Cobra Commander Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 between Orange Cassidy/Bill and Hook/Matt Hardy, part of tonight's card was booked for fans who love skinny boy vs big dude matches 2
Zimbra Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 11 minutes ago, John from Cincinnati said: In case anyone else feels the urge to impulse buy a clear crystal shirt with the likeness of an outlaw country legend: Yeah, yeah, that was a good shirt but let's talk about Excalibur's SWANK Gran Naniwa tee. 3
The Natural Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) The GOAT. NSFW. Edited March 2, 2023 by The Natural 2
just drew Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 I’m sure they’ll passive-aggressively politic their way into retaining their titles, but it’s pretty crazy how once again there was a fucking fantastic AEW show that Kenny and the Jackson’s were barely on… 2
The Natural Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) GIF form. Edited March 2, 2023 by The Natural 1
Jamal Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Enjoyed Toni/Riho. Always good to see Riho on my screen and a nice surprise to see her pick up the win. The Triple Threat should be a lot of fun. I'm conflicted on the outcome though. While Jamie has been a great champ and is really just getting her groove, they could get a lot of mileage out of the faces chasing a heel Saraya. 4
The Natural Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) Christian Cage. One of my favourites. Edited March 2, 2023 by The Natural 2
GodzillaPerez Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) Not my favorite Dynamite despite being really hyped for it. OC vs Big Bill was very good and my match of the night. Big Bill as the new Sid is the perfect spot for him and OC has reached "can do no wrong" status with me when it comes to his in ring work. Way too many stupid and dangerous spots in the ladder match. I get that's the point of the match but it was just spots for the sake of spots to me. Didn't like Kingston and Ortiz disappearing. Yeah, they're feuding but so are Andretti and Sammy and they stuck around. Hated the refs holding the ladders. Just get a new ladder, there's plenty laying around. At least the right guy won. Joe looked dumb getting caught in the headset and Wardlow looked dumb not noticing a 300lb Samoan slip away right in front of him. Jericho vs PPA was a better version of Jericho vs Pineapple Pete. The Wingmen kept up the trend of stables not helping their members when one is getting beaten down. It's always a good sign when the crowd is chanting for one of the heels hats instead of the babyface to overcome the odds. Christian's promo was fine but I did get a chuckle out of Jungle Boy kind of proving Christian right by making a video instead of coming out to face him. Damn millenials...or Gen Z. I don't know, I'm old and confused. Hook vs Hardy was ok but I do not need to see Matt Hardy wrestle on TV anymore. They did get me on the cast false finish. Liked Hardy tapping right away and look forward to see what shenanigans Stokley pulls out in the match with Hook. Riho vs Toni picked up nicely after the PNP break. Toni looked like she killed her with the hip attack. The finish and after match brawl were pretty sloppy. Saraya is really not good and I hope Jamie and Ruby move on from her. Mox and Hangman's promo's ruled. Looking forward to the Texas Death and the Trios championship matches the most this Sunday by a wide margin. The battle royal wasn't good. First pretty much the only team I cared about was removed before it even started and then the rest dragged. I wish they'd split up the 4 way into 2 separate tag matches and go Gunn's vs Acclaimed and Jarrett/Lethal vs OrangeHausen. Glad Jarrett and Lethal ran in afterwards. 2 run ins during the battle royal itself weren't enough. And are the BCC heels now? Danielson and MJF are trying and I salute them for that but I don't see any way MJF loses on Sunday and I don't want to wait an hour to see how he wins. I'm sure the match will be better than I anticipate and I hope I have to eat my words about it but it's the least excited I've been about a Danielson match in years. So yeah, I didn't think it was the best go home show. I hope that doesn't make me fickle that I didn't like something as much other people do but I guess I'll just have to live with myself if that's the case. Edited March 2, 2023 by GodzillaPerez 5 1
dorfus malorfus Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 (edited) I wrote a gargantuan block of text both praising but mostly nitpicking tonight's show that apparently got lost in the ether before it could be posted. I won't bother trying to rewrite it but some bullet points: - I liked Jungle Boy. The more he becomes Jack Perry, especially Badass Jack Perry, he's just another boring dude who can't talk. The last thing a company that already employs Juice Robinson needs is just another boring dude who can't talk. - If Andretti turns and joins the JAS I hope they are least going to try to come up with an explanation for why him and Sammy beat the shit out of each other tonight if he was turning the whole time - Did Eddie disappear during the ladder match and if so is he okay - Wardlow probably shouldn't lose to Joe again. But Hobbs shouldn't lose to anybody right now. Another corner successfully painted into. - the HOB beatdown at the beginning of the show needed more time and a promo. The way it was done felt rushed and tacked on. The HOB promo at the end helped but they should have at least tried to come up with an explanation for why the Elite were coming out for no reason. - especially given that the show ended with Orange Cassidy getting booked in sunday's tag title match they probably should have just put the All Atlantic belt on Big Bill - women's match was real good especially since Riho won. Toni Storm is solid and has that awesome hip attack but she needs a charismatic tag partner or something. As a top singles she's just too devoid of personality, even before this questionable heel turn. I remain excited for the ppv although I hope we get more focused booking coming out of it. Edit: forgot my main point. Why are Claudio and Yuta heeling it up vs the Dark Order while also ostensibly being the babyface singles champs for ROH? Edited March 2, 2023 by Belgian_Waffle
