Hail Sabin Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 The Theater I was in popped Hard for the Statlander win & with her history as said by others I think this was the right call. For those calling for a longer build remember it took Athena 3 Months to get her shot at Jade.
Dolphman 3000 Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 2 minutes ago, Craig H said: God, one of them better not be Marty. Flip Gordon is being advertised for a bunch of indies along with AEW talent, so take that for what you will
Goitre Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 13 hours ago, Octopus said: everyone in the house was taking a nap We're a huge, untapped demographic. I've long considered pitching "International Championship Napping" to a TV network. Three divisions: Pure (no drugs/alcohol/white noise), Freestyle (all the drugs/alcohol/white noise), Extreme (Anechoic Chamber where you can hear your own hair grow, on top of speakers at AC/DC concert, runway 2 at Hartsfield-Jackson). The trick isn't falling asleep; it's waking up in the allotted time. 1 2 3
The Natural Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to save my money for AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2023 instead. On Adam Cole/Chris Jericho - Cole has never done anything for me, gone off Jericho as well but going on what people have said, I didn't expect it to turn out as bad as that. 2 1
Just Adam Bay Bay Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 25 minutes ago, The Natural said: Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to save my money for AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2023 instead. On Adam Cole/Chris Jericho - Cole has never done anything for me, gone off Jericho as well but going on what people have said, I didn't expect it to turn out as bad as that. Even as an Adam Cole fan I thought it sounded beyond terrible based on the recap from Meltzers site. I don’t see how that finish was supposed to make him look like more of a badass. I did the same thing you’re doing too. I decided to save my money for Forbidden Door (and what I’m assuming is an MJF vs Okada main event based on the media scrum). 1
Raziel Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 5 hours ago, Dolphman 3000 said: Flip Gordon is being advertised for a bunch of indies along with AEW talent, so take that for what you will That's almost as bad. One of the friends has to be Ibushi, if he's finally cleared.
Steventon Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 (edited) The end of the Battle Royale between OC and Swerve might have been the best thing on this show. OC rules. Cole vs Jericho was god-fucking-awful. Are people still clinging to the idea that Cole is somehow a world class talent? Yeesh. And the finish. And we have to have more of this and the terrible Outcasts vs Britt/Hayter feuds. Hayter vs Storm was as good as it likely could have been given Hayter's injury but still pretty underwhelming. Tag titles, TNT title and Trios matches were all fine. I am always bemused at how strong Billy Gunn gets to look in all his matches. Stat winning the title was a good moment but also felt super underwhelming for it to happen with no build. Jade just won a competitive match fairly, then lost an open challenge straight after. I get they want to protect her, but surely that makes her the face here? Just bad booking here. The world title match was good and everyone worked really hard. It was a bit too tropey for me and I never bought MJF losing but it was decent. AITA was the only match I was really into it, and even then it suffers from the same kind of PWG bloat that a lot of big AEW hardcore matches do where they just blast through all these horrifically violent spots without giving them time to really breathe. Still, there was violence and hate and chaos and that is what I'm here for, so thumbs up. The ending angle felt predictable but I guess the pop for Ibushi debuting will be mega so it's all leading there. I was quite looking forward to this show but honestly, I left wanting to see what CM Punk is going to do more than anything following up here Edited May 29, 2023 by Steventon 2 1
AxB Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 When the main event finished, I was really happy that the victory music was on tape and not the band coming back out. Apparently they did Mox's original Unscripted Violence song, which is an instrumental with no singing or lyrics. I liked the show. Jericho vs Cole was handicapped by them trying to have a no DQ match on the same show where Anarchy was happening, so they stayed away from Hardcore Wrestling and did Attitude Era comedy brawl spots, only tried to do them seriously. It wasn't great, but it's Jericho vs Cole so I bet Meltzer overrates it. Perhaps Jericho can have Cole come on the podcast and they can explain to the fans why the match was good actually. I thought the 4 way was interesting in that they didn't just follow the WWE 3 way formula of having two guys in the ring and the others waiting outside so they could break up the pin when it was their turn. I mean, it turned into that with the selling, but not until we were a while in and people had actually accrued damage. 2 1
