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Gillen said he is off Iron Man after Original Sin for sonething he was offered and couldnt turn down


Hmmm, wonder what that might be. What reception has Gillen's run on Iron Man had?



It's one of the lower selling solos. Hulk and Thor do a lot better. Believe it or not, Deadpool crushes everything.

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Gillen said he is off Iron Man after Original Sin for sonething he was offered and couldnt turn down


Hmmm, wonder what that might be. What reception has Gillen's run on Iron Man had?



It's one of the lower selling solos. Hulk and Thor do a lot better. Believe it or not, Deadpool crushes everything.



Thank you.

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What I've read of Gillen's Iron Man (first 3 volumes) has been decent so far though kind of convoluted as well. He really wasted what could have been a very interesting concept of Tony in space. Weirdly enough at the same time it did make me kind of want to see Gillen writing a cosmic book.

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God damn it, Marvel, get your shit together.

Bleeding Cool and CBR are reporting that Marvel is cancelling the Fantastic Four books just to spite Fox. Also artists are being instructed not to draw the FF and FF-related characers for sketches.

From now on the plan is to only use the Fantastic Four as supporting characters on other books.


This is the kind of bullshit I expect from DC, but I thought Marvel was better than that.

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That is some pretty petty bullshit, that's just giving up money on books that usually sell pretty well for the hell of it.

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I'd be more inclined to believe it if they hadn't just relaunched FF.  Also, the article implies they're going to stop promoting the X-books, if not cancel them outright.  Given how many X-books they publish and how well they sell, it sounds nuts to stop promoting the X-line because you don't control the movie rights. 


In general, I don't see the point.  X-Men and FF both make money for Marvel.  Granted, you undoubtedly have to sell a hell of a lot of tpb's to make what DoFP would bring in, but one drives the other.  A sucessful movie is going to have some effect on comic and collection sales, merchandise sales, etc. - profit streams you do control.  Also, the bump from movies seems like it would be fairly short lived, whereas you're making at least some money from FF on a regular basis (and more from the X books). 


The part about them concentrating on Avengers amuses me greatly,  Has there really been that great a sustained increase in sales due to the Avengers and Iron Man movies?  Iron Man, I could sorta believe.  Avengers has never been a huge seller for them.  Bendis raised the profile a little, and the movie raised it a little more than that, but I doubt the movie is going to propel Avengers into the stratosphere of, say, Batman and X-Men - particularly when the core Avengers books don't tend to feature the same characters as the movie.


Honestly, if that's their plan for Avengers, they need to get Hickman off the books asap.  Nothing about Hickman's plotting and writing seems likely to appeal to the casual moviegoer who is not already a huge comics fan.

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As a side note, Breevort danced around actually denying it.  He dismissed it without ever specifically saying "this is not true" which is...  interesting.


"Is Marvel really cancelling Fantastic Four and not putting them in their 75th anniversary? "

"Plenty of questions about this, many belligerent ones mostly from anonymous posters.

So let me reiterate: I’m going to give priority to answering questions that come from an account with a name. And the belligerent questions just get trashed either way.

Anyway, there’s a lot of fear and crazy going on out in the world as people jump to conclusions and work themselves up into a lather. It was a good weekend for those that profit from such things, I expect.

We are publishing FANTASTIC FOUR. Next month, we will be publishing FANTASTIC FOUR. A year from now, assuming that it’s still selling well, we will be publishing FANTASTIC FOUR. Given enough time, anything can happen—we went a couple of years, for example, without a THOR series, as well as a year and a half with FF, AVENGERS, CAP and IRON MAN not being a part of the Marvel Universe. So anything can happen. But it probably won’t.

And for the couple of folks who punctuated their complaints by saying that they were dropping all of their Marvel books, and switching over to DC—well, first off, you must think that I’m a very simple man. But you can, as always, do with your time and money as you will. I will point out that if the purpose of your endeavor is to insure the continuation of FANTASTIC FOUR, then perhaps buying MORE FANTASTIC FOUR would be in better service to that goal than buying less. Just a thought.

Oh, and James Robinson sent me notes for the 75th Anniversary Special story that he is doing this morning. And as you’d expect, the Fantastic Four are at the core of it."



Seems pretty definitive.

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Just picked up two brand new books from the library I reserved and managed to get first, The Superior Spider-Man (Vol. 4): Necessary Evil and The Superior Spider-Man (Vol. 5): Darkest Hours. Looking forward to get into them.

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Yeah, that's much more definitive than what he had said before.


Rich still doesn't buy it and has dissected Brevoort's entire post.




Doubt is an important thing, up until the point you become a denier. I wonder if Johnston also thinks the explosive experts that brought down the Twin Towers from the inside also orchestrated the vast, global warming conspiracy. Although it makes a little more sense here, as it's within his self-interest to perpetuate the unbelievable.


Dude seems incapable of considering that maybe his "sources" at Marvel could be mistaken, have incomplete information, or could just BE FUCKING WITH HIM. If they even exist. That's why real (read: non-entertainment) journalists don't use anonymous sources.

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