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Good show. They absolutely smoked RR on every conceivable level. Rey was the best guy in it by a huge margin. Seems like we're primed to get some more awesome performances out of him. I like Jeff Cobb, but I wasn't convinced he was the right guy to play the role. The Splatterhouse gear gave the menacing vibe he needed. Great way to debut him.

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First - you have to give Lucha Underground credit for booking the match the way they did. That could easily have gotten a terrible reaction with so many favorites getting pinned by the unknown monster. They went for it and offered no middle ground. He destroyed them. End of story. And the crowd was PISSED which was the point!

Second - That is exactly how you build a monster no matter the size. His offense was incredible and totally believable.

The loudest pops live were for Rey appearing at #2 & Dario returning.

The editing of the show is amazing. They weren't a ton of blown spots but both Mascarita/Aero Star had some issues but you would never notice it on TV. Seamless editing without feeling like they jumped forward 2 minutes. Even Chavo fucked up a bit in his stretch with Matanza but they got rid of it.

Thought the match was booked incredibly start-to-finish. Everyone except Argenis got a chance to shine or set something up for the future and in Argenis' case he was just there to get Rey his first big pinfall.

The opening skit worked great explaining why Pentagon wasn't in the match instead of just leaving it hanging as to why he never comes out and only attacks Muertes from behind. The total opposite of WWE style not sending Daniel Bryan out and offering zero explanation as to why to piss off the live crowd.

Home run episode. Liked it more than last year which is incredible. Will never forget being there live as Rey walked out at #2!

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WARNING: This is very, very long.



Our man Pentagon Jr. wasn't invited to Aztec Warfare Dos and Vamp says "that is seriously wacked", instead of "wack", haha. Oh Vamp, never change. 

Aztec Warfare starts with:

FENIX contra REY REY!: Everyone very rightfully completely loses their shit. Rey's gear is awesome and he pretty much immediately performs some la Mistica variant on Fenix which is just awesome to see. In moments we get KING CUERNO out and almost immediately get an arrow tope that blasts the fuck out of Fenix right out of the frame. Total rewind fodder. Rey hits his sliding splash then ARGENIS is out. He eats the 619 and an actual Eddy frog splash from Rey for the elimination. Yeah, at this point I'll think I'll just hit the high notes (no pun intended). Next out is JOHNNY MUNDO. We get some brief work and then "the cold sore of Lucha Underground" JOEY RYAN, doing his "Rick Rude as undercover cop" gimmick is out. I've only seen him in maybe one PWG match on a DVD I own, so who knows. He could make way more money in gay porn than indie wrestling... then again, maybe he does. He handcuffs himself to the outside and I imagine that would go over pretty well in said industry too. HAHA Famous B comes out to hand him a gold business card and runs off! Fantastic. PRINCE PUMA is out. Everybody outside waits around for awhile so Puma can hit his springboard SSP and then he gets up and pops Ryan in the mouth which was nice. JACK EVANS is in and while he walks to the ring Rey gets Cuerno in a flash cross armbreaker so goodbye and good luck next season, I guess. Poor Cuerno. Of course Evans immediately takes a bump from the top onto the mat, then gets stomped down and takes a big splash from Rey. You gotta grant the man points for consistency. TAYA is in next... well, here we go. Rudos and tecnicos match up against each other which is nice. Looks like they're setting up Mundo/Taya/Evans for a 6-person title run against you know who. CAGE comes out and cleans house with Mundo bailing as we go to break. He beats up on Taya but Mundo throws him through the fucking window like Del Rio last season and our next guest is MASCARITA SAGRADA? But of course! He hits the la Mistica headscissors too and a tope on Mundo who grabs him to do that "curl the midget" spot, only to meet an angry and bleeding Cage who lariats and Weapon X's him on the outside so Puma can SSP and pin him. MARTY THE MOTH comes in and actually stiffs everyone in a hurry. Hey, if he keeps working like this I might be able to ignore his character! DRAGO is in for the commercial break. I forgot that Famous B is still out with his valet. Drago mists Ryan and Marty gets pinned by Rey and Mascarita. THE MACK~! is out! He just walks up and stuns Marty for being a creep and faces off with Cage immediately. Goddammit, CHAVITO is out. Did I mention Evans just keeps dying? He eats a powerbomb on the steps from Drago then splatters himself on the concrete again not long after. Mascarita is also powerbombed into Ryan which amuses me. And then Mundo comes out and hits Cage in the head with an exploding magic cinderblock for Taya to pin him only to be Germaned by Fenix and be pinned. Evans bumps more after PJ BLACK comes out. AEROSTAR is back! Drago and Evans die in tandem by brainbuster and toprope Canadian Destroyer/Powerbomb? Whatever that was. DRAGON AZTECA JR. is out. He does some bad move exchanges with an obviously out-of-his-element Black before hitting a hilo rana onto somebody and a MASSIVE over the post tope onto Mack. That takes the cake so far. TEXANO is out. How many more people are they gonna bring out? Damn. He pins Black. I guess MIL MUERTES is last. He comes out, gets jumped by Pentagon with a chair (which looks pretty weak, honestly) and gets pinned by Rey and Puma! Pentagon books it so Catrina slaps Vamp, but then... here he is... DARIO CUETO! EL JEFE! THE BOSS! and he announces MATANZA CUETO as the final participant in Aztec Warfare. He beats three in a row (including Fenix) then goes after Ryan. Crowd member: "Don't get eaten, Joey." He rips the bar loose to kill Joey then Dragon valiantly stands up only to die by a crazy Uranage/chokeslam combination. Matanza hits a standing SSP on Chavito? Damn, he can bust 'em out. He hits a series of brutal suplexes on Puma and it's down to Rey. Of course he gets killed with another crazy move after some hope spots and Matanza is your new champ. Dario acts like a total dick by grabbing the belt and then the mic from an unsuspecting Melissa who looked really offended. 

