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  1. Technically Maddox was clapping too but that probably doesn't count. I am convinced Teddy thought Orton was headed to the ring for a tag match that Teddy had set up earlier in the show. He was operating on muscle memory.
    8 points
  2. The long-run plan should be a beard vs beard match where if Daniel Bryan loses he has to shave and if HHH loses he has to divorce Stephanie.
    8 points
  3. Daniel Bryan beat Randy Orton. Daniel Bryan beat Sheamus Daniel Bryan beat Kane. Daniel Bryan beat 3 big dudes in one night. Daniel Bryan beat John Cena. Daniel Bryan has no balls and the crowd has been conditioned to think he's a jobber and he's not Steve Austin.
    8 points
  4. It's one thing to say "He's like our Steve Austin" which I am totally behind, but it's another to be upset that he isn't booked like Steve Austin. I think better than saying "He's our Steve Austin" is saying "He's my hero and I want my hero to win." People complain because they're afraid the WWE will suddenly not like him anymore. They pushed CM Punk when his segments were losing viewers. Summer of Punk didn't go the way we wanted but they followed it up by booking him the longest fucking reign in ever. Look over their roster of faces right now. They NEED Daniel Bryan. He beat the biggest wrestling star in the world two days ago. Clean. They're all in now. The old wrestling fan of the 80's would see Daniel Bryan get beat down and get upset and rally around him. The modern smark fan sees him get beat down and it's "Oh god it's all over! Casual fans won't like it." My son watches Daniel Bryan with the biggest fucking smile, and every time DB gets beat up, he says "He'll get them next time. He just needs to focus." And he'll fucking tell you not to give up on Daniel Bryan. I know you've all been hurt before. I'm still smarting over Ziggler. But maybe we need to take a step back and act like five year olds and rally around our fucking hero.
    7 points
  5. I don't get the hate for the final segment at all. Triple H's micwork was great because he never actually completely turned heel. It wasn't like him going "Daniel Bryan sucks, everyone who cheers for him is a nerd", it was all coded in corporate-speak about "This is for the good of the company" and rah-rah WWE bullshit that we've been hearing for years BUT it was all done in a very heelish manner. This is like post-modern WWE, where the villain is the company who thinks they know what we want and the hero is a guy who is the antithesis of that: he's small, he's not "ripped", he's shaggy, he's uncool, and he isn't buying into the pro-WWE rhetoric. And why would Bryan destroy the "New Corporation" tonight? How would that have been beneficial to him or the angle? I hate to say it, because a lot of folks are gonna be angry at me, but if you hated the final segment...you've probably just been worked. I mean, seriously, WWE has done a slow-build of Bryan over the last couple months. Putting him in segments that allow him to stay over and gradually build up this huge fanbase. Then they gradually increase the push...then a little bit more...a little bit more. Then they put him in the main event, they give Bryan stuff to say that will get him over with the fans/smarks/the internet (Talking about being a "Wrestler", mocking Cena's wrestling, talking (in code) about wrestling in Japan and ROH), they give him the title and then they take it away by putting him up against the biggest opponent of all that stuff: Triple H. You're supposed to be angry over that last segment, because it showed just how much he's up against. There's The Shield, there's Orton, there's Helmsley/McMahon. If Daniel Bryan comes out tonight and beats up Orton and Triple H, the angle is dead because we've already seen him get his revenge. Because Bryan didn't even get a punch in on Orton or Helmsley, you've got to tune in next week to see if he'll get it, and the next few months to see the gradual process where Bryan acquires allies (Big Show, Henry, Ziggler? Kane? Cena?, Austin?) to level the playing field and allow him to get closer and closer to getting revenge on Orton and/or Triple H. Honestly, I wouldn't let him land a punch on Orton or HHH until at least the next PPV, if not later. And Bryan didn't look like a putz tonight, he looked like a guy with tons of guts who'll go through a brick-wall if it means a chance to take a swing at Triple H. WWE is setting the table for a monster-push for Bryan here. I don't think I've ever seen them stack the deck THIS BAD against a face, save for Cena in YEARS. People complaining right now are basically doing the equivalent of going to see a blockbuster movie and grumbling because Vin Diesel/Iron Man/Luke Skywalker hasn't killed the bad-guy-racers/Loki/Darth Vader in the first half hour. This is literally THE FIRST SHOW of an angle that's going to take months. Now, if Daniel Bryan is still getting beat up in 3-4 months and John Cena comes back to save the day for him, THEN you can complain.
