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What's with the anti-Too Cool sentiment. Sure it went to shit when Grand Master Sexay was caught smuggling drugs into the US, and "Turn it up". But the original core from 99 to 00 was one of the best, and most consistently over acts they had during that amazing time period.

I think the problem with Too Cool is they wore out their welcome way too long. They were a damn good tag team, but man the whole Too Cool thing became so lame as the years went on. I can remember times soon as their theme hit, I would change the channel. That's the main problem with the WWE. They rarely let guys change with the times. They just are so damn stubborn and force people to stay a certain way well after a point of experation.

No. They were over for as long as they were around. Rikishi turning basically killed them dead. In that guise, they lasted a year. Which is not way too long at all.


It's one of those internet opinions that suddenly becomes a fact for some reason. Too Cool was over and hot up until the Rikish heel turn. GMS got caught soon after and Scotty became useless thus ending their run.

Scotty seemed to be in great shape last Monday. Rikishi and GMS looked old, but all signature spots were hit and looked crisp so you won't hear me complaining.

Well Scotty is a fireman now, right? So it makes sense for him to be in shape.

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So, as one of the skimmers of this thread, I just have to ask:


Are people really arguing that pro wrestlers DON'T need characters, storylines, or anything that would appeal to maybe 95% of the audience?



Da fuck.

Well, there are some crazy people out there who want a wrestling promotion that has a "pure sport" booking philosophy.



So, as one of the skimmers of this thread, I just have to ask:


Are people really arguing that pro wrestlers DON'T need characters, storylines, or anything that would appeal to maybe 95% of the audience?



Da fuck.

Well, there are some crazy people out there who want a wrestling promotion that has a "pure sport" booking philosophy.



And here I was thinking the point of being a "professional" was to make money.



Bad News Barrett @WadeBarrett 21h

You wouldn't have heard a peep out of me at #OIdSchoolRAW if Papa Shango had been on that stage. #BNB




Now I am sad that what FSW said about Wade being knocked down every time he finds something is true. :(


The Godfather would instantly be one of my top five favorite acts in the company if he showed up and offered Miz, Kofi and Curtis Axel rides on the ho train every week so we didn't have see boring, lifeless matches that never lead to anything. 


I don't know if others feel this way, but my nostalgia for the attitude era and all of the characters was stemmed when I started watching old Royal Rumbles and realized how truly thin and boring the roster was. 


No one's arguing that.

Some people have decided to argue against it as if others were.

Some people have decided to give the rest of us a migraine.

Well, there was ultimodank up there with the "matches are good so product cannot be improved upon!" deal.


The Godfather would instantly be one of my top five favorite acts in the company if he showed up and offered Miz, Kofi and Curtis Axel rides on the ho train every week so we didn't have see boring, lifeless matches that never lead to anything. 


I don't know if others feel this way, but my nostalgia for the attitude era and all of the characters was stemmed when I started watching old Royal Rumbles and realized how truly thin and boring the roster was. 


I can't say I quite feel that way, but the gap is jarring when you watch those Rumbles alongside Rumbles from a few years earlier. 


A lot of what made the Attitude era great to me (I was 16-17 in 1998) was filth like Val Venis and the Godfather, plus of course Stone Cold and Rocky.  And the rest of the obvious things, like DX being all shooty and how unpredictable and off the wall everything was.  The roster was obviously more top heavy than it is now, but the raw mid-card talent was about the same.  The whole thing is just too neutered now (please, no Kai En Tai jokes...)


Someone also mentioned UFC ruining the tough guys, but I think UFC has also lent credibility to some of the smaller guys by showing that a smaller guy really can kick a bigger guy's ass. 


As for the Shield, they're just three good friends in paramilitary gear who like kicking the shit out of people.  They came in to make a statement, made it, and now enjoy violence for violence's own sake. 


The Shield came in talking about providing justice, albeit from a heel perspective. But they were always mercenaries doing Heyman's bidding on behalf of Punk-- Maddox explained this after he did his evil ref bit and got destroyed as a result. Now they work on behalf of The Authority and even admitted as much when Randy was trying to throw his weight around and they gasfaced him.

They've always been money grubbing whores working for whoever. They started beefing with Punk and Punk started lipping off about The Authority. But during the in-between periods of pay days, they just destroy dudes in order to increase their stock as the Blackwater of the WWE.


I think the problem is that the announcers haven't stressed this at all and that's the problem. But their characters and motivation are pretty clear to me.

I think they've also done enough in their promos to show who each of them are as individuals. Reigns is the trash talking, laid back powerhouse. Rollins is the overly cock aerialist expert/technician. Ambrose is the sleazebag brawler who can't back up his claims of being the baddest man alive.

I agree that The Miz and Kofi and R-Truth and Khali blow. I haven't made any claims otherwise. They're pointless and I don't pay a lick of attention to whatever they do. But there are a lot of guys who do have roles and characters. The announcers don't do a great job explaining it but it's there if you dissect it. You can make an argument the WWE has actually decided to "show and don't tell" and trusts the audience to get what's going on. They didn't really spell out what happened w/ the ref who cost Daniel Bryan that one match against Randy because he was on the take -- it was just clear that's what happened and HHH fired him in order to cover his tracks.


No one's arguing that.

Some people have decided to argue against it as if others were.

Some people have decided to give the rest of us a migraine.

Well, there was ultimodank up there with the "matches are good so product cannot be improved upon!" deal.

Never said there aren't there can't be improvements. For me good matches are the #1 thing I want and we've been getting a lot of those. Prowres is not Breaking Bad, I'm not watching for the incredibly layed story.

Plus I think people are overly critical. Look at the Shield. Has there been one misstep with that story? It's been pretty spot on if you ask me. Sure they fuck things up but hasn't it always been that way?


