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Alright, I love you guys, and I'm sure AJ did well tonight or whatever, but let's go back and talk about how awesome Dustin Rhodes is already. I think Orton had a blast working with him and he gave him a ton. 


I was really hoping Bryan would interfere and cost Orton the match.  That's such a Stone Cold spot, and always a good way to get some heat back for the babyface amid all the beatings.


It's perfect to leave HHH screaming and cursing at the end of the show too.  Maybe they missed the boat on that...or maybe I'm stuck in 1998 Brah!!

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Forget the pedo joke, that was easy. Look at the watch the show burial. Lawler had no response and JBL struck out by repeating the not funny the first time neck tat line about 4 times, while Cole sputtered.

The point they were making is she is nobody. They watch the show and she wormed her way into being a sidekick. Bragging about this to a legend like Jerry Lawler and a man who defended the WWE title at Wrestlemania. Now she is the piss break champion. Which is good for heel heat actually, but still had stilted delivery. He mentioned the tattoo line because it made her sound like a goon. Dustin/Orton is the best TV singles match this year. 

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Alright, I love you guys, and I'm sure AJ did well tonight or whatever, but let's go back and talk about how awesome Dustin Rhodes is already. I think Orton had a blast working with him and he gave him a ton. 


I was really hoping Bryan would interfere and cost Orton the match.  That's such a Stone Cold spot, and always a good way to get some heat back for the babyface amid all the beatings.


It's perfect to leave HHH screaming and cursing at the end of the show too.  Maybe they missed the boat on that...or maybe I'm stuck in 1998 Brah!!




I thought that's where it was heading too. They were giving Dustin so much in the match that I thought they were going to kill a few birds with one tv segment. They really gave it a ton of time both in the video packages and the match itself. Then the payoff would have been Cody not apologizing.


I wonder if they're going to run it again after the PPV with higher stakes, or maybe even on Friday.

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Forget the pedo joke, that was easy. Look at the watch the show burial. Lawler had no response and JBL struck out by repeating the not funny the first time neck tat line about 4 times, while Cole sputtered.

The point they were making is she is nobody. They watch the show and she wormed her way into being a sidekick. Bragging about this to a legend like Jerry Lawler and a man who defended the WWE title at Wrestlemania. Now she is the piss break champion. He mentioned the tattoo line because it made her sound like a goon. 



Hope you never have a daughter that wants to pursue anything athletic.  Her ovaries are sure to get in the way of you taking her seriously.

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Hope you never have a daughter that wants to pursue anything athletic.  Her ovaries are sure to get in the way of you taking her seriously.


I'm just listing the traditional role that belt has always played. You are making an issue of gender, which is bush league.


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Due to football everything about this show is a blur right now but it did remind me how catchy Edge's Theme song is when it hits.


Starting singing: "ON THIS DAY....I SEE CLEARLY" in a Prince falsetto as soon as the beat dropped.  No shame or courtesy for my neighbors. 

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Hope you never have a daughter that wants to pursue anything athletic.  Her ovaries are sure to get in the way of you taking her seriously.


I'm just listing the traditional role that belt has always played. You are making an issue of gender, which is bush league.



I have a bush, more or less.  So I'm hardly insulted by this idea.


And saying the women's division is a piss break is hardly gender-friendly.  Not that you're the only one who has ever said it, but most don't insult a diva for taking her job seriously.

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The point she was making (in character) was that she cares about the wrestling and about the title and about winning.  JBL obviously disliked the pedo crack at Lawler's expense and decided to ignore addressing her character and just went after her with insults.  This despite the fact that he's a heel announcer and her character is a heel.  The pedo crack was a little uncalled for (not because Lawler is innocent of such things, I don't want to get into that discussion) but JBL took it to an awkward, uncomfortable place with the way he was acting.  I say that as a huge fan of his btw.


Dustin looked great out there, as expected.


Dolph gets a jobber intro and almost no offense in and loses the match after phantom interference.  I almost expect a "future endeavor" update tomorrow on the website.

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The past couple pages of this thread have made me think about this boards reaction if AJ had actually told Lawler to watch the stuffing instead of potatoes.

Also, say what you want about the end segment, but at least it wasn't met with a "this is awkward" chant.

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The WWE is ruining Dolph Ziggler and it really pisses me off.


I think it's funny how Dustin can be gone from the spotlight for so long and still understand how wrestling works better than RVD.



I also don't get why they didn't let him get over a little on HHH during that interview.  He could have at least made him flinch a little by going full Golddust:


"I have nothing to lose here tonight...so when I'm done having my way with your face boy, I just might come backstage and give you the thrrrrrilllll everyone knows you've been waiiiiting for thpthpthtphtphtphtphtphtphtphtpht AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


I'm not on the hate HHH train with the general booking, but I'm getting a little annoyed that he won't ever script anyone to at least get some verbal shots in...especially when it's guys like Dustin and Edge who have no "job" to lose. 


Everyone just hangs their heads like beaten dogs.


That , the backstage spot between HHH and Edge, and Stephanie's spot with Goldy reeked of vanity fantasy role-play shit.

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Hope you never have a daughter that wants to pursue anything athletic.  Her ovaries are sure to get in the way of you taking her seriously.


I'm just listing the traditional role that belt has always played. You are making an issue of gender, which is bush league.



I have a bush, more or less.  So I'm hardly insulted by this idea.


And saying the women's division is a piss break is hardly gender-friendly.  Not that you're the only one who has ever said it, but most don't insult a diva for taking her job seriously.


I'm not the one who has booked them since 1998.

 I'm not insulting her for taking her job seriously. I'm insulting her for doing a poor job on commentary. 

The neck tat would be awesome as a sleazy heel move. 


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Well, the Divas belt IS the piss break belt. But that's AJ's point. The reason why the divas division is because the other girls do have to step up. They're all pretty worthless. They rarely come off like they're trying. I think Nattie's coming alive a bit but this is AJ's division and it should be.


That's why I loved what she said about JBL and Lawler, especially Jerry. Does he serve any purpose at all anymore? He adds absolutely nothing to the show.AJ put out a tweet a few weeks ago about her advice to young girls: She had over 1 million followers and didn't take one selfie. Then came the pipebomb-shell and the current act.I kind of think the WWE is actually trying to lure smart women into watching the program and not feeling like it's insulting trash. AJ's their conduit.

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Hope you never have a daughter that wants to pursue anything athletic.  Her ovaries are sure to get in the way of you taking her seriously.


I'm just listing the traditional role that belt has always played. You are making an issue of gender, which is bush league.



I have a bush, more or less.  So I'm hardly insulted by this idea.


And saying the women's division is a piss break is hardly gender-friendly.  Not that you're the only one who has ever said it, but most don't insult a diva for taking her job seriously.



Sod off with that white knighting shit.  It's pretty much always been a piss break.  And that's beecause WWE treat it like one. It's nothing to do with the fact they're women.

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