    7 points
  6. The new American Dream should be the old American Dream.
    6 points
  7. If anyone actually thinks this is about HHH "burying" Bryan to keep himself on top, time to check into the nuthouse.
    6 points
  8. WWE actively trolling the Internet marks is starting to become equal parts annoying and legitimately hilarious.Do any of you actually just chill the fuck out and watch the show anymore? It's a story. Let them tell the fucking story you instant gratification junkies. Do you stand up in the middle of Batman and scream that Bane is making him look weak?! Just watch the show and see where the story goes before you rush to judgment two segments into a six month story for fuck's sake.
    6 points
  9. This has to be the best wrestling related Vine ever.
    6 points
  10. The lack of missile dropkicks is what ruined the show
    6 points
  11. Daniel Bryan needs back-up. And the only way to fight a McMahon...is with another McMahon.
    5 points
  12. But in Wrestler Physiology Class I learned that if a finisher comes from a blindside attack it is 5 times more potent than if it came in a match in which a wrestler is prepared for such devastating maneuvers.
    4 points
  13. The theme of Austin/Punk/Bryan feuds are the same -- it's how a unique individual has to deal with the agendas of corporate America. But all three have completely different appeals. Austin was a heel everyone liked because he drank beer, cursed, cagey and would never quit. But he was like The Terminator in his obsessive will. He was essentially a bad guy from the comics who went after an even worse bad guy and was beloved for it. I rooted for Austin but didn't always have the most sympathy for him -- if you're Stunning everyone in sight, people are going to want to get theirs. Punk was the dude at work who felt like he had absolutely nothing to lose because he had enough in savings to quit. But he's a natural sh-t stirrer and couldn't resist poking a stick in a hornet's nest just because there was an abusive power structure. He's like the token punk in a high school populated by cool kid jocks who doesn't give one crap. But the only thing, those people have a martyr complex that can get old. That's Punk's fatal flaw -- he has a total martyr complex. It's actually great he has that in both his tell-it-like-it-is face persona as well as his Straightedge Savior persona. Bryan's the most everyman of the three. He's one of us. He looks like us. He's an admitted nerd. I wrote in the August Discussion about my travails in the workplace and how much I see and feel that in Bryan -- I've gotten passed over for not going to a pedigree college or having a messy desk as opposed to being judged on my merits, talent and personality. I had to sell out (bye bye Weezer T-shirt, hello Jos. A. Bank sportscoat) a little bit because the real world doesn't doesn't work like that and I've got a family, debt and various wants and needs that a raise can provide for. But in the exaggerated world of professional wrestling -- the ultimate form of storytelling for the American Common Man -- I get to root for a dude who was given a chance to sell out, held his ground, attempted to become a star on his own merits without any patron pulling strings for him, and now has an entire corporate board scheming against him despite his division turning in the best quarterly profits the company has seen in years. It's how it is for dudes who discovered Pavement in high school or became vegans in college who are faced with the adult fact that you have to work for the man.As Matt D. put it -- Bryan's the Steve Austin for the post-2008 world of young, middle-class (and below) people sold on a failed American Dream, kids who were told their whole lives they can be anything they wanted, did the right things and worked hard and went to college, but now find themselves mired in a mountain of student debt and are forced to take a job working for the man. And when they're there, they quickly see that the system in place treats them like a number essentially there to help a stock price when making layoff announcements during an earnings call with Wall Street advisers, whereas the anointed few (the old guard who hire their children like the McMahon's, the people who look and talk the part and like Randy Orton) have all of the managerial power. Those of us who fit into the first category who have a lot of talent to shine face a huge amount of hurdles (executive vice-presidents scheming to protect their spots with the help of people they know from top 15 MBA programs, allegedly independent corporate boards stocked with the CEOs buddies from the country club) trying to make it to that spot. Bryan dealing with all of the odds stacked against him is the most I've ever related to a wrestling character. When he wins, we all do.