hobo joe Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Are Chuck or Trent legit hurt? I don't understand why you'd go with Orangehausen over the Best Friends? 2
The Natural Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 @Belgian_Waffle: That's happened to me a number of times lately losing a post. It's why I've try to copy mine just in case. Would recommend it to others also. 1
elizium Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Terrible battle royal really sucked the air out of that Dynamite. The timing between entrances was more blatantly worked than even Royal Rumbles are. Chuck and Trent aren’t cleared but a clinically dead Orange Cassidy is allowed to take their place? I get you want Orange on the PPV but I’m sure most fans would have been fine with Chuck and Trent in the match and some ringside shenanigans from OC and Danhausen. Why did the Dark Order come back 10 minutes after being eliminated to take out the BCC, they could have done it then. There was nothing gained by having the BCC in that match any longer, the whole match was a clusterfuck, Angelo Parker literally left for awhile and no one noticed. OC-Big Bill ruled Toni Storm reminded me of AJW Madusa or at least I think that’s what she should be shooting for. And bonus points for not stretching out whose side is Ruby on? until the PPV Mox and Hangman sold the hell out of their match. The real main event I was doing dishes during the go home segment but I feel like I got the gist. Probably the best promo of the build, I’m sure the match will deliver, but I’m really more into Mox and Hanger 3
JLowe Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Opener was fun, classic David-Goliath wrestling. Big Bill is a cross between Sid and Nash right now and it’s working. Ladder match had its share of me holding my breath and hoping someone doesn’t get seriously injured spots. I was really wanting Takeshita but Hobbs works too and like others I’m now really stoked on a Hobbs-Lard Lad feud. AR Fox is nuts taking multiple nasty ladder bumps. Komander is awesome. Action Andretti is a guy who is on my TV and took some big bumps. Sammy played it safe, thank god. I didn’t think PPA would get 4 minutes of offense on Jericho, which was fun but then losing on one move negated the buzz. HOB-Elite is a major snore from me. I’m sure the match will have moments but I really just want to see Kenny Omega and Brodie King in singles matches. I’m not a “size queen” but I’ve always had a hard time buying Riho as a champ or a threat despite being quick and resilient. I know I just pissed some people off. We’ve gotten used to stiff AEW women’s matches and this wasn’t really that other than one killer Wrecked Em. Mox and Page sell the shit out of their match. Take my money and buy some mops. Hook-Hardy was more than I expected, I enjoyed it. Stokely rules right now. Battle Royale has me looking forward to some feuds but not the PPV 4-way. BCC is above Dark Order but makes sense in the context of the Mox-Page feud. I thought the Joker was a given but apparently not. Danielson sells the PPV and I didn’t have to hear MJF? I’ll take it. 5
matt925 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 That’s me! I’m tired I’ll post thoughts later. I had a lot of fun. 7 3
username Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 9 hours ago, HarryArchieGus said: The complaints in this thread sound more like product burnout. Especially considering the incredible consistency of these weekly shows. There have been very few if any runs of television this excellent that I can remember in my many years watching pro wrestling. See I think there is a disconnect here, and that disconnect is that different aspects of wrestling matter more or less to different fans. If I had to describe the past year of AEW, I'd probably go with the talent working their behinds off to cover for how spotty the booking/story has been. A lot of people don't really care that much about the latter as long as the matches are great, but a lot of people can only get so excited without the latter to provide more... connective tissue. Neither position or any of the near infinite different gradations in between is wrong! It's how completely honest reasonable people can watch the same run of shows and have the reaction be split between "greatest run ever" and "man it just has been missing something, hasn't it?" 5
