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I've been watching the new version of Battlestar Galactica on Netflix since it expires on October 1st. Got through the first season and it's not bad. I'm a big fan of Edward James Olmos and he's been great in it. Not a big fan of the lady that plays the president or Starbuck. I thought Starbuck was Kate Mckinnon from SNL before I looked it up. The whole Cylon thing reminds me of the Borg. Season 2 started off good so I"ll keep watching.


Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to do the same thing before it expires.

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Well, that last episode of the Leftovers was God awful.  Pretty sure I swerve on that second season.


I think part of my enjoyment of the Leftovers is the polarity it insights in people. I have really enjoyed this season. There have been some clunkers, but the good episodes of TV have been fantastic episodes of TV. I really enjoyed the messiness of last night. It built perfectly to what we saw in the last 20 minutes, which was just brilliantly shot chaos and the first sense of hope that this series has given the viewers. Also, the scene with Nora early into the episode was powerful, heartbreaking stuff.

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Agreed on The Leftovers. It started off very, very slow, but out of the last five or six episodes, I think I only didn't like one. Might have been good to see the ninth episode earlier in the season, but where it was, it explained a lot of what we already saw during the season.

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The novels are bleak and rather uneven.   I think The Leftovers would benefit from the Dexter plan, where the writers of the show just use the premise and go on their own tangent.


If Dexter: The Series had been faithful to the novels, it would've been a horrible show.

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I hate this show Ink Master. This one contest has them picking a tattoo that their rival has to do. So of course they are picking something they aren't good at. Intentionally giving people bad tattoos essentially. I don't see how the participants can come out of it looking well. I'll have to skim through some older seasons to see. They anti-specialization attitude is ridiculous as well. Looking at the last season they had a lot of specialists as judges. Will just have to check out those episodes see if they keep that attitude.

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I ran through The Blacklist this week since friends recommended it and it just popped up on Netflix. Man...it's sad that this passes for a good network drama nowadays. Got to be just a little too formulaic as the season went on, and it seemed like they were just throwing twists out there because dammit, they could. The finale was also a complete and utter mess. Yet because fall TV looks terrible, I'm probably going to be sticking around for season two.

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