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Super Fly beats Sexy Star clean. Pentagon turns tail from a fat retired announcer.


Yeah, I mean Bolo never jobbed to Lucinda Dickey or backed down from a fight with Grampa Munster.

If Sexy Star could wrestle as well as Lucinda Dickey could break dance she'd....still be terrible. Never mind.

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Aero Star's dive. AMAZING. Hard enough to jump one rope to another but right before that he did the never before done 2nd rope to top rope springboard which is so beyond complicated. Easy dive of the year. And he made it look so easy few probably appreciate the difficulty.

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I try not to be negative about this show because they've been really really good to me, but that Sexy Star/Superfly match being that bad after all the editing they could do says everything that really needs to be said about Sexy Star.

The crowd didn't sound half as crazy on TV as it was live for the Pentagon/Vamp segment. I'm talking Angelico dive level shit for the whole segment, which was longer live too. If you didn't catch it, the four way was supposed to be a five way but Pentagon only wants the ultimate sacrifice to his master and gives no fucks about your medallions.

I really liked the four way, but I think I might have got it confused with another one when I was hyping it on here. Glad to see Aerostar get a big win, though.

Mil vs Drago was pretty nuts live. We weren't in the section that had to run for our lives from Mil Muertes only to have our seats destroyed, but we did start that "get the coffin" chant after that murderous spear.

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Yeah yeah yeah, you've been saying, "No, really, it'll get better" for two months now, during which Pentagon has put over the worst wrestler on the roster cleanly in the middle of the ring, won a very close rematch when a jobber interfered, and then saw the jobber cleanly defeat the worst wrestler in the company, something Pentagon himself was clearly incapable of doing.  Sexy Star is terrible and her wrestling completely lacks credibility.  She hasn't been elevated by any of this, but Pentagon has been dragged down to jobber level where two months ago he could have been booked as a credible main event wrestler for the company.  


And now he gets a program with a fat retired announcer.  Maybe he rips Hampiro's arms off and beats him with them.  So what?  The fact that Pentagon hasn't done so already after Hampiro put his greasy hands on him is travesty enough.  Maybe they'll find a way to work Konan into the mix, because that's what Pentagon should be doing, providing the psuedo-wrestler dregs of the promotion with something to do.


At least I have Mil Muertes to soothe my chaffed ass.  They've booked him pretty flawlessly since his return.  That guy is some kinda brawler, and he really seems to understand his character which is important in this sort of theatrical promotion.  


Every time I see Catrina now I think about Melisandre from Game of Thrones.  I'd bet you dollars to churros she's been trying to channel that character.  

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As Kevin Sullivan loved to say, regarding the Vampiro/Pentagon stuff: "let it simmah!" They've been getting fantastic, vociferous reactions with the slow build and while Vampiro is a "fat, old announcer" he was a huge star, so I can see why they're making him out to be a big deal. I fear for Vamp's arms though because the payoff is going to be super violent. Pentagon's character is akin to The Undertaker in that his focuses lay outside of the big shiny belts and medallions and more on personal vendettas and being a bad ass in general. His aura is still way strong even with the bullshit Sexy Star feud fresh in our minds.

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The one weird thing about Hernandez that I don't think anyone has picked up yet-

He was tweeting promoting the Lucha Underground airing YESTERDAY.  That means it's either a nice clean friendly split or he was just trying to work everyone. 


Or both

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The last thing Lucha Underground needs is that headcase. Unless it's for voiceover work. His act gets old fast no matter where he works and he's another guy who packs up as soon as he doesn't like his direction (I.e. You tell him it's time to lose).

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You guys are nuts. That skit was great.


Show was pretty bleh aside from Aero Star kicking tons of ass.


Was a bit of a bummer Drago's story arc went so quickly & now he's in a feud with Hernandez. In the amount of time between Jack Evans appearences they had the big Drago sendoff, the big Drago return, the big Drago win & the Drago loss of his big win. Seemed rushed. The New & Improved Mil Muertes is pretty great though.


Marty The Moth is hilarious and anyone who disagrees is clearly out to lunch!


Sexy Star vs Super Fly was finally the inevitable match you knew had to come at some point to challenge Demon Jr. vs Chavo Jr. for worst match in the short history of the company. Super Fly was trying... but ugh... that woman. She's lucky he caught her on that dive where she slipped.

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Super Fly was trying... but ugh... that woman. She's lucky he caught her on that dive where she slipped.

She came up short on consecutive leaps from the turnbuckle. That takes talent.



And the match was edited 6 says to Sunday.  Imagine how bad the raw footage looked.  

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Dario Cueto @RealDarioCueto

@EricVanWagenen This is good news for you since you wouldn't want me doubting your loyalty. Just ask Bael. #LuchaUnderground

5:28 PM - 29 Jun 2015

@EricVanWagenen This is good news for you since you wouldn't want me doubting your loyalty. Just ask Bael. #LuchaUnderground

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