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The Walking Dead.

The Natural

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Of course the Walking Dead would have a season finale that's so boring and went nowhere to follow up on what was the best season of the show yet. I feel like nothing important of note happened.

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Game of Thrones influence, innit*? Peak the season before it ends, then have the final episode be casting seeds to bloom in the future. Although it wasn't that uneventful, so much as they had storylines they didn't want to pay off yet, and others they wanted to set up for next year, with the W** guys and that. That Glen sure is tough though. And still has never killed a living human in the show, even though he really should have done right then.


* The Morgan sees Rick for the first time in years, says his name, and then the episode ends without either of them saying one more word to each other is exactly what happened with two GoT characters at the end of season 3. And it was dissatisfying and frustrating then too.


** Here's hoping the Republican party gets their knickers in a twist over that. The letter W is a signifier of evil now, ha ha.

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Show timeline-wise, I don't think it's been even a year since Rick last saw Morgan ("Clear").

Well, the last time we saw Morgan, the group was still in the prison. After that got blown to hell, they encountered Terminus. And finally, Alexandria. If it hasn't been a year, it's at least been 6-8 months.

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That's what they get for having a kid in the show and not having a year pass during/ between seasons. The LOST problem. Thrones gets around that by having the episodes take place over more than ten weeks of storyline time, and having time pass between seasons. More shows should do that.

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I'd say "just don't put kids in shows, they suck anyway" but Carl is probably the best written kid on TV.  Damning with faint praise, I know, but look at stuff like Brody's daughter on Homeland and you'll see just how poorly kids are written.  They're always more obstacles than actual fleshed-out characters.

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Show timeline-wise, I don't think it's been even a year since Rick last saw Morgan ("Clear").

Well, the last time we saw Morgan, the group was still in the prison. After that got blown to hell, they encountered Terminus. And finally, Alexandria. If it hasn't been a year, it's at least been 6-8 months.



IIRC, the events of the show have taken place over the course of a little under 2 years.

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  • 4 months later...

I thought it was okay-ish.  Definitely a slow, "table-setting" episode.  I like that, because of the long-form narrative that TV offers, we can get to see the world slowly unravel instead of having to join things after everything has already gone to shit, as we see in zombie movies.  Things are falling apart exactly as they really would.  We wouldn't go from normal to *BOOM* streetfuls of zombies; it would happen slowly, right under our noses, unnoticed or disregarded until it was too late.


That being said, if it didn't have the built-in Walking Dead goodwill, they definitely wouldn't have had the leeway to make a pilot episode that was so slow.

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They said several times over the course of The Walking Dead that zombies don't exist in this universe, which is why everybody has their own word for them like "Walkers" or "Biters". This is something completely unheard of to these people.

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Cliff Curtis gets cast as basically every non-White ethnicity. He's played quite a few Latino characters but he was also Ozai in that shitty Last Airbender movie. Pretty sure he's also played Arabic and Native American roles. There's an article about it I tried to post but making links work on here is janky on mobile.

Hollywood is pretty shitty toward non-white people.

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I've actually really enjoyed the show. The two leads are pretty good and I like the vibe they're going for with the world falling apart but most people just being too busy with their lives to note what's happening.

Did anyone else assume that the son, tied to his hospital bed and sharing a room with a dying old man, was going to end up zombie food? I really thought that was where they were going with it.

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Did anyone else assume that the son, tied to his hospital bed and sharing a room with a dying old man, was going to end up zombie food? I really thought that was where they were going with it.


I think that's what the writers wanted you to think, but i never bought that - only because kids in jeopardy generally survive in these shows.  You'll probably never see Hannibal disembowel or eat a pre-teen, for example. 

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