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Whedon shows always start off slow. Firefly was the only one that was good from the get-go. The rest didn't find their footing until the second year. As JT said, this ep just felt too piloty to get a good feel.


Also, Whedon characters almost always end up far from where they begin so it's hard to judge anybody from one ep. That said, that Ward guy and the stereotypical Science Geeks did nothing for me. Skye was hot in a "Younger Eliza Dushku Who Can Actually Act" sort of way but her snark is gonna get tired fast. To be honest, Gunn and Melinda May came across as by far the two most interesting characters. 


And too bad Cobie Smulders is stuck on that goofy sitcom because the show really would benefit from her continual presence...especially wearing the form fitting jump suit.


Clark Gregg rules. And about his resurrection:


Yeah, it's pretty clear to me that he died in Avengers. He's a LMD. That's a nice twist since everybody figured it was the other way around. Plus, since with Extremis it's clear they're REALLY trying to tie into movies, it makes sense that they'll have a Coulson Robot on TV in advance of the big Age Of Ultron build

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It still bugs me they didn't go with any established SHIELD Characers. I don't get why they wouldn't just throw one or two in even if they wanted a number of new characters. Just a Clay Quartermain or Contessa or whatever. There's zero downside to it.

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There could be two possibilities for that:


A) They're hoping to some day do a SHIELD movie with Sam Jackson and want to save the "name" characters for that. Like they saved Alexander Pierce for Redford.


2) They're saving the "name" SHIELD characters for stunt casting purposes to goose the ratings every now and then. In which case, please please please cancel Castle so Nathan Fillion can assume his rightful place as Clay.


I see this as sort of the same idea as Lucas's proposed Star Wars "Smugglers" live action series. Instead of focusing on the mythology, it's supposed to sort of exist in the margins of the larger universe.


Off-Topic: How about Darth Vader hawking Pringles? Squeeze every last drop out of that lemon, our Mouse Eared Overlords!

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Its just that the SHIELD characters are so fifth-tier. And maybe that's a reason not to use them at all, but some are fourth-tier and iconic enough to give color to the show but not quite iconic enough to mean something for a movie. TV is the perfect place for them. 

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I agree that the pilot was less than amazing and that the characters weren't that great.  I'll give it a bit of a pass since they had to introduce a lot of stuff and get the monster-of-the-week story done in just 42 minutes.  It would be hard to get more in-depth with the characters in the time allotted.  That said, right now May is the only one I am intrigued to learn more about. 


Also Coulson didn't feel quite the same to me here as he has previously.  I guess there may be reasons for that, but so far it's a bit unsatisfying.


The centipede dude was alright, though I don't know why he had to be powered by Extremis AND Super Soldier Serum AND Gamma Rays AND alien metal and maybe other stuff.  Just seemed to be overkill. 

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I think it's SUPPOSED to be overkill. The people working on Centipede didn't have any clue how to duplicate any of these once in a lifetime origin events, so they tried to make a Supreme pizza and it worked for a month or so before it quit working and the test subject lost his shit.

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I think it's SUPPOSED to be overkill. The people working on Centipede didn't have any clue how to duplicate any of these once in a lifetime origin events, so they tried to make a Supreme pizza and it worked for a month or so before it quit working and the test subject lost his shit.


I was just thinking it would be cool for them to pace themselves and dole out these things gradually over the series.  But we'll see -- maybe it'll turn out for the best.

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Ed Brubaker praises Captain America: The Winter Soldier...

USA Today's latest Sunday Geekersation entry features a Q&A with Ed Brubaker about his upcoming supernatural noir comic book, Fatale. As the comic writer's most acclaimed Marvel story arc is hitting the big screen next summer, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Brubaker talked a bit about the anticipated adaptation. "I read the script and I was really blown away by it," he said. "The tone of it and the Bucky stuff is so perfect and the way I'd want it to be, I was so thrilled to see that. But to me the biggest thing, too, is it's the first time Marvel has put out a movie where there's a specific book the title of the movie relates to. And now they're doing that with Avengers: Age of Ultron. They're putting out a hardcover collection of Captain America: Winter Soldier and that's because that movie is coming out." Ed Brubaker continues, "That is the first time Marvel has one specific book to point people to, as opposed to when X-Men: First Class came out and there's 15 trade paperbacks and people who see the movie don't know which one to pick up. So it's exciting, as the guy who gets royalties for that book."Credit: comicbookmovie.com

My most anticipated movie next year.
"It's really good because I'm gonna make a fuck-ton of money!"I love Brubaker.
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Agents of SHIELD.... wow that was underwhelming as hell. I'd be very happy if the 2 tech geeks were killed in the second episode because they are annoying as fuck!


The most interesting character is Ming Na Wen's and that is because they seem to building her up so when we get the backstory it becomes clear what badass agent she was.



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I really felt like the "climbing a wall" and super leap effects looked really, really bad.


I understand the desire not to mine monumentally obscure Marvel miniseries for characters and events, but considering it costs them nothing it would've been neat to see

Skye as the leader of the True Believers (from the shockingly enjoyable Cary Bates mini of that name from 06 or so) since the Rising Tide seem to be the exact same group.

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I liked it.  (Shocking, I know.)


Definitely far from polished, but enjoyable.  Although, outside Ming Na Wen, man was that a cast of bland white people.


The girl playing Skye...  Hot,yes.  Was it just me, though, or did she seem to be copying the way Eliza Dushku speaks?  Like, her cadence was identical.  It sounded exactly the way Faith would have delivered the same lines.


RON GLASS CAMEO~!  J. AUGUST RICHARDS GUEST SPOT~!  Yeah, those'll help keep me engaged.  Lets get Marsters on the show, STAT. 


Coulson pretty clearly has to be a LMD, I think.  I mean, that's the kind of plot dropping where those that read comics are all "LMD" and those that don't are like "wait, what can't he know?  What's this Life-Model thingy my geeky friends are annoying me with?" but there isn't another way that line makes sense.


There were a few VERY Whedony moments (the integration scenes, the "that corner was so dark" line, a few other one liners.  The bio girl (was she Simmons?  I think so) did come across more or less as "token Joss Whedon quirky sidekick girl" instead being an actual character who happens to be a quirky sidekick girl.  I know Joss co-wrote episode two with his brother and Mo, but after that, I figure the show is going to have to sink or swim without that much involvement from him.  I'm definitely hooked (and, I mean, duh, I own every season of Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse, I own Firefly, I own Serenity, I own all the Marvel Universe films [well, I haven't picked up Iron Man 3 yet, but I will when I get paid Friday...] I'm clearly the assumed audience that they don't need to cater to...)

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It needs to get to season 2, just for How I Met Your Mother ending.  Get Agent Hill to be a semi-regular maybe, get guest spots from Aly and NPH...


If it can maintain a decent chunk of that 11 million+ viewers from last night, it'll be fine.  But that's a big "if."

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