Phantom Lord Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 I thought it was a good show tonight. Certainly didn't feel like a PPV was coming up in a couple of days though. Big Bill as a modern Sid Vicious is a good idea I can get behind. I figured Cassidy would lose the title tonight so I was genuinely surprised when he won. The ladder match should have been the main event. What a train wreck it was. But I mean that in a good way. Jericho gave PPA A LOT of offense. I'm looking forward to Christian vs. Perry. The more he steps away from calling himself Jungle Boy the better. It should be fun as a street fight or whatever. I hope Christian is sticking around after it though. Riho vs. Toni was good. I love Riho so the more of her on my tv the better. I hope Saraya doesn't win the title this sunday but I have a sneaking suspicion that she will. The Mox/Page match is going to be a bloody mess. I'm all for it. I was amused at the backstage bit with Mox bleeding all over the stairs. Page has to win here. He needs something big and I'm hoping he channels his inner Terry Funk in this. Maybe Moxley can finally take that vacation after this one is over. The battle royal was a mess. It seemed like teams were just entering at random times with nothing set. i was pulling for Butcher/Blade but I guess they had to get Danhausen on the ppv. I mean he is their biggest merchandise seller if reports are true. I'm guessing him/Cassidy are in there to eat the pin so Assboys/Acclaimed can continue on. Ha, I just realized it's come full circle for them since Danhausen is the one that started the assboy's name. I'm looking forward to the Danielson/MJF Match. I'm just not sold on it needing to be an iron man match. With all this hate they could have easily gone for an I Quit match. I think that would have suited both guy's submssions. Okay yeah I don't know how they would get Bryan to quit though so there's that problem. MJF is just scraping the surface as champion so I hope he does win this weekend. 2
BrianS81177 Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 My 12 year old nephew (who knows he is not allowed to curse around any adults) as we were watching the end of the tag team rumble: "Holy shit Danhausen actually won something?" 2 7
DreamBroken Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Orange/Bill ruled as expected. Orange is the best so I'm glad they found some extra way to get him on the PPV. Always love any time RIHO is back and even more when she wins, makes me wish she'd never leave for so long. Too bad she's not in the title match. Ladder match was wild. Komander looked incredible, nailed all his big spots. Figured Hobbs would win being the hometown guy. Thought Jericho would be winning at Revolution with someone outside of JAS interfering, but not sure after this seg. (And definitely not Andretti turning for zero reason) Loved the Moxley and Hangman promos. Great stuff from both, looking forward to Texas Death. Also great promo from Christian. Hook/Matt was fun, nice near fall on the cast spot. Revolution last year was my fav event of the year, I don't expect this year to quite reach that but still should be plenty good. There's a post-show video of Lexy trying to interview Eddie Kingston but he says he "quits AEW" and walks out. 4
Casey Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 Saraya winning the women’s title only to be confronted by a returning AEW original in Kris Statlander would be a pretty fun turn of events… 1
Jenalysis Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 2 hours ago, Belgian_Waffle said: I wrote a gargantuan block of text both praising but mostly nitpicking tonight's show that apparently got lost in the ether before it could be posted. I won't bother trying to rewrite it but some bullet points: - I liked Jungle Boy. The more he becomes Jack Perry, especially Badass Jack Perry, he's just another boring dude who can't talk. The last thing a company that already employs Juice Robinson needs is just another boring dude who can't talk. - If Andretti turns and joins the JAS I hope they are least going to try to come up with an explanation for why him and Sammy beat the shit out of each other tonight if he was turning the whole time - Did Eddie disappear during the ladder match and if so is he okay - Wardlow probably shouldn't lose to Joe again. But Hobbs shouldn't lose to anybody right now. Another corner successfully painted into. - the HOB beatdown at the beginning of the show needed more time and a promo. The way it was done felt rushed and tacked on. The HOB promo at the end helped but they should have at least tried to come up with an explanation for why the Elite were coming out for no reason. - especially given that the show ended with Orange Cassidy getting booked in sunday's tag title match they probably should have just put the All Atlantic belt on Big Bill - women's match was real good especially since Riho won. Toni Storm is solid and has that awesome hip attack but she needs a charismatic tag partner or something. As a top singles she's just too devoid of personality, even before this questionable heel turn. I remain excited for the ppv although I hope we get more focused booking coming out of it. Edit: forgot my main point. Why are Claudio and Yuta heeling it up vs the Dark Order while also ostensibly being the babyface singles champs for ROH? Juice is actually a better talker then wrestler- he just needs to go back to 2018 even if it means the dreads again. Check Juice vs Jay White feud- that was underrated feud of the year in NJPW, and he had great promos from that in Cow Palace and G1. 3
Go2Sleep Posted March 2, 2023 Posted March 2, 2023 2 hours ago, hobo joe said: Are Chuck or Trent legit hurt? I don't understand why you'd go with Orangehausen over the Best Friends? Because they want to go full comedy with the 4-way match. Who doesn't want to see Jarrett stooge for Danhausen? Bryan cut a great promo to end the show. Still don't care about the match, but good work none the less. I think that segment got the loudest reaction of any in the feud thus far. 1
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