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Del Rio needs to be breaking arms instead of talking. Too bad they've got Lesnar for that.


I'm not stepping in this Attitude vs. Current Era mess until I start watching the '98 VHS I just dug up. I think I have Goldberg/Hogan and know I have Funk/Foley with Austin on commentary on one of the tapes.


They always get great reactions. It's not Too Cool but this is not Austin on the top of the card either, where people that don't even really care that much are going to show up with their friends because they love the spectacle and will respond to all kinds of goofy shit. 


I agree that los Matadores is goofy shit as well. I just find it more entertaining than bad dancing with faux hip hop gimmicks. To each their own.


EDIT: You know, I inadvertently did step in the Attitude vs. Current Era mess. Good job Waiter. I shall leave you all to your devices now.


I agree that los Matadores is goofy shit as well. I just find it more entertaining than bad dancing with faux hip hop gimmicks. To each their own.


EDIT: You know, I inadvertently did step in the Attitude vs. Current Era mess. Good job Waiter. I shall leave you all to your devices now.

I'm not even trolling. It's very disappointing.


I wonder if the people who clamor for the return of the Attitude Era have gone back to rewatch that shit. Rewatching the episodes on On-Demand and if it doesn't involve a big name main event guy like Austin, Rock, Hunter, Taker, etc it's going to likely be incredibly embarrassing or just outright shitty. I can gladly go the rest of my life without hearing Michael Cole on commentary discussing Val Venis' latest feature with Jerry Lawler or whoever it was. I'd take this era, as homogenized, bland, and vanilla as it is, over the Attitude Era every day. At least I won't feel dirty, ashamed, or embarrassed by what I'm seeing.

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I wonder if the people who clamor for the return of the Attitude Era have gone back to rewatch that shit. Rewatching the episodes on On-Demand and if it doesn't involve a big name main event guy like Austin, Rock, Hunter, Taker, etc it's going to likely be incredibly embarrassing or just outright shitty. I can gladly go the rest of my life without hearing Michael Cole on commentary discussing Val Venis' latest feature with Jerry Lawler or whoever it was. I'd take this era, as homogenized, bland, and vanilla as it is, over the Attitude Era every day. At least I won't feel dirty, ashamed, or embarrassed by what I'm seeing.

Nobody wants the Attitude Era back. I just want midcarders that aren't all boring as fuck.

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You want Vince Russo. Russo's big thing was that even all the midcarders and jobguys had character and motivations.

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I never thought I'd type about how much I'm enjoying Brie Bella in the ring.


She is the far better Bella in every possible way. But I was cracking up when she kept yelling in the run up to every move.



I was laughing too, but at the same time I sort of loved it? It's like she has a sonic scream she channels into physical strength.




All of those guys got reactions because wrestling itself was such a big deal. They had a huge list of awesome workers on top that got the crowd going. But dudes like Too Cool and The Godfather would be DOA if they started these days.


That's an absurd thing to say. You just have bland taste in pro wres. Not everyone has to be an angry short guy who always has *** matches. Sometimes you need a pimp.


Oh man, FSW, you're my dude, but you've got Gregg all wrong.  He's just as big a fan of big goofy gimmicks and silliness (Witness his love for Emma, Bayley, Enzo Amore and all things ECW) as he is guys wrestling *** matches.

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Yeah, all the soon to be over midcarders are on NXT.


But they'll get tired as hell after being on TV 3 times a week for two years.

Are they all "charismatic" the way Big E is? Because I'll pass if they're anything like he is.


Big E is funny as hell in a quirky way. Well, off television. 


Which leads me to what I think the problem is. If Big E is charismatic when he does his own thing on social media, but is boring as shit when doing whatever the WWE's writing team asks him to do, it indicates that the problem with being boring (which FSW is dead on about) is not really on the wrestlers. Well, most of them. 

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Big E is funny as hell in a quirky way. Well, off television.

Which leads me to what I think the problem is. If Big E is charismatic when he does his own thing on social media, but is boring as shit when doing whatever the WWE's writing team asks him to do, it indicates that the problem with being boring (which FSW is dead on about) is not really on the wrestlers. Well, most of them.

Fair point, but I just feel like the discrepancy is so huge between then and now. And guys like Big E don't translate whatever personality they have over to the screen. As much as he annoys me, Punk does. Bryan does. How many other newish stars do?


I never thought I'd type about how much I'm enjoying Brie Bella in the ring.

She is the far better Bella in every possible way. But I was cracking up when she kept yelling in the run up to every move.

I was laughing too, but at the same time I sort of loved it? It's like she has a sonic scream she channels into physical strength.

I just cracked up picturing Brie using FUS RO DAH as a finisher.

  • Like 3

You want Vince Russo. Russo's big thing was that even all the midcarders and jobguys had character and motivations.

Vince Russo being hired to write some of the non-wrestling parts of the show but not being allowed to touch the in-ring stuff or dictate who gets a push probably wouldn't be completely horrible.


Big E is funny as hell in a quirky way. Well, off television. 


