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4 minutes ago, S.K.o.S. said:

They're doing a 4-way tag match on this show. No, not that one. A different one.


That's two interesting tag team matches (not including the one that already happened with BCC and Top Flight) that are not going to make for nearly as interesting a 4-way, but I assume they gotta make sure the crowd gets their money's worth


I think the idea is that everyone who isn't on the PPV gets a "PPV Week" match.

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1 hour ago, zendragon said:

I'd really prefer less 3 and 4 way matches

The cure for an underutilized roster is not to book an Ironman match.

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Oh hell yeah! Top Flight vs Dark Order vs BCC vs Aussie Open! RIHO VS EMI! And, according to the FITE app, Swerve & Boudreaux vs KEITH LEE & DUSTIN! OH BABY! That is more up my personal alley (phrasing) than most of the matches on the PPV! 


Perfect card for me, after the rough week or so I have just gone through. (Everything is pretty good now, and trending better).

  • Like 7

HEy!  Claudio and Wheeler Yuta are on AEW!  They are ROH!  HOLDING THE LADDER!  Aussie Open are running things early!  John Silver and Claudio are waaaay fun together.  Silver does his five spots on the floor but is cut off by the strength of Claudio, who breaks his BACK!  Alex Reynolds is CRUSHED constantly by Claudio in picture in picture.  Alex makes a hot tag and we move on to Top Flight versus Aussie Open!  STUFF AND MORE STUFF HAPPENS!  Wheeler Yuta steals the pin the Dark Order does their fifteen section finisher on Darius!  Dark Order and the Blackpool Combat Club fight to the back!  That was a wreck as one would expect.  Fun!  It's RIHO!  EMI! EMI! EMI!  Emi is fucking AWESOME beating the crud out of Riho!  EMI CRUSHES RIHO AGAINST THE BARRICADE!  In picture in picture, Emi beats the pulp out of Riho and does full Rolling Mexican Ceiling Hold!  Riho FIRES BACK!  ROLL-UP SEQUENCE!  This match is GREAT!  NICE LAriat by EMI for TWO!  Riho SPINS AROUND EMI AND GETS THE PIN!  That was fucking GREAT! What the fuck was THAT?  That was great.  Powerhouse Hobbs mauls SERP.  Poor SERP.  Don Callis moves CLOSER to Cinnabon BONANZA!  KEITH LEE'S CAPE IS FUCKING AWESOME!  Whoa! Parker Boudreux is not ready for primetime.  Parker Boudreaux IS Blade Runner Rock!  Dustin assumes the role of our face in peril!  POUNCE by LEE!  KEITH LEE IS A POWERHOUSE!  LEE SPIKES SWERVE WITH ONE HAND!  Swerve does a Moonsault off Lee's chest!  CANADIAN DESTROYER!  JACKHAMMER on BOUDREAUX!  That was kind of a mess because Boudreaux needs some SEASONING, but Keith Lee looked fucking great.  That was way more fun than good except for the truly great Riho/EMI match.  AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!

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We got double the Riho this week! Good stuff with Sakura as expected. Feels like Riho is getting a bit of a build which is cool. 

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Posted (edited)

I can understand if I am alone in feeling this way, but this show was WAY more what I want out of AEW than what Revolution seems like it's going to be.

An all-action Go! Go! Go! extravaganza. A straight up really good Joshi match. A complete squash. A train wreck main event with a big green tattooed football guy looking kinda lost in there and three pretty great wrestlers working around him. JR going FULL JR (Do you think he maybe actually had difficulty distinguishing between Riho and Emi)?

I am not being facetious in any way. That was full on weird/indie/Japanese/amusing/enjoyable pro wrestling, warts and all.

Loved it!

ROH sounds like literally TOO MUCH good wrestling. 

Too much good wrestling to watch it all is my favourite problem to have!

Enjoy the PPV! 

That crazy hour was my fix for this week. It totally hit the spot.

Oh! And I am happy that Fenix and Mark Briscoe now both more or less have a match on the PPV. I might even get to watch that one before I have to head out to work.

Edited by Gordlow
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2 minutes ago, Gordlow said:

ROH sounds like literally TOO MUCH good wrestling.

