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4 hours ago, The Natural said:
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I didn't realize Willow and Ruby had team shirts. Cool

That was probably the least I've liked a Darby match. I wonder if Juice Robinson's real name is Bruce Robinson but someone asked and miss heard his answer and he just ran with it.

Gunns come out dressed suspiciously in grey sweat pants...

I Know some people here hate Jarrett but let us have one old school guy we have 90 ROH/PWG american indy style guys...

Nice of Best Friends to leave Paul Walter Hausen out to dry while "Jane" played.

Name of the group should be Total NonStop Associates 

Kings of the Black Throne v 21st Century Vato Loco's

This felt like an overly complicated plot by HOB to mess with them. Much like a James Bond villian who has to dick around instead of just killing 007. Decent match but what a head scratcher.


Seems like anytime the ladys get the big spot they deliver. TAYJAYAS come out looking like they just got off a shift at hooters, but Willow and Ruby are dressed for gruella war! Craziness! Is Anna dead? I'm glad that Ruby has moved the No Future kick to a mid match mover and using the blade runner as a finish. How about that close up at the end!

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I thought Willow and Ruby were paying costume tribute to Mr Pogo, but it was the Dudley Boys. So then Ruby bled enough to pay tribute to Mr Pogo anyway, so it evens out.

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Posted (edited)

Sorta fun Main Event, but I very much prefer these terrific posted highlight clips better than the actual match. I grew up watching Paul Orndorff murder ppl with piledrivers and have a tough time with it not being the deathknell. Especially those thru tables at ringside. Regardless, they had a nice finish here. Great visuals from Roo-bay. Like @Gordlow mentioned a 'Good' Darby Allin match is kinda disappointing. I think @CurtMcDirt is also onto something with the talk of Juice being a better baby. I can't say I was a huge fan (of what I saw) of his team with young Finlay, but he worked well as a face in peril er Rick Morton. Ah whatever, Robinson is a better Janela. And I presume a nice likable guy. A weak Rampage usually follows a formula of at least 1, 2 in this case, embarrassingly bad talk segments. Ya know, maybe not everyone does love the Acclaimed!?! At least outside the Caster entrance raps and the in-ring. I liked seeing Paul Walter Hauser eat a guitar, but just awful TV before that. Also, (hey Mansury) curb this AEW production from these badly timed (see way too fast for flow) Replays. And bring over that Dunn style slow then fast that is the best thing on Connecticut TV. Ugh, not really a surprise that the shitty House-Kingston/Ortiz storyline kinda ruined the match. The post match was kinda cute tho. I really wish they didn't try to cram so much stuff into this show. The big pictorial 'coming up' screens in the bottom left are fucking distracting and completely unnecessary. Just put some time in after the match and properly sell what's coming up. It wouldn't be the end of the world to just cut one of these segments. Maybe the Book of Hobbs (LOL)? Or Swerve hobknobbing with (who) Rappers? Get it done Mansury.

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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My wife walked by during the Darby match and asked me if Juice was the Geico Caveman buffed out.  

I said yes.  Why not?  She’ll never know the difference.

I still don’t get the Acclaimed.  I mostly just feel old and tired when they’re on tv.  Just one more reminder AEW is not my thing and that’s ok.

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It's crazy how Anna Jay & Tay Melo/Conte have great hardcore matches not on Dynamite or PPV (first against The Bunny & Penelope Ford and now The Dudley Sistas, I mean Ruby Soho & Willow Nightingale). Honestly, I want to see them go "Hey, let's do that exploding pool death match Onita did!" and Tony Khan would probably nod and agree and it'll be on Rampage.

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Posted (edited)

Did people not notice Ruby slapping Willow in the chest when they walked out and saying “Willow, GET THE TABLES”? Ruby bled enough for everyone, Willow almost killed Anna twice (DVD on apron very close to a dangerous botch, power bomb to floor was a dangerous botch). I feel like the announcers were sort of mocking the bag of tacks which I kind of agree with, it’s been done a lot now. Still, glad to see Ruby get a big win finally and I need the Willow-Ruby t-shirt.

HoB is not for me and this whole angle sucks, so I didn’t pay much attention. Free Brody King.

Jarrett as the classic Memphis shit heel is starting to work for me some, as long as he keeps taking Ls and putting people over. Still, I’d rather not see a celebrity angle and I’m still waiting for Jarrett to angle himself to the top of the card.

Acclaimed/Gunns was a fine cheap comedy bit that didn’t go too long and reminded us that, at some point, Daddy Ass is going to have to return to his boys.

Missed the opener.

Edited by JLowe
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Have to agree with Gordlow - the main event made this one. We were lucky to have three kick ass ladies' tags this week - though I really enjoyed Ruby/Willow's tune-up on Dark, this one was next-f'n-level. TayJay are completely unironically becoming very good at the hardcore style, and I'm here for it big - and Ruby, my God. King sized tonight. Willow had some really great power moves tonight too, I'm a little bummed the powerbomb didn't go as well as it could've but hey, that's wrestling. 

I also need to admit: I haven't seen a ton of NJPW Juice, I really only tune in for the big cards when time zones permit, so it was a real treat to catch him in the opener - he's come a long way from busting KO's face open. If not for the main, this would've taken MOTN for me. 


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Posted (edited)

So I thought Willow had almost killed Anna with that DVD on the apron but then she proceeded to actually murder her with that jumping powerbomb right onto the floor. Holy fucking shit, poor Anna.

Tay came off great, she really sold her character here and seemed to take control of the whole match.

Ruby’s crimson mask was AWESOME looking, like I was ready for her just to pull out a chainsaw near the end because she looked straight out of a horror movie when the final girl just says fuck it and destroys the villain.


Edited by eikerir
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16 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

It's about anger and distrust boiling over. King can't trust anybody, even someone that has always had his back. Just wait. Santana will probably show up and either get the band back together or King will get pushed out and hate everyone. I can't see Ortiz going to the dark side but it's wrestling. Please Tony, not that. 

Makes sense but you've seen this run of Kingston being "okay, he's finally holding it together," going back to really putting it on the line for Mox and having PnP's side with Jericho. You're right though, it does fit his character and if this means we get "The Mad King" side of his character back I won't complain.

Backfists and angry crying promos for all!


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Just now, GuerrillaMonsoon said:

So if Juice Robinson becomes MJFs new Shawn Spears, what would be their tag team name?


MJuiceF provided that MJF can let someone more talented than him share the spotlight with him for long.


Getting caught up on the action right now, but I’m surprised people are going “ho hum” about a Darby match with a lunatic backdrop over the ropes, a clothesline to the back of his head while he’s midair, and that crazy Stinger death drop. And rock-solid, hurty, targeted offence from Juice to boot. We’re a little spoiled. Maybe people are lukewarm on Juice or something, I don’t know. 

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