I had a big post and it was all about not having wwe stock and how we're arguing personal preferences instead of something objective and how basically people are arguing what they want to hear instead of what people are saying and how it's devolved, but fuck it. I'm just posting this instead.



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I think the Shield may be the most perfectly booked..."thing"...since Batista's run. It's so strange how the writing and booking staff can be so incredibly committed on some fronts, and be just as wishy-washy and directionless on others.


I think I would prefer there being a storyline or a feud revolving around each of the titles, one or two additional mid-card feuds, and then matches to display athleticism and move wrestlers up or down the ranks.

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I think the Shield may be the most perfectly booked..."thing"...since Batista's run. It's so strange how the writing and booking staff can be so incredibly committed on some fronts, and be just as wishy-washy and directionless on others.


I think I would prefer there being a storyline or a feud revolving around each of the titles, one or two additional mid-card feuds, and then matches to display athleticism and move wrestlers up or down the ranks.


 Yes, this.


I realize that what I want out of a wrestling promotion is not what makes a company the size of the WWE tick. I want great matches, dramatic feuds, and angles that don't make my kids ask "is that supposed to be funny?"  With that said, for the most part, 2013's WWE in-ring product has made me happy. I have a dvr so I can generally avoid the really stupid shit and focus on what I want. This is how wrestling on tv is going to work moving forward. The days of people (over 14) sitting through a shitty three hours of filler for the 20 minutes they really want to see are over. TV as a whole is changing and wrestling will have to keep up.

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Someone once told me that people generally don't watch wrestling shows to think.  Maybe it would be better if they DID explain things rather than simply imply them.


I think the Shield may be the most perfectly booked..."thing"...since Batista's run. It's so strange how the writing and booking staff can be so incredibly committed on some fronts, and be just as wishy-washy and directionless on others.


Absolutely.  That's why I didn't get why everybody was so eager to book Roman's face run just because he gave Ambrose a dirty look once.  I love this super slow build, where the faces are trying to make Roman turn on Ambrose/Rollins and vice versa, yet none of the Shield are having it.   It's going to mean more when the break does finally happen.

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I think the Shield may be the most perfectly booked..."thing"...since Batista's run. It's so strange how the writing and booking staff can be so incredibly committed on some fronts, and be just as wishy-washy and directionless on others.


Absolutely.  That's why I didn't get why everybody was so eager to book Roman's face run just because he gave Ambrose a dirty look once.  I love this super slow build, where the faces are trying to make Roman turn on Ambrose/Rollins and vice versa, yet none of the Shield are having it.   It's going to mean more when the break does finally happen.



I think we'll get a break from somewhere we didn't expect, too- Roman and Ambrose will get back on the same page, and everything is fine until Seth Rollins discovers a lost stash of Jeff Hardy blacklight paint.



People use The Shield as an example, but it's basically three guys that wear black and enter the ring through the crowd. Not much else. They don't have this outstanding personality beyond Reigns' enforcer bit. The other two are just guys. 


It's all about motivation. What do The Shield want? I have no idea. I don't really know what most people want in that company. I don't even know if WWE Superstars care so much about winning matches as they do "having moments". Solid wrestlers, but why are these three guys together? Early on it seemed like they were trying to stop "injustice" or something... now, they show up when you need some heels that can bump around. 


That's a great point. A direction, an aim, would be a huge step. But as wrestlers, these guys don't do anything beyond wrestle. I'm not saying the Ho Train/Worm/etc were awesome moves that should make a return, but these guys had a character and portrayed that character from start to finish. In the ring now, everyone just has good matches. And I get why that's a good thing and I certainly don't want 4 minutes matches to come back, but I'm not entertained by guys just wrestling well. There needs to be some flavoring to it. 2 Cool came out dancing, danced through their matches, and often got owned. Godfather never won anything. D'Lo Brown shook his head a lot and lost almost as much. These guys were all way, way over compared to the superior talent that's out there today. These guys have no character, no charisma, and they never do anything to even get one. It's killing their heat and boring.




No one's arguing that.

Some people have decided to argue against it as if others were.

Some people have decided to give the rest of us a migraine.

Well, there was ultimodank up there with the "matches are good so product cannot be improved upon!" deal.

Never said there aren't there can't be improvements. For me good matches are the #1 thing I want and we've been getting a lot of those. Prowres is not Breaking Bad, I'm not watching for the incredibly layed story.

Plus I think people are overly critical. Look at the Shield. Has there been one misstep with that story? It's been pretty spot on if you ask me. Sure they fuck things up but hasn't it always been that way?


A valid point for sure, but there's a happy medium that can be achieved. If everyone is having *** matches all of the time, then a *** match isn't really anything to write home about.


I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


This is just sad on so many levels.

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I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


This is just sad on so many levels.


Feel free to elaborate any time.


I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


I care enough for both of us, big guy.

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FSW can't help it if, as a WWE viewer, you have been condition to think everyone who larger than life shows it. When the big boom in the 80's happened, you had arseholes running around in tassels, emotion fueled everything, and even the women were over (Wendi Richter, anyone?).


You can't tell the stars from the jobbers these days. Hence, outside of the people that have been there for fucking ever or it seems like it, none of the roster makes the crowds excited. Dead crowds really can kill a show. But so can those arseholes who want to be a part of the show, but that's another story.


I'll go one further: I don't care about RhodesDust because Goldust isn't doing anything to make me care any more. They have lots of good matches sure, but they're having matches to have matches, not because they have any sort of reason to post-Shield.


They're having matches to defend the titles.

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I'm pretty sure if Daniel Bryan had been wearing tassels he would still be champion right now.

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