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At some point I should revisit it and see if it makes me feel the same. At the time (same time frame only I wasn't in the building like you were) it was awesome because it felt really different and epic in a way, I had never seen a match like that. Given how it ended up, and the fact that Bret didn't even want it on his DVD set, I'm leaning towards your reaction being similar to mine if I ever see it again.

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I'm in the same boat as Tromataker.  What's the point of booking an Iron Man match with no falls?  It seems like we either had two primadonnas who didn't want to job clean or somebody getting a little too cute laying out the match.  Either way, it was shit.

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Emmys aren't until September 20th - even it did matter, it would be too late to matter.


More important: Lucha Underground is a reality show! All this stuff is really happening unscripted, if the award category is to be believed! Somewhere out there, Matanza really exists.


And he's coming for you.

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I'm blurring you all out in my mind!

Yeah, I mean, the least y'all could do is talk about her bacon strip.


(Had to, totally kidding, don't ban me)

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Great way to spend an hour. So many twists & turns. Both guys did a fantastic job. I like the fact they didn't do a tradtional Iron Man match & as usual put the unique LU spin on it where you didn't have strict rules. They weaved in the Alberto story & I thought Mundo heeling it up by running away when he had the lead was great.


Should make this a yearly thing if the show comes back.

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I liked the match, but I'm going to re-watch it because watching it with commercial breaks kind of hurt it early on. For me at least. The final minutes were great.


Show lacked Dario Cueto. Couldn't get him to peak thru the office window?

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Didn't see last week; I'll keep this short.


Vampiro's apology was really heartfelt and awesome. Ugh why they gotta bring back Blue Demon Jr.? Dario of course heels it up and sabotages him. At least he gets his ass kicked wearing a suit. Heh, Vamp doesn't even like Demon. Sadly Chavito's frog splash is about 3/10 on the Art Barr Scale. Also, if I was him, I wouldn't fuck with "Mexico". Read the papers sometime man, you're gonna wind up in a burn barrel covered in kerosene and diesel fuel. 


I don't want to come off like a horny junior-high school kid like most of you on here, but you are overlooking how much that catsuit on Catrina accentuates dem curves, especially dat ass. Have to agree with the Segunda boys that worshippers of the reaper having their machismo offended by gay come-ons is really fucking dumb. And that one dude really needs to lose the shirt. But hey, if you want to see a midget get the shit slapped out of him, here you go! Dig the crucifixion-esque finisher too. 


The spotfest four-way of course had good spots (LOVED the pop-up-and-spin moonsault thingy that Cage pulled out. He also completely ate shit on the second moonsault to the outside which was just really poor of both guys trying to catch a guy THAT big) but it had the same faults as any three- or four-way with people staying outside way too long so two guys can beat on each other. LU has managed to solve that psychological issue in the past but not here. Cuerno eats the pin again just to piss all of us off yet again.


Hey, Catrina's getting better acting-wise. You better not fuck with el hefe though; you mess with the bull you get the horns. He gonna abduct your ass and feed you to his brother!



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...and now the current episode! Lets see if an Iron Man match (esp. involving John fucking Morrison) doesn't make me sprint to the toilet. Real time~!


Jeeeeeezuuuuus that tornillo from Puma was face-destroying. It was like if someone did a regular tornillo at the speed and impact that Cuerno hits his tope suicida. The Code Red for the first fall was actually decent because it worked more like a super roll-up. Second one was even swanker and something I've never seen; it's cool that the ref let the use of the ropes fly. I miss the constant counter in the corner which they should have running constantly instead of just occasionally. The whole point of an Iron Man is to use Alfred Hitchcock's old gimmick to amp up the suspense and letting the clock vanish kills that. DAMN Mundo gets slain on that box... and we get a no-sell and a crowbar as plundah? Come the fuck on. The neckbreaker through the ropes onto the apron is one of the nastiest things ever though and I'm imagining a dozen covers during the commercial break. If anything you have give both guys credit for the bumps they are taking and the innovations they're coming up with. Okay, if all that wasn't enough, the ladder to the head should be the end to any match. Mundo sets up some tables for a balcony dive and Puma's sudden pop-up isn't convincing me. Crowd reactions to all of this are insane though and the camera people have accentuated this the whole match. Mundo kicks Puma off the balcony and SPITS ON HIM! Then he gets the band to start playing. What a cocky piece of shit. Guitar shot and a spear through four tables and I'm surprised nobody got impaled on a table leg. The crowd collectively grabs their heads in shock. LU have learned from their mistakes and show three replays in a row from different angles of the spot. Mundo's face is all splintered up, they start waffling each other, and Striker just about has a coronary J.R. style. Mundo goes super chickenshit and runs away from Puma, even hides behind Vamp. He tries to escape up the stairs and a vicious Alberto shows up to punch the hell out of him and kick him down the stairs, Puma steals a pin and Alberto cuts a killer short promo. 3 minutes... after a bunch of rollups, Mundo tries to Psicosis himself to death trying a rana, Puma hits his finisher and wins. 


Well that was full of overkill but what a spectacle. The camera was in love with the crowd the whole time and one operator took a spill and another caught the announce table get pummeled. Something this OTT is a match I really can't complain about, it was just too much fun and too goddamn crazy. LU are making these kind of things their bread and butter and I can eat that every Wednesday without a problem.

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Fun stuff for sure. So many crazy spots, great job keeping up the drama and excitement throughout. Lots of nice little touches. Finish looked properly impactful too, good stuff and a cool 'something different' kind of episode.

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I think they kept showing the crowd to make it easier to edit stuff together, but since they kept zooming in on me and my friends I can't complain.

They even zoomed in on us chanting "fight the band!" though I don't think you could hear it.


I loved this match.  Didn't know how others would take it.  I also saw it in one piece with no commercial breaks.


There was a cool moment afterwards where they played All Night Long and Puma danced with Melissa Santos that didn't make air.

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It was a decent spectacle. We've just seen better and crazier spots in LU so maybe that's why I wasn't blown away by what they did. My favorite part of the match was probably Mundo stalling, taking water breaks, and interacting with the band.

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I just watched it on UniMas and thought it was loads of fun. Agree with you on Mundo's stalling, Charlie, that was awesome. The spot with the four tables was great, as was the will they/won't they teases leading up to it (like the gnarly spot with Puma hitting the floor like a foot away from them)

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