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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2013 in all areas

  1. "We're taking you bitches hostage"
    11 points
  2. I kind of hate it when you're funny.
    8 points
  3. TWD is like watching WWE but every wrestler is The Miz
    5 points
  4. He put all of his character points into appearance Charisma instead of talent Dexterity. Damn it. Nerd better.
    4 points
  5. Ben Roethlisberger looks pretty good after a couple of drinks that he's served you.
    4 points
  6. Mickie Knuckles likes this
    3 points
  7. The part of the company that wants to embrace wrestling history are the three guys in the Titan Tower basement who lurk on the Observer Board, that they tell to make content for the stupid website and social medias.
    3 points
  8. Jax is so far over his head, when he dies it will be glorious
    3 points
  9. Miz's dad is Zap Rowsdower?
    3 points
  10. Politics didn't need a Keith Olbermann. Sports does. Finally someone with a brain, a voice, and a platform that isn't afraid to attack some real issues.
    3 points
  11. Miz's Dad gets even better...
    3 points
  12. With Booker T being fired as G.M. of Smackdown I was really hoping to see the return of Black Snow. Chet Lemon would be a bonus.
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. OK, I don't think the Prince here would like to kiss this Snow White, maybe put "her" in barbed wire or something.
    2 points
  15. Jimmy Hart just responded to a tweet that our account was mentioned in. Our work here is done...
    2 points
  16. Honestly, that is why I watch very little WWE stuff. Even though there has indeed been a lot of good stuff in the WWE over the years, the WWE style has just never been my preference. When they became the only big game in town, they really ramped up all of the things that I didn't have a preference for, and to me it poisoned the pond. WWE wasn't wrestling anymore, it was "sports entertainment" or an "action adventure male soap opera", and that just didn't jibe with me. So, no matter how great someone might say the stuff with Bryan (or whomever) is, it isn't enough to compel me to watch it regularly, and I really don't know what would. I might get together with friends to watch a PPV, or check out a match online, but I cannot ever see me setting my DVR to record Raw, let alone tune in for three hours on a Monday. That was something that I felt during my in-ring career, as I traveled to so many towns and was a part of so many good companies that featured so much good wrestling... and just nobody sees it. There is just so much stuff out there that is just virtually ignored. I mean, there are some five-star classic wrestling matches on youtube that some random indy uploads, and ends up with 400 hits. Yet someone uploads a recording of a WWE videogame match between Kane & CM Punk, and 10000 people view the fn thing. I don't get it. I think this is something that UFC totally gets right. Although I don't watch it nearly as much as I used to (rarely actually), UFC always used to acknowledge that things like PRIDE or Vale Tudo existed, when it came time to build up a fighter. I don't think that WWE would *ever* plug an ROH or TNA event, but there is no reason to pretend nothing else exists. For example, when they call up Chris Hero, they should run vignettes where he talks about how he learned his elbows from Misawa when he wrestled for NOAH in Japan, and that he was actually there when he died in the ring, etc. Then they show clips of Hero throwing elbows and Misawa throwing elbows, and really try to get over how devastating the "Young KO kid" is. Instead, nope, Kassius Ohno just was some guy off the street with no history at all that walked into developmental one day and started sports entertaining. Yes, you do... and when you leave. I would say that the drama around this is waaaaaaaay overblown, but apparently some folks do get their panties in a bunch about it in the WWE, so I guess it really important. On the indies, the degree of this varies by region. I have been to some places where workers only shake workers hands, but I have been other places where you shake hands with workers, crew, wives, etc. Most places you just walk in, make the rounds and shake hands with everyone already there, and then take a seat and guys that come in later approach you. I have been places and heard stories though where the top dogs expect you to come find them (and in turn, they then "big time" you and act like you are bothering them). I can't imagine a guy like Harley Race going around shaking everyone's hand fifty goddamn times.
    2 points
  17. I'm late to the party here but I wanted to echo the praise Roman Reigns is getting this week. He looked fantastic and it wasn't all just Bryan doing magic tricks. His moves looked great, his trash talk was top-notch and, yeah, he killed Kofi on the way out. Bryan has been amazing but I hope the Shield continue to get some sugar too because they've been a HUGE part of Bryan's ascent as of late. Oh, and might I add, Heyman and Dusty should have jobs waiting for them at the WWE "Sports Entertainment University" teaching promo 101. They were both awesome for different spectacular reasons. I am sorta fat and sorta ugly but I own my house and have had some sex.
