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5 hours ago, EVA said:

Yeah, I enjoyed this episode.  The bit with the truck and Mando fighting without his armor was probably the best action set piece they’ve done this season.  Felt like a Spielberg scene.

It reminded me of a cross between Wages of Fear and the final level in Halo. 

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5 hours ago, EVA said:

Yeah, I enjoyed this episode.  The bit with the truck and Mando fighting without his armor was probably the best action set piece they’ve done this season.  Felt like a Spielberg scene.

The one thing I didn’t really care for was Mando taking his helmet off.  Moreso how they executed it, because I get what the were trying to go for.  It just lacked the showmanship necessary for it to really resonate.  It was weirdly tossed off, probably because this was a major character moment for the lead in an episode that was primarily interested in shoehorning in a redemptive arc for Bill Burr’s character so he can be a hero on the Rangers show.

I don't think Burr is going to have any interest in taking a full time acting gig by co-starring in a tv series. I think popping up here and there to collect a decent paycheck is all you can expect from him. 

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15 hours ago, LoneWolf&Subs said:

Who knows really? Burr did try during this episode, so he’s clearly been taking classes to improve. I really don’t think I can watch another Star Wars show, though.

He's also a transphobic piece of shit, so hopefully he won't get any more air time.

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The truck sequence was also a favorite for me. It looked like they did some exterior location shooting for those scenes on that planet. If not, they did a great job making them look real authentic.

IMHO, sometimes the sets and landscapes in Mandalorian do feel a bit claustrophobic. This episode I think offered a better sense of space and scope. 

But the truck sequence was very much a cinematic level action sequence.

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Speaking of things feeling sometimes feeling “small” on this show, I was listening to The Watch’s pod about this episode, and they got a lot of mileage busting on the fact that the terminal containing top secret Imperial info is 1) located in the corner of a dining hall (???), and 2) apparently accessible by anyone with a face, regardless of if they work for the Empire or not.

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15 hours ago, EVA said:

Speaking of things feeling sometimes feeling “small” on this show, I was listening to The Watch’s pod about this episode, and they got a lot of mileage busting on the fact that the terminal containing top secret Imperial info is 1) located in the corner of a dining hall (???), and 2) apparently accessible by anyone with a face, regardless of if they work for the Empire or not.

I guess it's like using the Wi-Fi at public library.   But it is a base and a user can be red flagged if they are on the list so that makes it a little better..     Speaking of The Ringer,  nobody does a better job covering Star Wars than Mallory and Jason.   Jason is so hilarious on those pods. 

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18 hours ago, EVA said:

Speaking of things feeling sometimes feeling “small” on this show, I was listening to The Watch’s pod about this episode, and they got a lot of mileage busting on the fact that the terminal containing top secret Imperial info is 1) located in the corner of a dining hall (???), and 2) apparently accessible by anyone with a face, regardless of if they work for the Empire or not.

Yeah that's a fair point on how easily Mando was able to get that info other than the fact that it was in an Imperial Base. Even the Star Wars universe has computer hackers they call data slicers, which are canon. You would think their computer terminals would have facial recognition or password encryptions. When R2 does it with his little probe cylinder, it's believable and easier to look aside because he's a robot interacting with other robots. 



I guess it's like using the Wi-Fi at public library.   But it is a base and a user can be red flagged if they are on the list so that makes it a little better..     Speaking of The Ringer,  nobody does a better job covering Star Wars than Mallory and Jason.   Jason is so hilarious on those pods. 

Empire having bad data security I guess is somewhat consistent going back to original trilogy.

Edited by TheVileOne
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The Empire and First Order having poor security in general tracks. It's like they put all of their money into giant space cannons and suits of armor for Stormtroopers and had nothing left over for even a simple firewall.

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If I wanted to get a no-prize here, I'd say that:

1.) This wasn't exactly super secret information. It was more of getting into the system and accessing the phone directory. You can't access it from the outside, but it's not exactly a major piece of intel.

2.) The empire's primary concern would be a droid accessing the system because that could cause a DDOS, so just ensuring it's a human is enough.

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I didn't have any problem with Din just needing to show his face, but I do kind of wish some of the Empire's shitty security protocol would be played up for laughs. Not to like a Hogan's Heroes level, but something. As it was, I just sat there thinking of course a face scan wouldn't matter.