It is eating a gallon of chocolate fudge ice cream.  Mmmmm.... ice cream....

  • Like 6
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as I said before, opener was two good tag team feuds smushed into one match. Did like the ending a lot, smart move by my future hometown hero Yuta. It’s about time to fucking give Top Flight a legit push, run a tourney and let them beat The Kingdom for ROH tag titles.

I didn’t know about Riho-Emi before the start of the night and that’s going to win my vote in the Match of the Week poll. I know Riho is a former champ and a crowd favorite but Emi deserves a big win. Anyway the match was great, wish Riho had that level of stiffness in her strikes and kicks against Toni. Neat that after all the ass-kicking we get a wacky but awesome finishing sequence. I should make more time to watch more joshi and also try and manifest Emi-Meiko Satomura.

Hobbs squashes Serp, a foregone conclusion. The Takeshita-Jackal storyline progresses and we are going to get the Lard Lad-Hobbs feud we didn’t know we desperately needed before this past Wednesday.

Dean had the same reaction I did to the main: Parker is not ready for prime time. Woof, he was local enhancement level selling and just fucking awful on offense. I’m thinking this is the end of the horribly failed Mogul Affiliates experiment, and it’s about time. Keith Lee getting to embrace his nerddom is fun, but I worry he’s going to get lost in the shuffle again. Dustin still throws great punches and bumps like  much younger man.

Conspicously absent from TV this week: your TBS champion. Was Jade on the Tuesday YouTube? Are we only getting one women’s match on the PPV? 

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Cut Parker now. Let him figure it out on the indies if he really wants to be a wrestler.

That was positively dreadful.

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Posted (edited)

I just checked out the main event, and Parker's only real gaffes were rushing the short-arm clothesline on Dustin and not hitting the facewash on Keith clean. So Dustin and Keith had to sell the moves weird.

I dunno, for his 20th match as a professional it was fine. Guy's been signed for 8 months and has only had 13 matches - that's not on him.

EJ Nduka has less matches under his belt and has already been offered a contract - letting these guys work Dark once a month isn't going to make them better

Edited by Dolphman 3000
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More Riho, all the time! Can never go wrong with Riho vs. Emi, one of my favorite pairings, always loved their Full Gear 2019 match and this ruled. 

Naturally Limitless make for a fun team. Great looking Dustin Destroyer on the finishing stretch.

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Posted (edited)

Quick thoughts:

  • Lots of good moments in the 4-way (The initial ambush, Silver clearing house later on, some of the specific Top Flight/Aussie Open exchanges, etc). I came out of it thinking I would have been much happier with two straight up tags, which is also how I feel about the PPV 4-way. It just means the narrative gets muddied and more becomes less. That's a 4-way for you. Granted, here there was one central story and two teams that weren't quite involved. After the BS he dealt with on social media yesterday, I'm pretty sympathetic towards Yuta today though.
  • Emi beat the crap out of Riho during the PiP. That was great. Bring on Riho vs Hayter. Though she'd also be an ideal Saraya opponent, I hate to even speculate.
  • Hobbs wasn't quite as over as I would have thought. He should have beaten up Serp a bit more. They booked themselves into a corner, again with this though. The ideal situation is that Joe somehow beats Wardlow (weapon shot) and then loses to Hobbs (maybe with Wardlow stopping a weapon shot or something) leading to a blow off cage match/hair match with no belt on the line between Wardlow and Joe. Otherwise, they mess up either Wardlow or Hobbs next week.
  • They need Dustin to work Parker on house shows like he did with Sheamus and others over the years. That's my big takeaway. That bit when Excalibur was trying to send it to commercial break was weird and something you never see in AEW (or on national TV to begin with). He should have stayed with the Trustbusters and worked tags with Davari and Slim J for another year. Dustin was great, and Keith Lee powering up and one hand slamming Swerve and then screaming as the crowd went nuts was awesome. Sometimes they don't blow things off in AEW and if they wanted to move on to MJF vs Lee after this for a bit and double back to Keith vs Swerve later, I'd be ok with it.
Edited by Matt D
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Posted (edited)

I was badly laid up the last two days with constant nasal drainage and 


actual fucking projectile vomiting

so I was barely able to open my eyes and focus on the TV screen to keep from rolling over for the trashcan, but it all SOUNDED pretty good. I am officially all-in on Aussie Open, they were big time smashers in that open. The hard sell for the PPV sounded great too and I'm totally down to watch it with you guys on the Discord.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Lard Lad has shockingly good English. 

