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16 hours ago, colonial said:

Hulk Hogan vs Jesse Ventura RARE House Show WWE/WWF 1985 Fancam Footge

This popped up on my YouTube page just now -- fan cam of a Hogan-Ventura match from April 20, 1985, in Minneapolis. 

Match stipulation was Ventura could win the WWF title by countout or DQ as he beat Hogan by COR the month before in Minneapolis. 

The house show promos building up to this are in my Holy Grail footage list. The guy with the beard accompanying Ventura to the ring was Prince's bodyguard at the time who was having a very brief 15 minutes of fame and you just know the promos where Jesse drops that "the bodyguard of MY close personal friend, Prince, is going to accompany ME to the ring" were wonderfully insufferable. 

3 hours ago, Cobra Commander said:

Invasion 92 is on YouTube, and they entrust a Flair/Bret match to the team of Sean Mooney and Lord Alfred: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwGodKW_jdY

hey... Flair/Bret is followed by Flair/Shawn Michaels!

The WWE Vault is an interesting experiment cause ALL of these Coliseum home video releases were on the network in every iteration of it. I doubt 1/10th of the people watching them now even bothered looking for them. 



yeah, I think the main market for Coliseum Video rewatches is gonna be people near the 35-49 side of 18-49 which are usually not a high-demand group.. 

did they ever put the History of WWF videos on the Network? I know those had 20 volumes and I don't think they were on Peacock unless I'm really lazy about looking and really the only problem might be if they have digital copies from the era of muting mentions of "WWF"



TBH besides Owen/Bret vs. the Steiners and maybe 4-5 other matches, most of the matches that found their way on these tapes were pretty much guys having pedestrian house shows matches. It's definitely a fascinating watch if you want to learn about the wrestling industry and deconstruct how matches are worked, but boy, a lot of those matches especially the olders ones are better than Sominex. The Killer Bees vs. Los Conquistadores? Peter Doherty vs. SD Jones? A ten minute Scott Casey vs. Steve Lombardi match? I am out like a light in about five minutes or less. 


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USWA (6/29/1991): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjJyF9qozIQ

Baby RVD is working in a squash match. Tom Prichard does his Roddy Piper voice next to Miss Texas. A six man tag with Tom Prichard, Judge Dredd and Samu (Sabu) vs Danny Davis, Doug Gilbert and the Dirty White Boy. Dirty White Girl gets tarred and feathered! It's live TV so it takes time to clean up the tar (syrup) and feathers so here's a promo to get tickets to the studio show. Monday Night at the Pipkin Building, now with extra seating! Doug Gilbert vs Chris Candido! Danny Davis vs Rob Zakowski for the Light-Heavyweight title! Bill Dundee vs Ta-Gar! Dirty White Boy and Dirty White Girl vs Tom Prichard and Miss Texas! Jeff Jarrett and Robert Fuller vs Judge Dredd and Samu, losing team splits up! and the Main Event: Jerry Lawler and Jackie Fargo vs Eric Embry and Leatherface! You can win fireworks by attending the show! Jeff Jarrett and Robert Fuller are back in the studio! Jeff Jarrett telling us about Tennessee Legends Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, Alvin C. York, Elvis Presley, and the fifth legend is Robert Fuller. Fuller misidentifying Samu (Sabu) as "Sabu". Jarrett and Fuller vs Chris Candido and The Scorpion. Scorpion looking like a fat boy masked dude. Leatherface barges in with a chainsaw! The heel group of Eric Embry, Tojo, Leatherface, Judge Dredd, and Ta-Gar! Eric Embry giving off "cross of Buddy Hackett and John Belushi" vibes. Tojo with a magnificent cowboy hat. Fun spot of "someone yelling 'Lawler'" causing Embry to break a pinfall attempt. Al Green headling a Fourth of July concert! Jerry talking about all his upcoming personal appearances during his promo time. USWA AT THRASHER HIGH SCHOOL THIS THURSDAY. In case of rain, the show will be moved inside. Clarksdale! Jonesboro! Dirty White Boy is angry about what happened earlier.

and our main event: Jerry Lawler vs Ta-Gar Lord of the Volcano! Jerry punches him in his mask and sells it. Lawler enzuigiri! Lawler distracts the ref and kicks Tagar in the nuts! Lawler wins with a schoolboy rollup and then immediately punches Embry out of the ring.

Let's watch some classic footage of Jackie Fargo kicking ass against Jimmy Hart. Jerry Lawler promo talking up the show on Monday Night. Another rundown of the card. "Somebody has to be behind all of these 'split the team' matches, maybe it's Embry" well, he is the booker, Dave. MORE SEATS THIS WEEK. USWA running shows in a random building next to the Mid-South Coliseum due to a dispute. Man that's a huge Redman ad in the ring. Leatherface's chainsaw malfunctions and Lawler hits a guy with a chainsaw with a chair to the head.

So feel the "Eric Embry is probably booking" energy hitting you right in the face

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