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Lucha Underground Discussion


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Finally got caught up on LU. Man, what a great show. King Cuerno, Pentagon Jr, and Mil Muertes are my new favourite guys to watch in all of wrestling. I've never gotten into Lucha too much before but this show is a can't miss for me now. Although I can't say I'm sold on Drago/Puma as their title match for their big show.

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El Rey released a clip that I think everyone is either going to love or hate.  It's gonna be a polarizing episode this week because they ramped up the crazy shit to eleven.


Like Mil Muertes doing the motherfucking Raging Demon crazy

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As for tonight's show - there's a pretty kickass four way in there.  Mil vs Drago was absolutely nuts and I loved every second of it.  I don't remember which Superfly vs Sexy Star match is airing but I feel like I saw that match a lot of times...them changing the order has left me all discombobulated

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I dunno know if we know anything's really changed with TNA's future (or LU's - it only counts as leaving if there's a season 2), and there's always the chance he could silly strut his way back into the Temple some other day. But Dave think Lucha Underground cut Hernandez loose so maybe they weren't so high on him. (Also, other things that we'll discuss some time from now.)


I thought Hernandez was generally better than I expected out of him (though my experience was mostly his forgettable Mexico matches and maybe he was better elsewhere?) - the Puma/Hernandez title match was really good! He played his character well. He seemed like an onscreen net positive, but at the same time I won't mind other people getting bigger chances if there's a next season.


There were a lot of big picture focus on this episode on this episode, even in ways which won't be obvious until later (unless you skip to the end of the book.) They're completely locked in on the end of the season, which is going to be epic. I wish we got more of a challenge from Drago for the title shot, but Mil Muertes looks like an absolute monster. I know the complaint on the last page was Puma being built up to a ludicrous degree that makes it tough to believe anyone will beat him - it's going to work out, because they're doing the same with Mil! I have feelings about Vampiro, but they're doing everything perfect to make the first time he and Pentagon touch seem like a huge deal. Even smaller stuff seems to be trickling into rivers: Cage & Mack keep crossing paths, keep looking awesome fighting each other, and are clearly going to have a big match to finally settle it at some point. It's all been in the background outside of the locker room bit - the fans may not pick up on it at first, but the writers aren't losing track of those details.

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Gonna be short and simple with this one. It's gonna be grumpy cause this was a pretty poopy episode. 


Damn, Super Fly has the Colon/Brody/Dusty/Panther forehead going on. Has he really bladed (badly) enough in this day and age? Wow. I have nothing else to say because this match sucks. And I mean SUUUUUUUCKS. Good lord what a steaming pile of shit. 


Pentagon Jr. and Vamp's feud... simmers? Considering all of us want nothing but Vamp's arm on a wall somewhere that el Maestro can lovingly caress it, this is also pretty sorry. 


Aerostar/Marty the Moth/Cage/the Mack (4-Way): Man, fuck Cage for stealing Cesaro's deadlift superplex, he didn't even make it look like a deadlift. Totally scattered match. Vamp actually pulls it together and adds some good commentary talking about how the Moth is a creeper and how "he should wear a helmet, just in case he falls down". SHIT Rodney busts out an apron Explodah on Cage! At least there's that and Aerostar winning another Aztec Medallion. Since there are seven medallions, I'm sure this will all end in some 7-man clusterfuck with some really weird plot exposition. 


Good lord that fake electricity was fucking stupid. There are limits to the absurd telenovela stuff and that crossed the line. 


Mil Muertes vs. Drago: Hernandez jumps Drago before the bell and belt-whips him like a redheaded stepchild. Okay, that makes no sense, except for it definitely tenderizing Drago for Mil and building up some crowd support. "The blood-red lips of Catrina from which unholy words are spoken" is such a perfect line, good job Striker! The spear is unreal, crowd chants "get the coffin". Mil cuts a great audible from the crowd chanting for tables and powerbombs Drago on the announce table instead of taking one from under the ring. The cobra clutch Flatliner kinda blew. Middling but decent match, we all knew Drago wouldn't win, but he took a good beating. Puma and Konnan come out on the stairs for the staredown and we call it a night.


Well that could have been better. Oh well.

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Watching Mil/Mesias/Banderas put a beatdown on somebody is such a treat. Puma/Mil Muertes is going to be incredible, as both guys are riding huge momentum waves.


Has Sexy Star injured somebody in Mexico with her undercutting dudes on dives? She's always coming up 2-3 feet short and it's so dangerous.


I enjoyed the 4-way match way more than Curt. It wasn't great but an enjoyable spotfest that played to everybody's strengths. Mack is the man but I'm glad that Aero Star got the medallion. Whenever they say medallion, I think of late '70s/early '80s Ric Flair with the gaudy suit complete with open collared shirt and massive medallion on display.


I'm still concerned about no confirmation on a second season. Would the only reason for the delay being the cost of filming the show? Doesn't the show pull in massive numbers relative to everything else the channel does? Don't take this away from me!

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Whether the actual delivery of the Flatliner itself looks shitshod, I appreciate the fact that is only delivered/attempted when Muertes' foe has already been killed damn near dead mere moments earlier by some variety of brutal powerbomb. I mean even though Drago got the brief moment of hope with the DDT out of nowhere he really sold that he had next to nothing left to capitalize on it.  In that way and with the added death stare as he delivers it, Muertes' finisher comes off as ritualistic in a way that perfectly fits his being a badass Undertaker analog.  

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