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Raw 4-27-15


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I don't need to see more Bray. His in ring stuff isn't fun to watch for me and his promos suck. I certainly don't need to see him feud with Ryback.


Yeah...has nothing to do with WWE Creative not having a goddamn clue how to book him. :wacko:


And saying his promos suck proves you may have even less of a clue as WWE Creative.

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It's also a face/heel thing. WWE is a babyface-driven company. It's the role of the heel to be fed to the top face. 


No legit heel threats =  lack of interest/backlash towards the company's appointed face. It gets old and stale if you don't mix it up.  Hogan vs. Andre was huge in part because Andre was a larger than life dude who never lost. Ever.


Not protecting young talent is a bad idea. They could have continued to build Rusev for a showdown with Brock.

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It's also a face/heel thing. WWE is a babyface-driven company. It's the role of the heel to be fed to the top face. 



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Brock taking Rusev to Suplex City wouldn't do much for protecting him either.


You don't book Rusev to be Brock's complete bitch. If he loses, it's in a war.


Rusev ain't that sort of monster and never was. He's a tank, that's for sure, but he just sorta lucks his way into a leaping superkick every match and locks in the Accolade. He's less Goldberg and more...I dunno, a Russian Hulk Hogan.

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And saying his promos suck proves you may have even less of a clue as WWE Creative.

I'm sure the guy with the Bray Wyatt avatar is not the guy that is going to be objective about this, but Wyatt's promos are just several minutes of him rambling about nothing/saying the same things he's said for weeks. When the writers don't give him motivation or something to talk about, his promos become fast-forward material. And they kill the live crowds.

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I don't need to see more Bray. His in ring stuff isn't fun to watch for me and his promos suck. I certainly don't need to see him feud with Ryback.

Yeah...has nothing to do with WWE Creative not having a goddamn clue how to book him. :wacko:

And saying his promos suck proves you may have even less of a clue as WWE Creative.

Edit: We don't like the same things, clearly. That is all.

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And saying his promos suck proves you may have even less of a clue as WWE Creative.

I'm sure the guy with the Bray Wyatt avatar is not the guy that is going to be objective about this, but Wyatt's promos are just several minutes of him rambling about nothing/saying the same things he's said for weeks. When the writers don't give him motivation or something to talk about, his promos become fast-forward material. And they kill the live crowds.


Sorry but you are wrong. I learned over at wrestlingforum that Bray is one of the best ever. Because it's a GOOD thing that to understand his bullshit someone else has to transcribe it so you can read over it multiple times.

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To me, Bray is supposed to be a maniac who becomes obsessed with someone for his own insane reasons, gets into a feud with them, doesn't care really about losing because in his head he did some psychological damage to his obsession de jour, and then moves on. He's like a Super Villain. Dr. Doom always loses in the end but he continues on.

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I always thought Bray's downfall would be that he was too over-the-head for most of the WWE audience. The average neck beard doesn't get Bible references and related prophecies and vivid imagery. I love Bray because his promos are the closest thing to artistic soliloquies wrestling has ever produced. Most wrestling fans would rather scream stuff like OHYOUDIDN'TKNOW. To each their own.

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The only people that Bray Wyatt's character went over the heads of were Vince and the WWE writing team. The fans were 100% into the Bray Wyatt gimmick before they turned him into a blowhard that couldn't back up anything he said.

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I like Bray because I think he is a good actor in a field of mediocre ones. That being said, I have a degree from one of the best religion programs in the country so I can tell you unequivocally that Bray's promos have about as much interesting bible talk as Jim Morrison's poetry. I still like his promos, I still pay attention, but let's not make him something he isn't. He's country fried Raven. People aren't tuning out because it's going over their heads, they are tuning out because it is bordering on nonsensical most of the time, and his character has a very clear pattern at this point: 


1. Appear on screen

2. Cut promo that could be about anyone. 

3. Cut the same promo. 

4. Narrow is down slightly

5. Attack said person in ring after the lights go out. 

6. Win/lose at a ppv. 

7. Do the opposite of the ppv result on a Raw. 

8. Repeat

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