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I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


They're having matches to defend the titles.


You're right, the solution is to give everyone a title.


How do the people who challenge for those titles get to fight for those titles? RhodesDust isn't the problem, it's that their opponents are whoever laced up boots that week.


How do the people who challenge for those titles get to fight for those titles? RhodesDust isn't the problem, it's that their opponents are whoever laced up boots that week.


If they could just find a way to keep emphasizing the idea that the whole Rhodes family is a bunch of charming, offbeat carny folk who don't belong in "modern sports entertainment," they should still be a lot of fun.  Even Cody, who is the Marylin Munster, but could have flashes of a sort of Martin-Sheen-as-Charles-Starkweather good looks and charm.


They don't even need much to keep it going.  Just a series of heel teams who want to suck up to Steph/HHH by being the ones to finally defeat them...and they all fail..and in-between we get the smarmeh southuhn charm-uh of the Rhodes-uh fameleh!  Shit, they should film them driving from town-to-town in a family-appropriate vehicle.  Show them hanging out with the locals at Bob Evans.  I want tons of pre-filmed skits.


You don't need a lot of Authority participation.  Just an occasional bounty they put out and a few angry reaction shots sprinkled here and there.


"Maddox...I thought you said you were going to take care of the Rhodes problem!"

"I'm on it maam!  I think I have just the team!"


Cut to the Rhodes family at partying at Six Flags.


I could be on board with that for months.

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How do the people who challenge for those titles get to fight for those titles? RhodesDust isn't the problem, it's that their opponents are whoever laced up boots that week.


If they could just find a way to keep emphasizing the idea that the whole Rhodes family is a bunch of charming, offbeat carny folk who don't belong in "modern sports entertainment," they should still be a lot of fun.  Even Cody, who is the Marylin Munster, but could have flashes of a sort of Martin-Sheen-as-Charles-Starkweather good looks and charm.


They don't even need much to keep it going.  Just a series of heel teams who want to suck up to Steph/HHH by being the ones to finally defeat them...and they all fail..and in-between we get the smarmeh southuhn charm-uh of the Rhodes-uh fameleh!  Shit, they should film them driving from town-to-town in a family-appropriate vehicle.  Show them hanging out with the locals at Bob Evans.  I want tons of pre-filmed skits.


You don't need a lot of Authority participation.  Just an occasional bounty they put out and a few angry reaction shots sprinkled here and there.


"Maddox...I thought you said you were going to take care of the Rhodes problem!"

"I'm on it maam!  I think I have just the team!"


Cut to the Rhodes family at partying at Six Flags.


I could be on board with that for months.


I think what you're looking for is a return of Colonel Parker and the Stud Stable.


Wheres Ben?!




I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


This is just sad on so many levels.


Feel free to elaborate any time.




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What's with the anti-Too Cool sentiment. Sure it went to shit when Grand Master Sexay was caught smuggling drugs into the US, and "Turn it up". But the original core from 99 to 00 was one of the best, and most consistently over acts they had during that amazing time period.


I think the problem with Too Cool is they wore out their welcome way too long. They were a damn good tag team, but man the whole Too Cool thing became so lame as the years went on. I can remember times soon as their theme hit, I would change the channel. That's the main problem with the WWE. They rarely let guys change with the times. They just are so damn stubborn and force people to stay a certain way well after a point of experation.

No. They were over for as long as they were around. Rikishi turning basically killed them dead. In that guise, they lasted a year. Which is not way too long at all.


And Scotty was over til they finally let him go in 04 or whenever. 


This retroactive Too Cool love is pretty odd to me. They were on cards with Stone Cold and the Rock. I think that may have had something to do with how over they were. Plus the worm is really one of the worst things ever. I hate it 10x as much as the Canadian destroyer.


As long as it took to do the worm back in the day, Scott took twice as long this time. Like he knew it was the last chance he would ever get to do it in front of a WWE crowd and wanted to milk it for all it was worth. I don't blame him, but it couldn't have better highlighted what a horrible gimmick Too Cool were. Any non-troll holding them up as the reason the Attitude era was so much better is lost in a haze of nostalgia and meth fumes.

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As long as it took to do the worm back in the day, Scott took twice as long this time. Like he knew it was the last chance he would ever get to do it in front of a WWE crowd and wanted to milk it for all it was worth. I don't blame him, but it couldn't have better highlighted what a horrible gimmick Too Cool were. Any non-troll holding them up as the reason the Attitude era was so much better is lost in a haze of nostalgia and meth fumes.

It amazes me how badly you miss the point. The point is that Too Cool have more charisma and were more over than guys higher up the card today. Not "Bring back Scotty and Sexay!".





I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


This is just sad on so many levels.


Feel free to elaborate any time.






