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People who didn't get the role of Negan: Tim Olyphant, Garrett Dillahunt, Matt Dillon. Hmmm...


Matt Dillon to Deadwood season 4?

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Also, while I'm looking forward to Negan, this season is rapidly declining into "Hershel's Farm" territory for me.  It started off hot with 2-3 good episodes before descending into indulgent navel gazing (the ill-timed and overlong Morgan flashback episode) and this past week's dull entry.  I'm hoping we don't get boring bullshit from here on out, only to be redeemed by a good season finale.

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I think they've decided that's what the show is. Sixteen episodes, Peak, trough, trough, trough, trough, trough, trough, Peak, mid-season break, Peak, trough, trough et cetera. You say Herschel's farm, but really most seasons since have pretty much followed the same pattern. The season 5 premier with the Terminus battle was really good, and then it settled into it's slow lifeless trudge for the next few episodes. Not as slow and debating society (T-Dog has no opinion on anything) as season 2, but still making the viewer wait for something to happen.

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Honestly, I think I'd prefer if they slowed things down. Alexandria should not be in existential danger until this new big bad shows up. I'd like it if a) everyone got along in Alexandria, b) everyone in Alexandria wasn't a buffoonish nincompoop, we got some time to build their characters, establish relationships, and show how Alexandria could work instead of just tearing it down from day 1.

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Nah, that guy's name was Wade.  But spot on figuring those are the Saviors.  They're absolutely talking about Negan.  "He only wants ass that's willing."


Wade's turn at the end seemed to come out of nowhere.  I guess he changed his mind after seeing how shitty things were out in the world or something.  Maybe he figured he could bargain his way back in with his knowledge of Daryl's people.  But that's all a leap and I hate when the viewer has to fill in the gaps for bad writing. 


EDIT: talking with a coworker about this, it could be that Wade wasn't going back to Negan; he just wanted to go out on his own with the woman and just wanted to take Daryl's bike and crossbow.  Who knows?


So first Aaron loses his backpack, with its pictures, etc, which makes the Wolves aware of Alexandria.  Now Daryl flaps his gums to strangers, which will bring the Saviors to Alexandria.  I guess they need a new rule: when on a run, don't any kind of identifying information, like photos, and don't talk to anyone.

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Why are there still overweight and big muscular people on the Walking Dead? Did Abraham raid a GNC for enough protein powder to last to end times? Does Eugene have a hidden stash of chunky peanut butter? Seriously, they are scrounging and rationing food, it makes no sense.

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Why are there still overweight and big muscular people on the Walking Dead? Did Abraham raid a GNC for enough protein powder to last to end times? Does Eugene have a hidden stash of chunky peanut butter? Seriously, they are scrounging and rationing food, it makes no sense.


Probably b/c no actor wants to walk around looking like Christian Bale from The Machinist for a weekly tv show.

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So Glenn's alive.


The good: they didn't string it along any longer and even did the reveal right at the start of the episode.  I figured we'd have to wait until February.


The bad: Glenn's death fakeout was a completely needless, pointless plotline and was purely a troll move


The really bad:

Glenn's not going to last because he has a date with Lucille


So who was calling Darryl, Sasha and Abraham on the walkie?  My guess is the timeline is all twisty and that it was someone calling from Alexandria after the place got overrun by walkers.  Maybe they'll come to the rescue with the gas truck and rocket launcher.

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Dang it if they didn't do their dumb walker parade and left them in the quarry, they could've drove the gas truck in and shot it with the rocket launcher and killed all the walkers in one shot.



Not sure if you're serious but just to be nitpicky:


They would have never found the gas truck or rocket launcher without the whole quarry plan.  Both were like 20 miles away in the other direction and they would have only driven that far because of the quarry deal.

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I normally don't read WD spoilers or anything aside from what's posted here.  But if and when Daryl gets killed off I sure as shit hope to find out before it airs.  I fear for my safety since one of my friends is a huge Daryl fan and she'll likely leave a path of destruction not seen since Suplex City.


That said it's good and all Glenn is alive, but still not a huge fan of him.  And it might have been unintentional, but it's fitting the church is the weak point of Alexandria considering the priest is also the weak point from Rick's group.  Going by the previews it's going to be a crazy episode.


But really, if Daryl does die Sunday I'm going to be the guy geared up by the door ready to get the fuck out of there.  The horror...

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Maybe it's because I don't have any friends who would fall into the "casual fan" mindset, but I legitimately don't know anyone who actively enjoys the show. I thought last season was very good and I don't hate the show like I did, but I don't think it's great or anything. I mostly watch because I don't want to feel left out of conversations on the internet. If Daryl dies but everyone keeps watching so will I. If he dies and everyone stops, I will too. Maybe that actually makes me a casual fan, I don't know.

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"Nee-gan?" Huh, I've been pronouncing it "Neg-an" all this time.


What an underwhelming finale and odd place to end the episode. Until the credits started going, I thought the copy I was watching was incomplete and cut out.


Can't wait for all the Alexandrians to die, what an annoying bunch. Except for Dr. Schmitt's Ex-GF, she can stay.

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"Nee-gan?" Huh, I've been pronouncing it "Neg-an" all this time.


What an underwhelming finale and odd place to end the episode. Until the credits started going, I thought the copy I was watching was incomplete and cut out.


Can't wait for all the Alexandrians to die, what an annoying bunch. Except for Dr. Schmitt's Ex-GF, she can stay.

I've been saying "Nay-gan."  Neegan sounds like a joke.

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