colonial Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 Watched parts of the show last night ... missed the first and last two matches given streaming issues. -- I get what they were trying to do in the ladder match but all of the Arn schtick left me with a flat feeling. Too many blood capsules and Arn looked like Abadon's grandfather at the end. On the plus side, impressive highspots for a big man from Wardlow, and Christian can still go at 49. (Unfortunately, there were times were the moves took far too long to deliver. Most matches I saw seemed bloated -- trim five minutes they would be better.) -- Trios match over-delivered, starting with a Top 5 rap from Max Caster. Malakai Black is incredibly crisp in the ring -- his moves hit and his submissions are smart and snug. His moveset is what Marina Shafir should be without the clumsiness and awkward footwork. Anthony Bowens is an incredible FIP -- loved how he found ways to try and escape Malakai's submissions given the no rope break rule. -- Jade-Taya was probably Jade's best match that didn't feature Red Velvet. That "sliding German" from Taya was a great move, and I like the springboard/block rotation from both. I didn't mind the way Jade lost the title -- plays into the storyline of Mark Sterling and Jade being overly confident and you can start a redemption angle with Jade moving forward. (The fans also seemed to appreciate Jade's effort after weeks of silence) -- If KFC wants to bring back celebs playing Colonel Sanders, Jeff Jarrett is right there for the taking. 1
hammerva Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 8 hours ago, elizium said: I never want to hear Wild Thing again The song is fine. Hearing it from some goof in blackface is an interesting choice. And yes I realize that apparently he wears that dumb looking mask regularly at shows. That doesn't say much about his fan base. 1
Zakk_Sabbath Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 Put me in the camp of loving the fuck out of Stat over Jade. I know a lot of you guys believe in the conventional wisdom of 'There should have been a build' - I can't disagree at all with that, from either a business or narrative perspective - but I think with this being a relatively mishyped PPV (new term) it was nice to have one of those big, heel-comeuppance moments that you can put in video packages or 'Best of...' countdowns until the end of time. And everyone on the planet with an Internet connection knows that this was slotted for Grand Slam II last year anyway. 2
Gorman Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 7 hours ago, Craig H said: one of them better not be Marty. I agree - Jannetty might not be able to keep up at his age. 1 8
Octopus Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 So if Kenny has 2 friends that will help them in their journey against the BCC, who is the extra member of the BCC? Mox, Danielson, Yuta, Claudio, Takeshita, and ? Vs Omega, Hangman, The Young Bucks, ?, and ? 3
Zakk_Sabbath Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 (edited) 15 minutes ago, Octopus said: So if Kenny has 2 friends that will help them in their journey against the BCC, who is the extra member of the BCC? Mox, Danielson, Yuta, Claudio, Takeshita, and ? Vs Omega, Hangman, The Young Bucks, ?, and ? I've seen a few people suggest a Golden Lovers reunion of some sort, but I think it would be infinitely more interesting if Callis convinced Ibushi to turn against Omega in much the same way Takeshita did last night. Leading to Omega, Nick, Matt, Hangman, Cole, Strong V Mox, Dragon, Yuta, Claudio, Takeshita, Ibushi I don't follow NJPW as closely as I should, but I've contextually put together that Ibushi is hurt in some fashion, so I'm not sure if this is necessarily possible, but I think it'd be a cool story. Callis slowly taking away every friend Kenny has outside of the other Elite guys, thus sowing the seeds of paranoia within Kenny. They already planted some with Cole last year when Kenny took time off ('I got this, Cleaner'), can he trust their 'new' ally Roderick? Can he trust Hangman after the inadvertent boot last night? That sort of thing. Edited May 29, 2023 by Zakk_Sabbath I know they're wrapped up with Starks right now, but I wonder if 'Bullet Club GOLD' is some kind of clue/hint... Maybe KENNY ends up on the outside much like Hangman did over 2021, and we get to Kenny/Jay/Juice v Hangman/Bucks?