    4 points
  14. The recent trend toward Attitude Era navel-gazing is the worst. On the note about babyfaces not helping Bryan. A) It's heels and babyfaces all lined out so you know some uneasy detente has been reached. One motherfucker makes a wrong move and a prison riot breaks out. How often has every single person switched between babyface and heel? There's no love lost between anyone on the roster. I mean, it was treated as a big deal when Show and Henry said they'd team up because of their history. Bryan, Vince and Hunter have all switched multiple times. I mean, fuck...Daniel Bryan's running buddy for a year was beaten and destroyed by a bunch of psychotic hillbillies and D-Bry didn't seem overly concerned. Do we really expect like fucking Miz to storm the Bastille? Now, would John Cena have saved Bryan? Of course, he would. And then everyone would have made fun of him for being a goody-two shoes. Remember, these are wrestlers who either worked in, or grew up watching the Russoian dystopia that has poisoned the modern wrestling well. They saw when Hacksaw threw down the American flag and donned the Canadian garb. Very little trust these days among babyfaces.
    4 points
  15. You're all either marks or trolls. There is nothing else left. That has always been the endgame.
    4 points
  16. Tonight was about establishing how deep the shit anyone who opposes The Regime is going to be in. Now we know just how big the mountain Bryan is going to have to climb before he gets his big moment. This all ends with Bryan holding the WWE title belt and leading a massive YES! chant. Some of you really need to chill.
    4 points
  17. They had to establish the new heel stable on RAW. There was still questions on how much of an alliance it was. No way should D-Bry gotten any victory tonight. This is the type of stuff people would hate if Cena did it the day after.
    4 points
  18. Unless of course if you have one hell of a roundhouse kick.
    4 points
  19. I just want to know who her friend was. Mike Rotundo.
    3 points
  20. I could look at photos like this all day long.
    3 points
  21. Rony Seikaly, was a stud back then, and is still a stud to this very day.
    3 points
  22. To Triple H's credit, Sunday was a rare time when one of his Cerebral Assassin master plans didn't amount to "hit someone with a sledgehammer".
    3 points
  23. A tiny part of me hopes no one will stand with Bryan and we end up with a video montage of him going to Japan to find the man that taught him the deadly kneestrike that felled the immortal John Cena as back-up.
    3 points
  24. John Cena would've done it, because that's the right thing to do. This is why every else is a miserable Yes man and John Cena has a cool mansion with a waterslide and the big breasted Bella.
    3 points
  25. No, don't ditch the fucking "mop top". What do people on these boards have against wrestlers without fucking douchebag military cuts? Wrestlers should have long hair, just as bikers should have beards. End of fucking story, there is no debate here. Also, were I booking, Bryan would have run over the roster in his vegan food truck and pelted everyone in the ring with tempeh wraps, then get his ass kicked next week, but whatever. I'd also have liked to have seen Show, Henry and Ziggler do some defense. But this angle has a good two or three more Raws in it before any of the whining is warranted. I see a few clusterfuck matches in the future with the eventual win for Bryan and something huge at 'Mania. He's getting that belt.
    3 points
  26. Okay, let's take a face on the roster on the ramp. Say, Christian. He sees what's happening and decides to fight.1) He has no idea of knowing if anyone else will be joining him. 2) He's throwing himself into fighting with The Shield, who have wrecked shop since Day 1 and took out two of your peers tonight AND you're also already hurt. 3) You're leaving yourself vulnerable to getting jumped from behind by any number of worms behind you like ADR, who know doubt would love to snap your arm and prevent you from ever being a rival again. Or even some random heel might want to step up to take you out just to win favor with The Corporate Evolution. 4) Even if somehow you DO even the odds for Bryan, what's the best case scenario for him? He gets his ass beat by Randy, HHH or Vince.5) What's your best case scenario? You'll likely take a beating and now will also draw the ire of this ruthless faction led by people you've seen make lives miserable for decades. And also joining them is a guy in Randy Orton who is a ten-time champion who kicked the owner of the company in the temple and kissed his unconscious daughter in front of his handcuffed son-in-law. And they have three near unstoppable mercenaries at their behest. You're better off being fired instead but are you willing to hit the armories and sell T-Shirts out of your car like Daniel Bryan, especially when you're nearing the end of your career?There's absolutely NO reason if you're a face to do that. You can be the best person in the world but live to fight another day.
    3 points
  27. Fun line I stole from someone else: "Triple H buried his feelings? Well I guess they were the only thing left..."
    3 points
  28. I like how you could have made that same post twenty years ago and while it would have a different meaning, it would still be accurate.