Cueto might be "tiny" according to Casey, but him and his 'brother' are both pretty similar heights. I don't really like the mask, I don't really like the gear, but man that guy can ragdoll someone. I guess they have their new Lesnar. Betcha Mil turns face to fight him. Anyway, fun episode. Next time Aztec Warfare rolls around I think I'll take my original tactic and write a whole lot less because doing this in realtime, even with the option to pause, is ridiculous.


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I know everyone marked out seeing Darío return but I marked out seeing The former Miss Kitty aka Famous B's valet and the valet of Lana Star in the new WOW lol

Just a fantastic match with lots of cool stuff. They took what could have been a total clusterfuck and made it all make sense. Great to see Rey in the ring again. 

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They were smart to get Cage and Mil out of there before "the monster" came out because they would've made him look like a dwarf. Yeah there were a lot of edits to cover sloppy work and it was distracting. Pretty fun match overall Joey Ryan stuff was fun, Evans bumped like a maniac, and Rey looked great.

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56 minutes ago, A Guy Named Tracy said:

Michael Meyers has never done a standing shooting star press. Neither has Leatherface. I don't have a problem with Matanza tossing dudes with chokeslams and suplexes, but he shouldn't be doing standing SSPs. 

He's not either of those guys.  He's a man possessed by an Aztec God and the Aztec Gods love lucha moves


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I am in absolute love with the show.  That Rey entrance was something else and man did we get massive goosebumps.  What was super cool and just as awesome was the love Fenix was showing for Rey initially.  He looked super excited and honored to be in there with Rey, bless him.

I was so certain Matanza would get defeated first by Puma, then Rey.  When he won the whole thing I was shocked yet super impressed that they'd sacrifice their top guys to make him an absolute monster.  Super effective debut and I'm beyond excited to see Dario back in charge.

I love Lucha Underground!  This show fucking rules!

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One of the things I enjoyed about the booking last night is they neatly devised a perfectly acceptable way to keep their two most popular wrestlers, Mil Muertes and Pentagon Jr, well away from any Matanza-related conflicts for the near future while still being involved in what should be a very exciting series.  I don't know who they're planning on feeding to Matanza initially but saving those two for the 4th season seems like a sound decision.

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1 hour ago, NickMD said:

I am in absolute love with the show.  That Rey entrance was something else and man did we get massive goosebumps.  What was super cool and just as awesome was the love Fenix was showing for Rey initially.  He looked super excited and honored to be in there with Rey, bless him.


Fenix grew up loving Rey, and there's an awesome story from the MLW podcast about it, I'm pharaphrasing a bit

Rey did an appearance back when he was with WWE in Mexico, near the start of his run.  Shit was nuts.  It was at a mall and the whole place had to shut down, too many people were on the escalators for them to work, and it was a near riot.  In the middle of that was little Fenix and little Pentagon Jr.

When they finally got to Rey, Fenix broke down crying.

Cut to AAA, backstage.  Rey gets hired, shows up backstage for his first show.

Pentagon motions to Fenix

"There he is, are you gonna cry now?"

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Now that we know as much as we do about where they were going, I think they messed up Grave Consequences. It felt like a big let-down when Catrina ended up back with Mil. If they had made it more about Fenix going over the line to defeat Mil, that she had tempted him to do something profane, and therefore he was made vulnerable and Mil was able to steal the purity of his power, something like that, something very overt, it would have been better. It was hinted at but I think they could have done better setting it up BEFORE the fact. 

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@tromataker That's an awesome story.  I'm a sucker for people meeting/working with their heroes and it being what they hoped for and more.  Just had that warm, fuzzy feeling seeing that moment.

It's mighty impressive the they worked in all the main stories in LU into this one match.  It all made sense and more than did its job either tying up stories or giving logical builds to new ones.  Whoever laid this out deserves a raise, some super quality tequila, and whatever else they damn well please.

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