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Moff Gideon’s location (and apparently access to his communication frequencies) wouldn’t be a major piece of intel?  He’s clearly one of the top leaders (if not THE top leader; I don’t think we’ve heard of anyone over him yet) of what’s left of the Empire.  That would be gold to the Republic (or anyone who might want to take him out/fuck with their plans...like a vengeful squad of bounty hunters).  You definitley wouldn’t want that in anyone’s hands.

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7 minutes ago, EVA said:

Moff Gideon’s location (and apparently access to his communication frequencies) wouldn’t be a major piece of intel?  He’s clearly one of the top leaders (if not THE top leader; I don’t think we’ve heard of anyone over him yet) of what’s left of the Empire.  That would be gold to the Republic (or anyone who might want to take him out/fuck with their plans...like a vengeful squad of bounty hunters).  You definitley wouldn’t want that in anyone’s hands.

Wouldn't Thrawn be above Moff Gideon?

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12 minutes ago, EVA said:

Moff Gideon’s location (and apparently access to his communication frequencies) wouldn’t be a major piece of intel?  He’s clearly one of the top leaders (if not THE top leader; I don’t think we’ve heard of anyone over him yet) of what’s left of the Empire.  That would be gold to the Republic (or anyone who might want to take him out/fuck with their plans...like a vengeful squad of bounty hunters).  You definitley wouldn’t want that in anyone’s hands.

Also, and sorry for the double quote, we've also established that the Republic is sometimes as frustratingly useless as Democrats can tend to be. The Republic stuck their fingers in their ears and tried to pretend they didn't hear what Leia was saying about the First Order until a bunch of planets, including the home planet of the New Republic, got blown up. Even if the Republic had intel on Moff Gideon's location, I could see them not giving a shit because to them they probably think that there's not a whole lot of bad stuff that the former Empire could even get up to on the outer rim. That all just seems very on message for the New Republic - Basically everything is awesome until planets start getting blown up.

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I would assume it was as much of a secret as possible, but also I feel like, regardless, the Death Star is probably a little more difficult to hide than one guy.  Once you’ve started building the Death Star, it just is where it is.

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I think then it comes down to the Empire being pretty terrible at this. The entire bureaucratic/governance structure was based around no longer needing the Senate because if anyone gave you any trouble for any reason you could just blow up the whole planet.

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I’ve been watching Clone Wars, which I thought started out kind of slowly, which may have been due to not realizing it basically starts as an anthology.  I’m in the second season now and it’s picking up steam, especially since I just got to the first Mandalore ep. 

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Final episode of the season was nice.


Luke coming in was a surprise. He makes the most sense, but its still hard to believe with Hamill being too old and generally done outside of voice cameos. Considering what we know happens to Luke's students in a decade or two it feels weird knowing Grogu either died due to Kylo Ren or kind of fucked off and did nothing during the First Order's rise in the last trilogy. The post credit scene was neat. Makes sense now why Fennec chose to stick around Boba outside of saving her life. Kind of love how Disney announced so much shit just last week only to have a surprise in the Book of Boba Fett revealed here. With the kid gone I'm assuming next season of Mandalorian is about Bo-Katan getting Din involved in the retaking of Mandalore.


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The final episode was everything.  Filoni/Favreau continue to redeem everyone and everything that went wrong in the latest trilogy.  Lucasfilm said 'Oh yeah that investor conference was cool but fuck you because ...THERE'S MORE..'     stick around for the post credits.  

And Sasha Banks hit a running tornado DDT on a beloved character!  ?

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6 hours ago, Eivion said:

Does the Empire remnants even know Thrawn is alive? Are the remnants even together enough that there is a unified leader right now?

I can't answer the first question but to the second isn't Palpatine building up an army on the outer rim and trying to clone himself and all that shit? 

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2 hours ago, Niners Fan in CT said:

I can't answer the first question but to the second isn't Palpatine building up an army on the outer rim and trying to clone himself and all that shit? 

I believe so, but that army was seemingly only known to the hyper loyal. He also seemed to specifically be making it for his eventual successor in Rey or Kylo. I'm not sure  Palpatine actually got involved with the remnants that became the First Order until he appeared as Snoke. Maybe the books have shed some light on that. I know the comics hadn't last I read.

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