Perhaps because he knows how much you love my posts and hang on my every word... All I can say is that when you have made statements that put Dank and myself on the same side, you're being pretty foolish. As for elaboration, maybe I'm in the minority in this, but I like to watch wrestling programs in order to see wrestling. It's really not complicated, if I want to watch comedy, there are lots of options. If I want to watch ridiculous melodrama, there are plenty of choices for that as well. On the other hand, if I watch a wrestling program, I don't need any additional back-story besides what is necessary to set up the match, for that matter, if the match is a seemingly random thrown-together affair, that's fine too, as long as it is an entertaining match.


The love for ghastly stuff like Too Cool and the Godfather nauseates me strangely... The worm has to be the single most ridiculous thing I've seen in wrestling and that covers a LOT of ground.


I wonder if it's a Chicken and Egg scenario. 


In the 80's, when wrestling was hot, the midcard guys were super over and popular. In the early 90's when Bret/Shawn/Diesel were on top, people bitched that the undercard were all goofy gimmicks(Hog Farmers, Garbage Men, A Man With a Head Made Out of a Baseball.) If we were on message boards then, you'd see people complaining "Aldo Montoya is no Tito Santana". Then in the Attitude Boom Era, you had a hot undercard again and people look back on them fondly. "Kofi Kingston is no Tito Santana".


Here we are, during a period where wrestling isn't as hot as it used to be, and people are back to complaining about the midcard. Which raises some interesting questions. Do they make wrestling hot or does the popularity of wrestling determine how fans look back on them? Historically we'll be able to look back at this period and talk about all these great Shield/RhodesDust matches, and Chris Masters C-Show stuff, much like I looked back on the mid 90's and saw shit like how awesome Doink was. Maybe Too Cool weren't over because they were Too Cool, but they were over because wrestling was over. 


I don't know the answers but it's an interesting thought.

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As long as it took to do the worm back in the day, Scott took twice as long this time. Like he knew it was the last chance he would ever get to do it in front of a WWE crowd and wanted to milk it for all it was worth. I don't blame him, but it couldn't have better highlighted what a horrible gimmick Too Cool were. Any non-troll holding them up as the reason the Attitude era was so much better is lost in a haze of nostalgia and meth fumes.

It amazes me how badly you miss the point. The point is that Too Cool have more charisma and were more over than guys higher up the card today. Not "Bring back Scotty and Sexay!".



More charisma and were more over? WTF are you smoking and where can I buy some? I recall even the casual fans that would gather at Shorty's to watch RAW when it was the hip thing to do would use the appearance of Too Cool as time to go get another drink or use the restroom.


OSJ has a lot of newsletters to catch up on.


Fortunately, most of them are written in monosyllables and can be read quickly when in the shitter and then put to an appropriate use. 


Y'all are going down a deep, dark path if you start trying to deconstruct wrestling.

But it might get you a job writing for Grantland.

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As long as it took to do the worm back in the day, Scott took twice as long this time. Like he knew it was the last chance he would ever get to do it in front of a WWE crowd and wanted to milk it for all it was worth. I don't blame him, but it couldn't have better highlighted what a horrible gimmick Too Cool were. Any non-troll holding them up as the reason the Attitude era was so much better is lost in a haze of nostalgia and meth fumes.

It amazes me how badly you miss the point. The point is that Too Cool have more charisma and were more over than guys higher up the card today. Not "Bring back Scotty and Sexay!".



More charisma and were more over? WTF are you smoking and where can I buy some? I recall even the casual fans that would gather at Shorty's to watch RAW when it was the hip thing to do would use the appearance of Too Cool as time to go get another drink or use the restroom.


Is there a more stupid argument than "me and my friends didn't like them, so nobody did"?

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I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


I'd argue that Goldust is one of the few with a motivation that just hasn't been explained very well - as a veteran that earned himself one last run and wants to prove that he's still got it.



I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


I'd argue that Goldust is one of the few with a motivation that just hasn't been explained very well - as a veteran that earned himself one last run and wants to prove that he's still got it.


When he came back it was awesome and made a bunch of sense and was a great feelgood moment. Now he's a wrestler wrestling matches.


He's the world tag team champion having one last chance at the spotlight and getting to do it with his brother. All of that #brotherhood stuff. The mutual respect after the four way with Show and Rey, the way he fights back out of the corner against the Wyatts, the way he works the corner lighting the crowd up for the hot tag like a guy who's not just wrestling but really cares. Not only is it there, but Dustin's a good enough wrestler that he can portray his character almost entirely through body language and what he does in the ring. That's why those Goldust chants happen almost every show, no matter where they are, which you seem to be missing entirely. It's all on the screen, right down to the crowd's reactions.


You might have an actual point somewhere within your ridiculous tomfoolerfy but not about Dustin in the last few months, as late as this week. Argue about someone else, because you couldn't be further off the mark here.

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