  BEAUTIFUL Tope con Hilo by PENTA!  Will MOX bleed during picture in picture?  If he is, that's when he does it.  PENTA's catchphrase is OVER in Norfolk!  NASTY PILEDRIVER by PENTA!  FOR TWO!  DOUBLE DEATHRIDER FOR THE WIN!  That was good.  That was weird in that was a good match but it was the least match of the night.  POSTMATCH, ETHAN PAGE MOVES UP THE CARD!  AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!  

*TM Robert Brockway.

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More fake turns (probably)..


Nice to see that we've learned our lesson about cute shooty bullshit over the past few months.

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2 minutes ago, For Great Justice said:

I was watching on mute…did they explain where BCC were at the end?


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1 minute ago, For Great Justice said:

I was watching on mute…did they explain where BCC were at the end?

Their locker room doors were chained shut. Fine attention to detail.

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All in all, that was an entertaining, satisfying 2 hours of pro wres. The roster has been on a roll of Dynamites that have been hot fire in ring.

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I really, REALLY enjoyed that video package of the Elite guys getting Thanos’ed. Probably not for the reasons I’m supposed to, though…

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