Brandon Bones Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 (edited) Well I guess the next title shot ain’t going to Adam Cole. Not that it matters. Orange Cassidy is the next challenger any way. The Jericho spinning the wheel to make the deal when he came up with this finish. Yeah. A ref stoppage isn’t something you see everyday. I get why coming up with that might be motivating. It’ll help stand out in a show crowded with battle royals, ladder matches, 4 Ways and a gang brawl. But at least put that fucking chain in your fist if that’s how you want to get there. It’s still not great even then. But Adam Cole is a smaller guy who should be a big brain character who outsmarts and pulls rugs out from underneath. Enough bitching. That 4 Way ruled. They didn’t toss away the money angle and I thought enhanced it by putting expected father Sammy on the spot like that. So many callbacks and group sequences. It was wild. I loved every second of it. You can tell MJF likes these guys and really was looking to elevate them and his rep as a general. I also like how even though AEW doesn’t go too far out of its way to mention WWE as a policy. They refuse to abandon its own continuity with characters that aren’t there any longer. Anarchy was a blast. Bare foot in the thumbtacks. Don’t make me retype it. Just read it again. Over and over. Great googily moogily that fucks my shit UP! I liked the in ring stuff better than the crowd brawling. But still an all timer. Giving Yuta the win and getting props from his crew really hits with me. I think Jade/Taya was an unexpected contender. Very good and exceeded my expectations. Plus the morality play of not running your mouth (actually it was Mark that did the mouthing) and getting what you deserve. Welcome back Stat. I love you AEW. Edited May 29, 2023 by Brandon Bones 5 1
Just Adam Bay Bay Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 51 minutes ago, Octopus said: So if Kenny has 2 friends that will help them in their journey against the BCC, who is the extra member of the BCC? Mox, Danielson, Yuta, Claudio, Takeshita, and ? Vs Omega, Hangman, The Young Bucks, ?, and ? My thinking is it’s Mox, Danielson, Yuta, Claudio, Takeshita, Callis (as the build has been focused on him) Vs Omega, Hangman, Jackson M, Jackson N, Ibushi, and Cutler (or Nakazawa in Cutlers spot). That way each team has their own JJ Dillon type that could cost them, and I hope they go with the obvious finish of Callis chickening out of a Golden V Trigger only to eat one anyhow after he’s surrendered. 3
Niners Fan in CT Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 what the fuck was the deal with that singer's mask or whatever the fuck he had on. I'm sure it's been discussed so I'll read through the thread but what the fuck man 3
J.T. Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 (edited) I am no fan of Jade's overlong title reign but holy shit, can we at least do her the courtesy of building up a confrontation between her and Kris before lifting the belt off of her waist? Kris also deserves better than beating Jade after Jade had already worked a decent match against Taya. Main event was off the hinges. I marked for MJF pulling ECW finishers out of his ass and Guevarra and Allin paying tribute to their respective daddy figures by busting out their signature submissions. Edited May 29, 2023 by J.T. 2
Niners Fan in CT Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 Overall.... my god this show was nearly 4 hours but it felt longer to me. It took about 2 hours for me to really get into anything it felt very much like a WWF 1999 PPV and that's not a compliment. The last two matches definitely saved the show. I don't think Sammy or Jungle Boy are ready for main events but all four men delivered, whenever it's MJF vs. Darby Allin it's gold.. Anarchy in the Arena took a few minutes to get going. I hated everything about that stupid ass band they had out there but after they ate double superkicks the match kicked into high gear and was great from there. One of the weaker AEW PPVs and Jericho needs to hang it up soon. Still looking forward to Forbidden Door II 2
Mr. Monday Morning Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 1 hour ago, Octopus said: So if Kenny has 2 friends that will help them in their journey against the BCC, who is the extra member of the BCC? Mox, Danielson, Yuta, Claudio, Takeshita, and ? Vs Omega, Hangman, The Young Bucks, ?, and ? Maybe I'm underselling the politics involved but the obvious choices would seem to be Ospreay, Ibushi & Okada