Edited by Curt McGirt
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Regarding the main event, this shows the issue with lack of house shows. If this match had been workshopped on the loop I'm sure Dustin and Keith (and lets keep them as a team while we are at it, couple of DADS taking whippersnappers to the woodshed) could have figured out what Parker could handle. Also with out house shows where is a guy like Parker supposed to learn. I know there are a lot of benefits to not being on the road 300 days a year but those days where why wrestling was so good.

As someone who only sporadically catches Dark, Emi has really been a treat lately and Riho is always great.

I like everyone in the fourway but I just don't share TK enthusiasm for multiman matches (same goes for the ladder match), there was a novelty seeing them for the first time in the late 90's but not if you get them everyweek

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, Matt D said:

Quick thoughts:

  • Lots of good moments in the 4-way (The initial ambush, Silver clearing house later on, some of the specific Top Flight/Aussie Open exchanges, etc). I came out of it thinking I would have been much happier with two straight up tags, which is also how I feel about the PPV 4-way. It just means the narrative gets muddied and more becomes less. That's a 4-way for you. Granted, here there was one central story and two teams that weren't quite involved. After the BS he dealt with on social media yesterday, I'm pretty sympathetic towards Yuta today though.
  • Emi beat the crap out of Riho during the PiP. That was great. Bring on Riho vs Hayter. Though she'd also be an ideal Saraya opponent, I hate to even speculate.
  • Hobbs wasn't quite as over as I would have thought. He should have beaten up Serp a bit more. They booked themselves into a corner, again with this though. The ideal situation is that Joe somehow beats Wardlow (weapon shot) and then loses to Hobbs (maybe with Wardlow stopping a weapon shot or something) leading to a blow off cage match/hair match with no belt on the line between Wardlow and Joe. Otherwise, they mess up either Wardlow or Hobbs next week.
  • They need Dustin to work Parker on house shows like he did with Sheamus and others over the years. That's my big takeaway. That bit when Excalibur was trying to send it to commercial break was weird and something you never see in AEW (or on national TV to begin with). He should have stayed with the Trustbusters and worked tags with Davari and Slim J for another year. Dustin was great, and Keith Lee powering up and one hand slamming Swerve and then screaming as the crowd went nuts was awesome. Sometimes they don't blow things off in AEW and if they wanted to move on to MJF vs Lee after this for a bit and double back to Keith vs Swerve later, I'd be ok with it.

What happened with Yuta?

  • Like 1
14 hours ago, DEAN said:

Whoa! Parker Boudreux is not ready for primetime.  Parker Boudreaux IS Blade Runner Rock!  Dustin assumes the role of our face in peril!  POUNCE by LEE!  KEITH LEE IS A POWERHOUSE!  LEE SPIKES SWERVE WITH ONE HAND!  Swerve does a Moonsault off Lee's chest!  CANADIAN DESTROYER!  JACKHAMMER on BOUDREAUX!  That was kind of a mess because Boudreaux needs some SEASONING, but Keith Lee looked fucking great.  

Nailed it.

1 hour ago, Curt McGirt said:

I was badly laid up the last two days with constant nasal drainage and 

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actual fucking projectile vomiting

so I was barely able to open my eyes and focus on the TV screen to keep from rolling over for the trashcan, but it all SOUNDED pretty good. I am officially all-in on Aussie Open, they were big time smashers in that open. The hard sell for the PPV sounded great too and I'm totally down to watch it with you guys on the Discord.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Lard Lad has shockingly good English. 

With you on the Aussies and Lardy. Best wishes over there. 

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15 hours ago, JLowe said:

Are we only getting one women’s match on the PPV? 

Looks like it. Seven men's matches and one women's.

I mean, even if they don't have anybody PPV-worthy to challenge Jade, they couldn't throw Toni vs Britt on there?

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