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Marvel Phase III Movie Discussion Thread


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Captain America: Civil War comes out on DVD this Monday in the UK. Looking forward to watch the film again and see if my opinion changes or remains the same. I had it in the top three Marvel Cinematic Universe films with Avengers Assemble and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I've seen them more thanks to DVD and TV airings.

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I'm glad Woodbine was able to parlay his role on season 2 of FARGO into a high-profile gig.  He deserves it.

Mike Milligan was an all-time great villain.   This Shocker role isn't likely to reach those heights, but his bank account will do alright, I imagine.

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The best part about Marvel movies to me is that they get me interested in characters I'd have never cared about otherwise. Without them, I'd probably never have read anything Marvel that wasn't Spider-Man or X related.

Now I'm reading through the entire (well, almost) line chronologically. 

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On 09/09/2016 at 6:23 PM, Craig H said:

I'm looking forward to Doctor Strange almost as much as I did Guardians before it came out and for the first Iron Man.

Watching the trailers, this migh be a new entry in the top MCU films.

On 09/09/2016 at 6:34 PM, steve said:

The best part about Marvel movies to me is that they get me interested in characters I'd have never cared about otherwise. Without them, I'd probably never have read anything Marvel that wasn't Spider-Man or X related.

Now I'm reading through the entire (well, almost) line chronologically. 

Before the MCU, I'd only read Spider-Man books and the odd time, X-Men. Now I've read Captain America, Iron Man, Daredevil, Black Widow and Loki books. Captain America is the best MCU character of so many and Ed Brubaker's great Cap run in the comics.


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So I was rewatching Ant-Man, and at the end the way that he ultimately beats Yellowjacket, it's not really clear what happened there. He breaks YJ's suit up, and then bits of him start shrinking at random, and he disappears. Is he dead? Is he in the microverse? He doesn't get changed into red goop like the sheep he was zapping with the shrink ray earlier in the movie, so.... But then it got me thinking about how most Marvel movie villains seem to die, but not in an actual 'dead corpse lying on the floor' kind of way (because that would get them a 15 rating, instead of the 12A they need). So looking at all the movies' villains:

  1. Iron Man 1's Iron Monger: Blown up and dead.
  2. Hulk's Abomination: Choked unconscious but apparently alive.
  3. Iron Man 2's Whiplash: Blown up and dead. Justin Hammer alive and arrested.
  4. Thor's Loki: Fell from the Bifrost, but returned later.
  5. Captain America's Red Skull: Zapped by the Tesseract and who knows?
  6. The Avengers' Loki: Alive and arrested.
  7. Iron Man 3's Aldrich Killian: Blown up and dead. Fake Mandarin alive and arrested, but kidnapped from jail by actual Mandarin later?
  8. Thor Dark World's Malekith: Crushed and dead.
  9. Cap Winter Soldier's Alexander Pierce: Shot and dead. Agent Rumlow: Crushed and alive. Batroc: Alive and arrested.
  10. Guardians o'Galaxy's Ronan: Blasted by an energy ray and... dead? 
  11. Avengers Ultron's Ultron: Deleted.
  12. Ant Man's Yellowjacket: Something.
  13. Cap Civil War's Zemo: Alive and arrested. Agent Rumlow blown up and dead.

Anything I'm missing? Anyone else who might have survived? Anyone know why Tony Stark is so fond of immolating his adversaries?

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On 8/19/2016 at 9:34 PM, J.T. said:

While it does my heart good to see Peter financially secure, part of the charm of the title was Spider Man as blue collar super hero struggling with the everyday things the rest of us battle and still managing to dish out some social justice.

Not sure what to think about JJJ's political transformation.  I always saw him as an old guy out to sell newspapers.   I assumed his anti Spider Man was more of a get offa my lawn whippersnapper thing than a political thing.

JJJ's hatred is that Spidey is seen as the hero he wanted his son perceived as.


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I know it's comic book logic and all, but, if only parts of you shrank, would there be any conceivable way you'd survive?  I mean, if your heart shrank, it wouldn't be able to pump enough blood to the rest of your body; if your wrist shrank, the veins would be too small for enough blood to flow through and your hand would die, etc.

That said, yeah, YJ seemed to blow up (implode) for.... reasons.


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All of him shrank, but at different times. For all we know, he's trapped in the Microverse with original Wasp.

So far, we've seen four of the Infinity Stones: The Space Stone (inside the Tesseract, in the vault in Asgard), the Mind Stone (was inside Loki's sceptre, now in Vision's forehead), the Power Stone (in GotG, now in Nova Corps' vault) and the Reality Stone (the Aether, in the Collector's collection). The Soul stone and Time stone have yet to be seen... any guesses which movie they'll show up in?  I'd say one or the other is bound to be in Dr Strange. But the other... Guardians 2? Thor Ragnarok? Spider-Man? Black Panther?

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Well, I don't see them putting another stone in a Thor film (because Asgard has already had 2 of them), and Spider-Kid isn't really ready to be dealing with Thanos, which leaves Black Panther's movie. And Soul fits better than Time with T'Challa. So possibly the Time stone will be in Dr Strange. Or maybe the first scene in Infinity War will be Thanos easily finding the missing one, to illustrate that the various Marvel heroes wasted time fighting amongst each other & being distracted by lesser problems, and could have made things harder for him if they'd used some sense.

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Call me a nitpicker, but it still bothers me that Thanos being so dedicated to getting the Infinity Gems would simply hand Loki one to get another one he wanted really bad.  I can buy Thanos giving Loki a powerful weapon, but if the end game is to own all of those gems, why would he willingly part with one just to get another?  As a result, he lost both the Tesseract and the Mind Gem.  Not to mention, he promised Loki he would fuck him up if he didn't fulfill his end of the deal.

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