just drew Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 It’s like some of y’all ( @LF2)don’t understand that I don’t slander adam Cole because I’m jealous of his luscious hair. I am, but that’s not why. I slander him because he isn’t very good. He’s about the least believable “tough guy” on the roster and he got exposed badly by Chris Jericho, of all people. It’s also funny how he’s perceived as this “workrate god” by certain corners of the internet and yet the second the guy across the ring from him is anything less than fantastic, that shit goes right out the window. At what point do we all stop making excuses for adam Cole and just admit that he’s a product of hype and having a brand built specifically to make him look good for however many years? Starks shouldve won, but I always think that. You could go back in time and insert him in the main event of Mania 19 and I’d still think that. Brand loyalty and whatnot. I dug the hell out of that tag titles match. Jeff Jarrett is out here giving monthly seminars on “getting heat while doing nothing” and it’s phenomenal. Karen Jarrett in 2023 makes me so happy. I really thought Christian was gonna win due to chicanery, but I don’t think Wardlow could’ve taken a loss there, so I get it. Toni Storm has deserved better than she’s gotten, so I’m happy for her. That match was a pillowcase full of buttholes, though. I understand the TBS title switch. It keeps Jade strong if it’s not her first match of the night. You can build the rematch in 3 months just as easily as you could’ve built the Statlander return. Four corners match wasn’t really my thing, but everyone worked hard. Thought Guevara really improved his stock here. Hope MJF isn’t legit hurt. This main was extremely my shit. I will give a modicum of credit where it’s due; as babyshit soft as the Bucks normally come off, they at least came off as willing to die, if still not dangerous or tough. Everything worked here, and I loved my guy Yutes getting the pin. Can’t wait for BCC to squash the Elite again in the double ring cage…. 4
The Natural Posted May 29, 2023 Posted May 29, 2023 4 minutes ago, just drew said: It’s like some of y’all ( @LF2)don’t understand that I don’t slander adam Cole because I’m jealous of his luscious hair. I am, but that’s not why. I slander him because he isn’t very good. He’s about the least believable “tough guy” on the roster and he got exposed badly by Chris Jericho, of all people. It’s also funny how he’s perceived as this “workrate god” by certain corners of the internet and yet the second the guy across the ring from him is anything less than fantastic, that shit goes right out the window. At what point do we all stop making excuses for adam Cole and just admit that he’s a product of hype and having a brand built specifically to make him look good for however many years? Starks shouldve won, but I always think that. You could go back in time and insert him in the main event of Mania 19 and I’d still think that. Brand loyalty and whatnot. I dug the hell out of that tag titles match. Jeff Jarrett is out here giving monthly seminars on “getting heat while doing nothing” and it’s phenomenal. Karen Jarrett in 2023 makes me so happy. I really thought Christian was gonna win due to chicanery, but I don’t think Wardlow could’ve taken a loss there, so I get it. Toni Storm has deserved better than she’s gotten, so I’m happy for her. That match was a pillowcase full of buttholes, though. I understand the TBS title switch. It keeps Jade strong if it’s not her first match of the night. You can build the rematch in 3 months just as easily as you could’ve built the Statlander return. Four corners match wasn’t really my thing, but everyone worked hard. Thought Guevara really improved his stock here. Hope MJF isn’t legit hurt. This main was extremely my shit. I will give a modicum of credit where it’s due; as babyshit soft as the Bucks normally come off, they at least came off as willing to die, if still not dangerous or tough. Everything worked here, and I loved my guy Yutes getting the pin. Can’t wait for BCC to squash the Elite again in the double ring cage…. At the press conference, MJF had his forearm taped up. Legit injury from the top rope powerbomb spot with Darby Allin. Can't remember who reported it, PWInsider or SRS.
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