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Like I mentioned elsewhere, is it really a good thing that the UK crowd enjoyed Adam Rose's music since they are really the only people in the world who still does the Fandago dance.  Their taste is questionable. 


The crowd can die in a fire, though.


Holy shit Adam Rose can't fuck off quickly enough. Stock price fell fir-dy quid every time those east end OllieOllieOllieIllie Ga-Rood goons did that fucking song.


But Harper mugging just before and after his suicida was so great.  Stock price went up six dollars.



Alicia Fox is so awesome, she even made Jerry Lawler entertaining.  Lawler asking in the nerdiest voice possible:  "I hope that was a soda and not an alcholic beverage!" was the first time I've laughed at him in years.


And I liked the Adam Rose segment this week.  It helped that the crowd was trying, but the heel threatening his entourage and him going badass was a nice touch.  It was also nice when they started dancing to the crowd singing his theme.


Now if only the announcers would SHUT the FUCK UP during his entrance. 


Nothing is better than watch Luke Harper doing his old Chikara lucha stuff.  Yeah it doesn't make sense a big man does it but he does it so well then why not.

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I guess what I'm really saying is that the Bray singing shit is killing him.

It's tiring. Love the gimmick, but this horse is getting beat to death. At least the kid wasn't out there. And the matches are still great.

Was super relieved that Bryan kept the title. Doubt he'll drop it unless they get some bad news about the surgery. The show is pretty bland without him. I didn't miss Punk at all because of Bryan...but now...and with The Shield feuding with boredom cubed...I really need something to fill the wrestling nerd spots.

Paige losing like that was stupefying. Barrett's reactions were awesome, though, and that bit after the show sounds like it was amazing.

Adam Rose is fucking awful.



I guess what I'm really saying is that the Bray singing shit is killing him.

It's tiring. Love the gimmick, but this horse is getting beat to death. At least the kid wasn't out there. And the matches are still great.



I like the moments it creates sometimes.  And the visual now when Bray enters is fantastic.  But It doesn't help the announcers trying to sell the crowd singing to Bray like it's this super disturbing thing when they'll clearly sing any goddamn thing.

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When Barrett name-checked London, I was sure he had some dumb pre-scripted insult ready to "turn him heel" because we all know how WWE hates guys getting cheered in their hometowns/countries when they aren't supposed to be getting cheered. I was pleased that they let him soak it up.


Poor poor Paige. She was clearly the sacrificial home turf lamb. As soon as she came out, I knew she had .000004% chance of winning.


I'm not as enamored with Alica as the rest of you but I liked when the guy offered her a beer and she turned it down only to prance around looking for a coke. And the coke shower bit didn't hurt any either.


I only caught the Rollins-Batista match but thought it was really good.  Liked Batista's big bump through the ropes and I really think Triple H is doing all that he can to get the Shield over as being on his level, like when Rollins did that weird spinning takeover and Triple H put his hands on his head like "How did he do that? How are we supposed to counter that?"

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It's kind of astounding to me how good Stephanie has gotten at holding a crowd and being a convincing character.  She used to be so bad...so stiff and unnatural.  She doesn't have the cartoonish charisma of Vince, but she's free and clever and communicating with the crowd rather than just reciting lines at them. 


She's playful.


I already made this joke in twitter, but

If you were hoping for a good Barrett match at Payback, In afraid I have some bad news.

Seriously, RVD just need to please go away.


I'm convinced they need a new top level star asap, during the Barrett segment my friend, who's mild as a far, just went "that dudes a star".

too early to MITB him?



This week:

A guy who just doesn't care enough about the bit to EVEN BOTHER CHECKING A BAG????!!!!!

I mean, the fuck?  I showed up, Dave.  Where are you, Dave?

But no worries because this was made up for by



This Week:

Shield are literally hanging out on a ladder from an OUR TOWN set.  Dean is seriously trying to hold himself back from calling Seth "Emily."  I know he wants to and he knows we want him to.  But with the stock price and all, now's not the time, Dean.  Hush, Dean.  The time will come.

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I'm so damn sick of the song now. If Bray had just let the crowd break it out themselves instead of doing it damn near every single show since this feud started, I wouldn't be contemplating fast-forwarding his promo segments.

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RVD could've done that same match move for move 15 years ago and it would have only last two minutes.

I liked this Raw. I thought everything was pretty good.


Oh yeah, wasn't that black girl in Adam Rose's entourage Cody Rhodes' wife? Never got a real good look at her once she shifted to the back.


Action Bronson being seated right behind the commentary table was my highlight of the night. He was so disappointed in Alicia Fox's behavior.

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So, let's get this straight. Two English champions. One doesn't appear on TV, the other one gets dominated and loses a non-title match.

Oh WWE...

Sheamus is Irish. And if they're in England, they probably booed the hell out of him.

Barrett and Paige.


The Bray Wyatt singing shit is corny as fuck and needs to stop. I watched the first half of RAW with two buddies & we turned it to the NBA Playoffs right before the RVD match and never went back. Who the fuck gives a shit about RVD in 2014?


Was pretty cool to see Alicia Fox get the upset win over Paige. The Sheamus match was fun & stiff. I know the main event was supposed to be Cena/Harper but I've seen that match before, so I wanted to watch Spurs/Thunder instead.


Disappointed they are dragging the WWE World Heavyweight Title situation out another week but whatever.


Are the spoilers in the OP in order? Cause I def saw the Alicia Fox/Page match but didn't see the Shield/Evo stuff or the RVD match. Maybe I wasn't in the room or something, I don't remember. Fuck I'm getting old.

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