Matt D Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 They've done lumberjacks with straps matches before.
JCM Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 So they have everything in place to make this a Summer Slam 98 HHH/Rock moment where two guys can be made in one match, and they go with the worst stip in pro wrestling history. It makes no fucking sense on any level why Ambrose would pick this stip. I could see Rollins picking it, and surrounding the ring with paid off goons. This reeks of a sabotage to me I guess they want Daddy's little princess in the show stealing match. I'll be happy when my subscription runs out latter this month.
RIPPA Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Most of the crew had left for Australia which is the reason for such a lite show
Matt D Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Did Orton vs Ambrose go thirty-five minutes or something?
victor Posted August 6, 2014 Author Posted August 6, 2014 Unless they plan to have Seth and the lumberjacks beat up Ambrose and not deliver the match like last time.
Biz Smarkie Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Did Orton vs Ambrose go thirty-five minutes or something? According to the updated spoilers i just read on PWMania they did. There was also a ziggler/Rollins match and Dusts/rybaxel match as well.
J.T. Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Obviously there was a typo in the script and Dean was supposed to say Hell In A Cell. Or at least that Is what I am praying to God will happen It is SummerSlam, dammit. Lock 'em in a cage and let 'em beat the shit out of each other until blood runs from their tear ducts. This is the match we all want to see.
Matt D Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I feel like Ambrose's special match should be called the "Walk of Shame" match.
Greggulator Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Dean probably wants people surrounding the ring so Seth can't run away, like he's been doing for pretty much the entire summer. Maybe he should have picked a cage match but Dean's a lunatic, so logic isn't something he does well.
Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Ambrose should have the "Ecstasy and Agony" stipulation as his specialty. Both participants take copious amounts of drugs and beat the shit out of each other. No idea how a winner is determined, but who ever avoids the bats, tentacle monsters, and police should win. 4
JCM Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I get Dean not wanting Seth to run away, but Seth was coming at Dean and brawling with him last ppv. I get not wanting to do a big cage match and showing up the main event, and Reigns/Orton. However, you still could've had a strap match or dog collar match, and accomplished the not letting Seth run away gimmick while putting on a better match.
ebbie Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Well I think the lumberjack thing could be interesting if the writers tried. I mean, think of all the people the Shield did gang beat downs on... I read somewhere the Orton vs Dean match went almost 30 goddamn minutes. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? That would explain the lackluster spoilers... Ain't no body got time to watch Orton for 30 minutes.
J.T. Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I'd have put Rollins in a dog collar or called for a strap match if only to nullify the chances of him using that running stomp finisher. But yeah, strategy and Dean Ambrose are not regular friends.
J.T. Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Could be worse....could be a lumberjill match. This has the potential to actually be awesome, but you'd have to set this up to be the match at the end of the feud. There is no way that the Titty Master should be booked to lose a lumberjill match. 1
Dog Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 He should show up in a tuxedo, confused. He lost his way looking for the studio of that new show "Tuxedo Guys"?
Patrick B. Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 The lack of live results sparked a flood of Twitter rumors that people were being ejected for tweeting spoilers and that WWE was "cracking down" on spoiler-posting websites.
victor Posted August 6, 2014 Author Posted August 6, 2014 The lack of live results sparked a flood of Twitter rumors that people were being ejected for tweeting spoilers and that WWE was "cracking down" on spoiler-posting websites. Nah, I think it's Laredo, those drug cartel people don't care much for wrestling. 2
Spontaneous Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 There was that Homicide-Danielson lumberjack match that was good But yeah, WHY?
BEN! Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 All this fantasy booking about Dean's hobo army is just gonna make it all the more disappointing when we see Sin Cara and Zack Ryder collecting their meager ppv bonus checks. What if they're all dressed like lumberjacks and Sin Cara has a flannel costume with a knit cap sewn onto his mask like Super Calo? 2
Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 All this fantasy booking about Dean's hobo army is just gonna make it all the more disappointing when we see Sin Cara and Zack Ryder collecting their meager ppv bonus checks. What if they're all dressed like lumberjacks and Sin Cara has a flannel costume with a knit cap sewn onto his mask like Super Calo? Then Sin Cara becomes my favorite wrestler of all time!!
Spontaneous Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I hope we can get something similar to that awful Cena dive at Payback last year
odessasteps Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I'd have put Rollins in a dog collar or called for a strap match if only to nullify the chances of him using that running stomp finisher. But yeah, strategy and Dean Ambrose are not regular friends. They could show piper/valentine to hype the match and hype the network. Yeah, clips. pG and all that
The Green Meanie Posted August 7, 2014 Posted August 7, 2014 These are the only Spoilers I could find, Laredo is kind of a strange choice to hold Smackdown in, not much of a town. I don't know if it's the same way in other states, but in Texas Raw and Smackdown have specific cities they run based on demographics, i.e. Raw is run in predominately whiter towns like Dallas and Austin, Smackdown is usually run in more urban towns like Houston, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, etc. Heck, until a few years ago, we hadn't had a Raw taped in Houston since the Attitude era.
The Z Posted August 7, 2014 Posted August 7, 2014 I hope Ambrose was under the assumption a lumberjack match means he's allowed to use actual saws and axes.
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