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For the record - the full show looks to be...



Quick Results

Dean Ambrose kicked off the show but was interrupted by Seth Rollins; Ambrose announced that his match with Rollins at SummerSlam will be a Lumberjack match. Ambrose vs. Randy Orton was announced for the night's main event.
Seth Rollins defeated Dolph Ziggler.
Big Show and Mark Henry defeated RybAxel.
Sin Cara defeated Damien Sandow.
Paige defeated Natalya.
Rusev defeated Big E; He and Lana cut a pro-Russia promo after the match.
Chris Jericho cut a promo about Bray Wyatt.
Ambrose vs. Orton ended in a no-contest when Seth Rollins interfered; a huge melee ensued to end the show.

I would have bet that they were going to put the briefcase on the line in this match. MITB at stake, maybe on a pole (where's Russo?). It ruins integrity of MITB so probably better they didn't.


Rusev defeated Big E; He and Lana cut a pro-Russia promo after the match.

Good work Xavier.

Xavier hasn't gotten the black, militant leader role down yet. He needs to bring in Faarooq as his spiritual advisor.




Rusev defeated Big E; He and Lana cut a pro-Russia promo after the match.

Good work Xavier.

Xavier hasn't gotten the black, militant leader role down yet. He needs to bring in Clarence Mason as his legal advisor, PG-13 as their rapping inspiration and Lil Richard Marley as their #1 fan.





I don't like the lack of New Nation stuff lately, but I do like the return of the new Colossal Connection. Show/Henry as dominant heels feuding with the Usos and Dust Bros for the next six months or so would be swank. Maybe them vs. Wyatts in a monster vs. Monster feud.

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Loved the opening bit with Dean and Seth - particularly Dean's wacky stips and him saying Mr. MITB will go broke. Henry and Show squashing Rybaxel was amusing, while Sin Cara-Mr. Border Patrol was wacky. Seth-Dolph was Dolph's best match since his push was killed dead over a year ago. Paige-Nattie was short and fun. Big E-Rusev was a match. Dean-Orton was really good and I was pleasantly surprised to see Dean get a (DQ) win. Good main events for the first and second hour - rest was just stuff.




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Well, Ambrose sold that match about as well as could be done. 


I like that, the New Colossal Connection. Mark and Show as happy shiny babyface destroyers of humans as a tag team is pretty much perfect, though it keeps Mark away from our New Nation crystal-ball-looking. And from people really and truly entering the Hall of Pain again. Wait, I'm getting a whiff of fantasy booking... best to turn away from the trail...


Nice little exchange between Ziggler and Rollins with Rollins referencing Zigs' recklessness and Zigs' joke about the suit. Also good work to have Zigs hanging out with his molly dealer and resident selection of hos. Their match was perfectly fine for two guys who probably shouldn't either be losing and for that matter fighting each other considering their individual Summerslam matches. At least it gave an angle for the show and covered up for the lack of crew.


The announcers called Sandow "Mr. Border Patrol" the entire time. Time to put him in a suit of armor for the next battle royale like his character's antecedent. 


Someone really needs to make a comp of all the great Brock appearances minus the matches last couple years. Nut kicking, mouth busting, bleeding from the head,office smashing, tossing chairs into the crowd, being a fucking animal. "Blood, urine, and vomit" quote should preface each new clip. Put it on YouTube and get a billion hits. 


Wyatt needs to bring back the Asiatic Spike and send Jericho back to Fozzyland pronto. If not, they didn't just drop the ball, they chucked it into a bottomless pit. 


Well so much for a 35 minute Orton/Ambrose match but who cares. Ambrose is trying to pull an ear off and you want to watch it. This immediately seems better than Rollins/Ziggler as Orton is working underneath which is what Rollins should have done to give the middle-card guy the short-term rub. Ambrose: "C'mon, why don't you put your pressure on". His punches are looking killer now. Good match but of course by the end Orton gets saved, unlike Ziggler, to save his heat since Reigns isn't there for the run-in (bad idea to send him to Australia for this one). Ambrose will bounce back though. 


Guys, it's okay. Dean's lumberjacks will be Preston, William, the X-Files nerds, Reminiscing Guy, the dude bogarting all the Reddi-Whip, Sideshow Bob Jr., and the kid who hangs out in the background stealing stuff.


And yeah, it really did seem like they've scrapped Xavier's group already.


Guys, it's okay. Dean's lumberjacks will be Preston, William, the X-Files nerds, Reminiscing Guy, the dude bogarting all the Reddi-Whip, Sideshow Bob Jr., and the kid who hangs out in the background stealing stuff.

And yeah, it really did seem like they've scrapped Xavier's group already.

What? No Loveburger as lumberjacks?


Ambrose needs to bring in a random hobo dressed up as A-No.-1 to be one of his lumberjacks, so Rollins counters with a Shack cosplayer.



Guys, it's okay. Dean's lumberjacks will be Preston, William, the X-Files nerds, Reminiscing Guy, the dude bogarting all the Reddi-Whip, Sideshow Bob Jr., and the kid who hangs out in the background stealing stuff.

And yeah, it really did seem like they've scrapped Xavier's group already.

What? No Loveburger as lumberjacks?



Dude, they broke up. Again.


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