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I am doing Black History Month Week this week instead of the last week like I did last year because I can.


And whatever better way to kick if off by blending it in with last week's theme of Guys Rippa Loves













Of course the problem with all these clips is the fact like the first 4 minutes are always the Taker's enterance.


The best heel trash talker ever? Probably.

My favorite Mark Henry heel moments:

1) He did an in-ring interview with JR. At the end, he wrapped JR's tie in his fist and started choking him and said something like, "This is the part where you beg for your life!" So awesome.

2) He came down to the ring during some Prime Time Players match and whipped Titus O'Neil into the barricade while everyone else fled. "Grown folks is gonna talk."

3) Him referencing "Men's Warehouse" around the time he did the awesome fake out on Cena.


I think maybe the most impressive thing about Henry, on a list of impressive things, is that he's really the guy who wrote that poem about Owen Hart years ago. He's that guy but he can portray such a character. It's not like Ric Flair who's basically Ric Flair. 


So we all fondly remember the Cena fake-out moment and that feud. It was a truly awesome segment.

But what I thought showed more skill was when Henry turned face after that feud ended. The skill he showed in that was insane. The crowd was giving him a "You tapped out!" chant. "He'd tap all your asses out, too." Beautiful work in getting back in the fans good graces.


Was trying to find an amazing promo where Mark Henry was dressed as Santa, and recited his own version of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, which was all about squashing Hornswoggle. This will do in its stead


What amazes me about Henry is that he looks like the baddest motherfucker on the planet in-ring and the cuddliest dude in the world when he does personal appearances. He toes that line brilliantly.




Mark Henry....his middle name should be "Clubberin'."


Didn't he have a couple of fun matches with Punk on Raw at the top of 2013 too? Yeah, I'm a Mark Henry...mark.


The night after Mania 29, him and Punk tore the house down with a match that was, basically, a hybrid of ROH, WWE main event style, and Sting vs. Vader.

The no dq rematch a couple of weeks later wasn't nearly as good by still worth seeing. Should be both on the network

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I think the first one is the one you are talking about but just in case




Yup, those would be the two matches. Don't waste time with the match between those two, it was just an angle to advancethe Punk/Jericho feud


If I repeated my bad I'm not a bot I swear I just don't pay attention

vs Ken Shamerock

w/Billy Gunn & D'Lo Brown vs Kane X-Pac & Road Dogg

vs X-Pac

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