    2 points
  18. inch limit. ggggggggggg.....why. is. it...so difficult...not. to. make. most....hack....joke......ever......... okay...I think I'm okay.... I wouldn't want to seem like a newbie around someone who works in print journaliJUSTTHINKABOUTMAEYOUNG,DAVE!!!!!!!!PENISLENGTH@@@JWJJGDLKSJGSGOSJ SDB HALF CHUB OBOB EO O L FL BNL:N Oooohhhh God....That was necessary.
    2 points
  19. You do not have permission to give me permission to give you shit. It makes it less fun.
    2 points
  20. I will never forget this. I went to a house show in 1988 or 1989 at MSG. We were sitting near the entrance aisle, close enough where if you yelled loud enough the wrestlers could hear you. Ted Dibiase had a match, maybe against Dusty? Anyway. He takes a powder and has Virgil do something like shine his boots or rub his back. This older black woman stands up and screams "Hey Virgil...........you ain't nothing but a house nigger". 10 year old me was completely shocked. I had never heard a real person use that word in public. She then explained why she though this about Virgil to the crowd sitting around her. Still one of my most vivid childhood memories. I can still remember what she looked like, and the look on Virgil's face.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. The best part is the context "So they gave CM Punk the ball first, gave him a record breaking title reign, but he fumbled it badly despite being allowed to be the version of CM Punk we all wanted to see. Then they had Danielson beat everybody and he's the biggest babyface the company has had in a decade"
    2 points
  23. I still occasionally have trouble wrapping my head around the idea that WWE not only signed Bryan Danielson, but have pushed him to the point of having clean WWE-title-winning pins over top dudes Randy Orton and John Fucking Cena. I wanna hitch a time machine, go back six or so years, and blow internet minds with my stories from the future.
    2 points
  24. As for the War Games fantasy booking, I'd love a scenario where D-Bry, Cody, Ziggles and Miz need one more for their team after Big Show is forced to join the Corpolution, and Dusty comes out and begs to be the fifth man on their team, and to "seal it with a hug and a kiss" like that money-ass promo from 94 with Dustin. Then, the Shield takes out Dusty, so Daniel & Cody ask Dustin to join. Not Goldust, but Dustin, because Dustin's been in War Games before. Dustin gets all sad and shit because he's nothing without the bodysuit & makeup, and he knows it. So the night of War Games he shows up painted, and the crowd goes apeshit. Before he bleeds for our amusement.
    2 points
  25. YES. The first one is one of my favorite movies. OF ALL TIME. Fight scenes are awesome and Chiba does a great job conveying a dirty fighter with his physicality. I've watched that movie a million times. My little sister, who was four around the time loved them too and would mimic his breathing technique where he pulls his fingers down in front of his face before charging me. In retrospect it's probably weird that I let a four year old watch that movie. But...you know...whatever. Anyway, watch that shit. And if you fall in love with Sonny Chiba get SAMURAI RESURRECTION too!
    2 points
  26. Steen vs. Heigl only works as a heel vs. heel feud. Neither one of them makes for a good babyface.
    2 points
  27. I teach. So it is funny that today I had a discussion with some of them about Rey. One of them was saying, "Has anybody seen Rey Mysterio without his mask. I remember one time he was in the hospital and the camera was on but they didn't show his face." Well I had to explain to them that he wrestled for a long time in WCW because he lost his mask to Kevin Nash. (He knew him as Diesel). I told him to look on YouTube and see it. But I also explained to him how the Rey HE saw wasn't really REY Mysterio Jr. I let him that that when Rey came onto the scene in 96, he was doing moves the American public wasn't used to. "If you think Rey could fly in 2006, you need to see him in 96." They were circling around me while I was explaining this and I think I will give them suggestions matches from his WCW days. Let them know that WWE isn't the only thing that exists.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. I love that people everywhere who probably look like Miz's Dad are making fun of him.
    2 points
  30. Isn't she supposed to be a fashion designer or something? You think she could at least give him some tips to avoid looking like a stoned Judas Priest roadie.
    2 points
  31. Big Show must be a nightmare to watch The Notebook with.
    2 points
  32. I wish I could have been there the first time Maryse met Miz's dad.
    2 points
  33. His eyes say "Please, kill me."
    2 points
  34. Ryback's new smile thing he does it the best because apparently his face has the anatomy of a Muppet. So when he smiles, it just means the lower half of his face lowers and his tongue falls out.
    2 points
  35. I can't express in mere likes how much I likes you.
    2 points
  36. I don't think I can handle any more comparisons to to other shit in popular culture. OMGZ Daniel Bryan is like Taylor Swift and Roman Reigns is like "I'mma let you finish but KOFI KINGSTON IS GETTING A SPEAR"
    2 points
  37. Worse than Walt killing Jesse. Everybody can laugh now, but this board has A LOT of threads and a lot of people in those threads talking about TV shows they're starting to get into; book series they're starting to read, and movies they're interested in seeing. Notes are being taken. Lives will be ruined. See you all in a couple of weeks. I would like to note that I consider myself exempt from these discussions of which you two speak, because my reflections on them are meant to be done in an ironic manner. I'm like a postmodern chair shot.