Which leads me to what I think the problem is. If Big E is charismatic when he does his own thing on social media, but is boring as shit when doing whatever the WWE's writing team asks him to do, it indicates that the problem with being boring (which FSW is dead on about) is not really on the wrestlers. Well, most of them. 

Wasn't it this very problem that led to the advent of the Attitude Era in the first place? Shitty Gimmicks, bad writing, and a complete lack of enthusiasm about it all from the locker room?


Nobody wants the Attitude Era back. I just want midcarders that aren't all boring as fuck.



I do.  Or at least, all I want is wrestlers who are characters.  I couldn't care less how they look in the ring as long they entertain me.  If they just happen to be good wrestlers, that's a bonus.  One of my favorite wrestlers as a kid was Dick The Bruiser - couldn't outwrestle a trash can, but his charisma overcame everything.  That's what I want in wrestling - nothing but big, dumb meatheads with over-the-top personalities who aren't afraid to look silly.  Brock Lesnar would be perfect if he wasn't being the intense, focused, serious guy.  I want sombrero-wearing Brock with mariachi accompaniment each and every week.  If WWE went out of business in two weeks heeding my advice, so be it.


<---no No NO to that Brock thing.  He's the best thing going on the show right now because of the intensity.  Ryback, on the other hand, was doing a watered down version of silly with the bully thing.   



I usually love Old School Raw, so this was really shitty for me. DDP and his yoga disciple were the only old guys that delivered, and really the new Damien was shit. How the fuck did they not have Flair mention football!?!? And the only thing Rikishi and Friends did was make me wish they'd invented DVR a decade or so earlier so that I could have fast forwarded them then, too.

Lesnar was great, but I could give a fuck if Nick Cage was wresting Big Show at this point. Daniel got about as much reaction as this garbage crowd was giving anyone, but it does look like they're going the lame direction--slow burn Bryan comes to his senses--instead of the awesome direction--Bryan plot featuring Kane to hijack the Wyatts to beat the Authority.





Yeah, it just occurred to me that I didn't need DVR back then because I could just turn the other show on.  I loved the Attitude Era and agree about charisma and shitty mid carders these days and all that, but Rikishi and especially 2 Cool were just lame as hell.  Yeah they'd get a pop, but it was one of those "Livin' On A Prayer" type pops that makes you embarrassed to be in the bar with these people. 


Nobody wants the Attitude Era back. I just want midcarders that aren't all boring as fuck.


I do.  Or at least, all I want is wrestlers who are characters.  I couldn't care less how they look in the ring as long they entertain me.  If they just happen to be good wrestlers, that's a bonus.  One of my favorite wrestlers as a kid was Dick The Bruiser - couldn't outwrestle a trash can, but his charisma overcame everything.  That's what I want in wrestling - nothing but big, dumb meatheads with over-the-top personalities who aren't afraid to look silly.  Brock Lesnar would be perfect if he wasn't being the intense, focused, serious guy.  I want sombrero-wearing Brock with mariachi accompaniment each and every week.  If WWE went out of business in two weeks heeding my advice, so be it.

I blame UFC. There needs to be more guys who wouldn't be credible based solely on looks if they claimed to be an MMA fighter. There need to be fewer guys trying to emulate an actual athlete.


<---no No NO to that Brock thing. He's the best thing going on the show right now because of the intensity. Ryback, on the other hand, was doing a watered down version of silly with the bully thing.

I usually love Old School Raw, so this was really shitty for me. DDP and his yoga disciple were the only old guys that delivered, and really the new Damien was shit. How the fuck did they not have Flair mention football!?!? And the only thing Rikishi and Friends did was make me wish they'd invented DVR a decade or so earlier so that I could have fast forwarded them then, too.

Lesnar was great, but I could give a fuck if Nick Cage was wresting Big Show at this point. Daniel got about as much reaction as this garbage crowd was giving anyone, but it does look like they're going the lame direction--slow burn Bryan comes to his senses--instead of the awesome direction--Bryan plot featuring Kane to hijack the Wyatts to beat the Authority.


Yeah, it just occurred to me that I didn't need DVR back then because I could just turn the other show on. I loved the Attitude Era and agree about charisma and shitty mid carders these days and all that, but Rikishi and especially 2 Cool were just lame as hell. Yeah they'd get a pop, but it was one of those "Livin' On A Prayer" type pops that makes you embarrassed to be in the bar with these people.

I know that feeling, I get it whenever people cheer for CM Punk. Its like "why cheer for such a painfully patently awful person?".

Except Kish and 2 Cool were great.


You guys are right Kofi, Miz, Truth, 3MB, Khali etc are far more entertaining than 2 Cool, Godfather, Val. I'm all for good wrestling but if we're being realistic this is the most vanilla, boring roster ever. I don't care about 80% of these guys. And crowds aren't exactly going nuts for CodyDust, the Usos or any of the other tag acts.


There's a balance, but right now they're vanilla as fuck. With good matches.


Funny thing is considering how kid-centric the WWE is now, they would probably be doing a lot better business if they had more 2 Cool-type acts. Kids are easily amused and would probably love nothing more than to cheer/chant along to a catchphrase like NAO's every single week. 

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