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The Fast and Furious franchise thread


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I can't believe you actually watched that.

It was only 90 minutes and free on Youtube.  I am old and had nothing better to do on a Friday night.


ETA: The trailer made it look better than a lot of their recent (Epic, Superhero, Etc.) movies

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  • 1 month later...

See how the villain in Fast 6 was Ian Shaw, and in 7 it was his brother, Deckard Shaw? Can someone tweet Vin Diesel and ask if that's his tribute to Shaw Brothers Studio, in Hong Kong?

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My Sister bought me and my Dad tickets to see Furious 7 last Friday, our first from the franchise. Only things I knew: car films, Paul Walker died before this was completed and a five minute scene showed from one before the screening of a film we were seeing. I right enjoyed this over the top vehicular fighting film without seeing the others, guessing more if I had.


LOL at the Rock Bottom, Walker running up the bus as the bus was slipping off a mountain like the Eliminator from the old Gladiators TV show and the car hopping between the two buildings in Abu Dhabi.


Tribute to Paul Walker was handled well. I asked my Sister if she wanted to see the films released on DVD, she does so I’ll be buying the DVD box set. What do you think to this and the rest of the films in the series?

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I thought 7 was pretty weak. So much nonsensical and ridiculous bullshit going on (like every other stunt had glaring leaps of logic), and then the rehashes of rehashes. The series has gotten way too big for its own good and is in diminishing returns territory. I don't think I'll bother with future releases.


The fifth one was by far the peak of the series, six was a fine followup with more of the same, and I enjoyed the first one for its corniness. "I like the tuna here."

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Don't listen to these guys, Natty.  The fist film is a must-watch because that's where all the little in-jokes and call backs come from.  You'll never love the series quite like you would if you had started watching them in 2001 but it's still a fantastic ride.

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Yeah, exactly.


On another note, Amazon for awhile had the entire Fast and Furious series on Blu-ray, Furious 7 excluded for obvious reasons, on sale for $35 and it came in a case shaped like a tire. There's space in it to put Furious 7 when it comes out. I jumped on that and am so happy I did. $35 for the first six movies is a great deal.

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  • 4 months later...

Nice. I think that's a great choice for director. I liked the Italian Job more than I should have probably and felt like he was kinda auditioning to direct FF8 with the scene in Straight Outta Compton where Dre is speeding through the LA.


Although in checking now, it also looks like he may direct Black Panther...I remain cautiously excited.

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I'm so excited. There was a time shortly after Paul's accident that I thought maybe the series should end but they ended Furious 7 so perfectly...   And I can't live without this series. It's as traditional as apple pie and New Year's Day bowl games.  It's America.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, out of interest: How much did Walker film before passing away?


Inevitably, I found myself on the look out for CGI/stand ins when I watched it, but the only thing that seemed off was the bit at the end. That was the only time I spotted it. 


(The ending was very lovely and touching, regardless.) 

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Pretty sure last 1/3 of the movie was all faked. Everything starting with the emotional phone call with Mia - which seemed obviously recut/reused footage from another scene (or they took ADR and rearranged that) - looks like trickery. All the stuff with the radio tower, especially the elevator fight and where he saved Dom looked super fake (probably cgi and stunt doubles). And of course the beach scene at the end was clearly a mix of stock shots intercut with new shots of Jordana and Vin.

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Yeah, the phone call was a bit clunky, in hindsight. I didn't notice it too much, though.


IIRC, The Rock recorded a picture of him, Walker and Diesel in gear for the climactic scene, so maybe they recorded most or some of that? IDK.

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There was a rumor about a month ago that there was a chance Walker's brother, the one who became an actor, could be brought on for 8. I haven't heard much about it since and it would be such a disservice to Paul that i can't see that happening.

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There was a rumor about a month ago that there was a chance Walker's brother, the one who became an actor, could be brought on for 8. I haven't heard much about it since and it would be such a disservice to Paul that i can't see that happening.



Would it? I mean, I don't think Walker would have an issue with his kid brother ending up a star out of the franchise.


Bear in mind, the family were on board and totally cooperative for whatever Universal did with Furious 7, so it is possible Universal think they might owe them.

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Eh, it would be Paul's brother reprising Typical White Boy's Name's role. That feels just a tad gross and I couldn't see Vin going for that because of his friendship with Paul and to a lesser extent, the ending of 7.


"Hey, I know we made this beautiful ending and send-off for Paul, but check it out...Brian's BACK!"


They could also say it's Brian's twin brother, which, given how ridiculous the series is, that may work, but that may also be one ridiculous step too far.


In any event, I want the proposed sequel from the Furious 7 episode of How Did This Get Made, where mommy Shaw, played by Helen Mirren, busts out a healthy Deckard and Owen. IT WRITES ITSELF! I don't give a shit what they do after that, but as long as it's the Shaw Family vs. WE'RE FAMILY and set in NYC, I will be there opening night.


So let's say Helen Mirren joins the cast and Brian is indeed gone, what cool as actor do you want joining THE FAMILY?

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Mirren could bring her Oscar on set from time to time and show it off.


It is the closest Vin will ever get an Oscar.


He is doing a movie with Ang Lee. If you're going to do Oscar bait, Ang Lee is your man.

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