    2 points
  38. Isn't that kind of, like, the distant past by now?I wish that would stop people from still calling him "Generico" five years from now.
    2 points
  39. Am I the only person who thought that they were hinting that at one point. Kinda figured that was a red herring, though. That's a really good idea and it makes sense
    1 point
  40. ...the Rock? This is more to my point I've been watching wrestling as long as I can remember, and as a black kid I think I was am extra sensitive to some of the more racist elements of what I was watching. I think Ron Simmons is the first black guy I remember being treated like a person in wrestling. Whether or not Virgil was an actual slave is irrelevant to me, because it was basically another example of a black guy being treated like less than a human being. I'm still trying to figure out if I found Koko B. Ware offensive or his fashion sense offensive, but it was one of the two.
    1 point
  41. UFC.com has Matt Brown ranked at #10, so he's a top ten fighter in the only rankings that really amount to anything. Granted it's really a Top 11 since the Champ is ranked above all of the other 10 fighters, but good enough.
    1 point
  42. Yeah I really enjoyed it. If they can keep ol' Andy a bit subdued and play up the strong cast around him I think this could be a very good show.So did everyone else give up on Under The Dome? Probably a good choice. I stuck with it and it really sputtered out at the end. The final episode was one eye rollingly awful scene after another.Bro, we found out who the monarch was! Also, despite Barbie pleading not guilty, everyone is going to be cool with him hanging.The cop chick is the biggest idiot in the world and Junior is the worst actor I have ever seen on television. Pretty much regret seeing it until the finale.
    1 point
  43. Ron Rivera Facts taken from Carolina's fan board: 10 4th quarter blown leads. 2-14 in games decide by a TD or less 0-3 in game openers 0-4 against rookie head coaches ( not couting saints interim coaches) 5 of his 13 wins are against backup QB's (Curtis painter,T.J Yates, Nick Foles , John Beck, and the raiders were down to Matt Leinart and Terelle Pryor as Palmer was injured after 8 snaps) that equals 38% of his wins 2 wins came against the saints led by their interim head coaches 8 of his 13 wins came against head coaches who no longer had that job the next year(includes the 2 saints interim head coach wins) The 5 exceptions were Mike Smith,Mike Shannahan x 2,Dennis Allen and Gary Kubiak. 3 of which had to play backup QB's against us due to injuries. In 2011 we were 1-7 against playoff teams. The single win coming against the Texans led by their backup QB T.J Yates In 2012 we were 2-4 against playoff teams (beat the Falcons and Skins) Only 2 coaches who lost against Rivera with their starting QB's to retain their job the following season are Mike Smith(who Rivera is 1-3 against) and Mike Shannahan who lost to us last year with RG 3 starting.
    1 point
  44. Isn't she supposed to be a fashion designer or something? You think she could at least give him some tips to avoid looking like a stoned Judas Priest roadie. Mr. Hero answers to no one.
    1 point
  45. I totally agree. In the "What Are You watching?" thread someone posted UltimoDragon/Malenko and Liger/MysterioJr from Starrcade, and it reminded me of what I thought was the best aspect of WCW. It felt like it was apart of the WORLD and that their wrestlers represented the company elsewhere. When Tenay or Schiavonne announces that Liger and Ultimo will be fighting for the cruiser title at the Tokyo Dome show, the biggest show in Japan, it made the belt feel super important. Furthermore it created this communal feeling, that you, the wrestling fan, was also connected to wrestling fans thousands of miles away. It made the wrestling in the ring have a certain weight to it, like these guys were competing for world recognition. And ECW had that going a little with the FMW crossovers, but not at the same level. But it made the company feel like a bigger deal. WWE just feels so insular and doesn't feel as big of a deal kayfabe wise despite being the biggest wrestling company ever. There's WWE and then there's everything else. And I kind of like the feeling of being apart of everything else more. I wish WWE would join in.
    1 point
  46. Everyone else in the WW top 10 is either busy or is Nick Diaz. This is assuming there's something wrong with Saffiedine cause that would make more sense for Brown... Fun fight either way.
    1 point
  47. Just for BigFresh, it's Crazy Mary Dobson like you've never seen her before:
    1 point
  48. How have I never seen that belt before? It's amazing.
    1 point
  49. I've seen people mention Orson Welles in Transformers: The Movie. But they're just e-cigarette smoking scarf wearing movie snobs 'cause Transformers was awesome...
    1 point
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