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NOC 2013


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I reviewed Night of Champions with pics and gifs here:

Overall thoughts: This was a disappointing show that felt like an extended edition of Raw. Paul Heyman was the star of it but they didn't deliver on him getting beaten up nor did they really deliver PPV quality stuff. Due to the bad booking, the crowd was dead all night which really hurt it.

Some shots from the show:
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I reviewed Night of Champions with pics and gifs here:

Overall thoughts: This was a disappointing show that felt like an extended edition of Raw. Paul Heyman was the star of it but they didn't deliver on him getting beaten up nor did they really deliver PPV quality stuff. Due to the bad booking, the crowd was dead all night which really hurt it.

Some shots from the show:
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I actually missed most of the show, got home from work just in time to catch the last few minutes of the tag title match and on, but....





I don't actually understand the longterm booking here, as the chase seems to be where the money is, but...



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Did seem a bit fast, but not overly.  From the ref bump on I was expecting one of those horrible double pin, each ref says a different guy won finishes.  The clean end surprised me, but...



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It seems kind of dumb, if they want to do another month of Bryan chasing, to have already given us the visual of him getting a clean win.  Why not screw him during the match?


It seems like the heat to see Bryan pin Orton again will be less than the heat to see him finally get the win, no?

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I think DB's getting his title stripped, but I do not think Orton is going to get it back. HHH made the specific point to tell Orton 'I'm not sure you're the guy.' So I think the title gets vacated and we have a stipulation match for the undisputed title at Battleground.

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A. I can't believe Daniel Bryan keeps looking so weak.


These idiots.


B. I can't believe they put the title on Daniel Bryan.


These idiots.


A. Problems with Execution.


B. Problems with Theory.


I know it's a lot of fun to be ironic and point out how people have been complaining and are still complaining but it's completely missing the point.

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A. I can't believe Daniel Bryan keeps looking so weak.


These idiots.


B. I can't believe they put the title on Daniel Bryan.


These idiots.


A. Problems with Execution.


B. Problems with Theory.


I know it's a lot of fun to be ironic and point out how people have been complaining and are still complaining but it's completely missing the point.





Ideally, I think, the second half of the feud would have seen Bryan getting screwed tonight without actually getting to beat Orton yet...and then consistently getting the upper hand for the next month and Orton hiding behind stipulations...building up momentum as Bryan looks inevitable until somehow he gets Orton cornered in a cage or something.

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Man, could that crowd not be bothered to care about anyone other than Punk and Bryan. It's almost like booking your midcard as an amorphous blob of Mendoza-liners for years leads to apathy.

On the other hand, the presumed Dusty finish tomorrow is perfect. Bryan got to be champ for a few minutes the first time, then makes it 22 hours or so this time before HHH screws him over again. Bryan needs to go apeshit this time around, though, instead of just shrugging it off and seething.

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