    3 points
  29. I felt we needed Good Guy Drew McIntyre to step in and help Daniel Bryan in that ending segment.
    3 points
  30. I think we should talk more about how we wish Daniel Bryan was Steve Austin and not Daniel Bryan.
    3 points
  31. "You may not be an A, but you are a B-PLUS!" May be the best line Steph's ever delivered.
    3 points
  32. Not gonna lie...Los Matadores trolled me into thinking El Generico was coming with those Oles.
    3 points
  33. Daniel Bryan is also the guy who has spent like a year being a jerk to all those guys and wanting to prove he's not the weak link. It was annoying but I think it can be easily fixed next week. Also, Daniel Bryan is not Steve Austin. He's a small dude and an underdog. The Shield gave him a ton during that final segment. He handled them almost all on his own until he got blindsided. He still got up and finally got taken out by Orton. He didn't look weak at all.
    3 points
  34. The Primetime Players match was really bizarre. Everything about them was different tonight, but the announcers wouldn't come close to mentioning why (even though we all know). Why were the PTP suddenly babyfaces? Why was the crowd so suddenly into Darren Young? Why were they suddenly getting a big win on TV? Of course we know, but they wouldn't address the elephant in the room and it was awkward.
    3 points
  35. The entire roster just stood there and watched all that happen? Show makes a point to mention he and Henry are going after the Shield. Henry doesn't come out to help when they're beating Show. Ziggler gets his ass kicked and no one helps either. What great heroes we have to cheer for. Henry, Show, the Usos, everyone who has ever been attacked by the Shield was just standing there at the end.
    3 points
  36. It was Brock's fault. Punk is right handed not left handed. Brock should have turned around to get into the correct position. And every other time that Punk has done it, where it sucked shit, against all of his opponents, ever, that was all their faults too?
    3 points
  37. "Can we get a photo of him making a weird face/pose? Now, it would be even better if he had something like dust or chalk on his chin! Perfect! Print it!" He looks like Gregory Iron if he stole Bane's venom.
    2 points
  38. Just watched Raw on Hulu plus. Here's a few thoughts (not that anyone cares). For those if you who don't watch Raw on Hulu, you are idiots. It's a good wrestling show without all the schill and bloat of the 3 hour Raw. Also, my wife watched it with me. She isn't a fan, but she will occasionally watch a show with me. She is RIGHTEOUSLY pissed about Daniel Bryan's treatment. She was yelling back at Stephanie's promo and Triple H's "what about me?" promo. She is actually into the story now. After the beat down she said "he's going to kick their asses at some point, right?". So in other words, quit whining. You are being impatient bitches. Also, Step Brothers is a funny movie.
    2 points
  39. We still need a scenario where The Stud Stable saves the WWE from the Corporation.
    2 points
  40. As some comedian whose name escapes me said about David Crosby: "I don't trust anyone who does cocaine and is fat."
    2 points
  41. It's sad for me to realize that Dolph Ziggler will eventually become Daniel Bryan's buddy. He's got enough odds to overcome and then he's gotta do it with that anchor dragging him down at the same time. Poor Bryan. At least Sheamus could've clubbed Dean Ambrose in the chest ten times for you. Maybe Dolph's Hornswoggle inspired offense can cause Seth Rollins to chase him right into a flying knee.
    2 points
  42. I'm a little confused by Bald Bombshell because I thought..... I'm on the other side of this, as WWE has finally gotten me to stop watching after over 25 years....you didn't even watch this show any more.
    2 points
  43. Will be fun to see the Rapeslinger, jus havin fun out there, limping around so everyone sees how brave he is as he gets sacked 7 times a game. He's playin the game the way its sposed to be played!
    2 points
  44. Nice to see Kassius Ohno debut as the fat heckler for Punk. OK show thanks to the Shield matches and that Primetime Players match. That spear Roman gave Dolph Ziggler was right up there with the ones Kaitlyn gives AJ.
    2 points
  45. How can anyone who posts on THIS fucking board claim to know anything about the mindset of the "casual fan"? Every time I see someone posting OH WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CASUAL FAN? it's them over-reacting to something and trying to give their complaints artificial weight.
    2 points
  46. I still don't know which Bella is which. Which is fine since I don't care.
    2 points
  47. My beloved Airedale Terrier, Charlie, models his custom made scarf. Edit: Here he is, in full coat, helping me with some geocaching. I often have people tell me that he looks like a teddy bear when he's like this:
    2 points
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