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Ring of Honor - 2023

Matt D

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2 hours ago, Log said:

Same. The McGuinness stuff was great, too, but may be hard to watch now with all the unprotected head stuff.


Exactly. That stupid shit ruled Danielson/McGuinness out and that's coming from someone who adores Danielson and really likes McGuinness. I'd put Danielson/Cena, Danielson/Strong, Danielson/Morishima, Danielson/Styles, Danielson/Punk, Danielson/Castagnoli, Danielson/KENTA, Danielson/Joe and probably some I'm forgetting over Danielson/McGuinness.

Edited by The Natural
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On 8/21/2023 at 8:27 PM, Log said:

You really can't go wrong with any Danielson ROH title defense. Dude was on fire.

Agreed. One of the best world title reigns ever from September 2005-December 2006. Bryan Danielson vs KENTA at ROH Glory by Honour V was the best of the lot. *****.

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Shorter show this week with mostly shorter matches. Kiera/Frost only getting 2 minutes was surprising coming off last week, but I love seeing Kiera back in the mix, thought she looked great here.  Enjoyed Leyla vs Leila as well. 

Loving the Athena/Billie angle, fun tag with the Renegades. The double team where Billie got just about spiked on her head looked brutal. Athena and Billie's reactions towards each other throughout has been hilarious. 

The Hollywood Hunk getting destroyed was amusing.  Nice solid main event from ZSJ vs Daniels. 

Edited by DreamBroken
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I haven't seen the last few shows, we cancelled our subscription after the last PPV for all the obvious reasons any reasonable person might not want to pay £10 a month for Dark. But giving Kiera Hogan vs Lady Frost two minutes is a glaring example of where they've gone wrong. Sure, maybe it's too much to ask that we get competitive Claudio or Aussie Open matches regularly, but why give so little time to two women who are slotted at a level where they should be going back and forth and having to struggle for the win a bit? I know the answer is that they're taping before Collision, but it totally ruins what made the first few episodes of studio ROH unique, where nearly everyone got time.

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I'm thinking of cancelling too. Was there anything on last night worth a watch? I really don't have the desire to dig through their whole catalog and watch matches, so instead of that, can y'all name some classics I need to peruse before this experiment is over? I just paid for another month so I might as well get something out of it. Classic title matches, blood feuds, big angles, and -- you guys know me -- anything gory is what I want to see. My classic ROH watching is seriously hurting, as in I can probably count on one hand the classicos from their old days: Cage of Death, Kobashi/Joe and some Danielson is about it. 

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6 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

Can y'all name some classics I need to peruse before this experiment is over?

I would recommend Punk-Joe at World Title Classic, Low Ki-Joe from the first Glory By Honor, and Styles-Danielson at the first All-Star Extravaganza.

Hidden gem: Saints-Prophecy at The Battle Lines Are Drawn

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How about those matches between Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer? I have not seen any Age of the Fall/Jimmy Loves Lacey stuff. Where to start with that? 

EDIT: Shit... how about anything involving Larry Sweeney? Homicide, too. 

Edited by Curt McGirt
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Start from the beginning, when Jacobs and Whitmer become the new version of Lacey's Angels. Then, from there you get Jacobs falling in love with Lacey and Whitmer growing increasingly frustrated with Jacobs lack of focus. 

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Whitmer and Jacobs had some really good matches as a team. Offhand I recall the match against Roddy and Evans from Manhattan Mayhem (5/7/05) and against Roddy and Aries (1/28/06) being especially good. I feel like there are a few more I don't see on cagematch or can't remember offhand. Jacobs and Whitmer had some great matches against eachother in IWA-MS (including a no rope barbed wire match) as well.

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Will catch this week's in the margins but I did want to point out that Lexy Nair has gotten actively good over the last six months. Some of it is clear in the Athena interaction but I think she's very effective here in her reactions and in the way she ends the interview, for instance:


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On 8/25/2023 at 7:35 PM, Curt McGirt said:

I'm thinking of cancelling too. Was there anything on last night worth a watch? I really don't have the desire to dig through their whole catalog and watch matches, so instead of that, can y'all name some classics I need to peruse before this experiment is over? I just paid for another month so I might as well get something out of it. Classic title matches, blood feuds, big angles, and -- you guys know me -- anything gory is what I want to see. My classic ROH watching is seriously hurting, as in I can probably count on one hand the classicos from their old days: Cage of Death, Kobashi/Joe and some Danielson is about it. 

  • Bryan Danielson vs. Low-Ki vs. Christopher Daniels from The Era of Honour Begins 2002.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Low-Ki. Round Robin Challenge 2002.
  • Samoa Joe vs. Low-Ki. Glory by Honour 2002.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Paul London. Epic Encounter 2003.
  • AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki. Night of the Grudges 2003.
  • Homicide vs. Steve Corino. Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies 2003.
  • Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. World Title Classic 2004. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe. Midnight Express Reunion 2004.
  • Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. Punk vs. Joe II, 2004. *****.
  • Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. All Star Extravaganza 2004. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. James Gibson. Glory by Honour III, 2005.
  • Kenta Kobashi vs. Samoa Joe. Joe vs. Kobashi 2005. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong. This Means War 2005.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong. Vendetta 2005.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong. Supercard of Honour 2006.
  • ROH vs. CZW. The 100th Show, 2006.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe. Fight of the Century 2006.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA. Glory by Honour V 2006. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Takeshi Morishima. Glory by Honour V, 2007. *****.
  • Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries. Rising Above 2007.
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On 9/2/2023 at 4:27 PM, The Natural said:
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Low-Ki vs. Christopher Daniels from The Era of Honour Begins 2002.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Low-Ki. Round Robin Challenge 2002.
  • Samoa Joe vs. Low-Ki. Glory by Honour 2002.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Paul London. Epic Encounter 2003.
  • AJ Styles vs. Paul London. Night of the Grudges 2003.
  • Homicide vs. Steve Corino. Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies 2003.
  • Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. World Title Classic 2004. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe. Midnight Express Reunion 2004.
  • Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. Punk vs. Joe II, 2004. *****.
  • Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. All Star Extravaganza 2004. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. James Gibson. Glory by Honour III, 2005.
  • Kenta Kobashi vs. Samoa Joe. Joe vs. Kobashi 2005. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong. This Means War 2005.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong. Vendetta 2005.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong. Supercard of Honour 2006.
  • ROH vs. CZW. The 100th Show, 2006.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe. Fight of the Century 2006.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA. Glory by Honour V 2006. *****.
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Takeshi Morishima. Glory by Honour V, 2007. *****.
  • Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries. Rising Above 2007.

Fixed AJ Styles vs. Paul London from ROH Night of the Grudges, 2003. In my OP, I said Low-Ki by mistake. Bolded the priority picks IMO.

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So, on this past week’s show, after the Workhorsemen/Moriarty match, Lee does a little dance and they linger in the ring a bit on the other two sort of attempting it. Right after, they cut to a closeup of my son in the front. He was so excited to see that. 


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