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  1. 1. Should Cena turn to the dark side?

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would Cena going with "How dare you boo me after all I've done" work or dilute the turn?


considering they have 3 hour RAWs, they could easily fall into the idea of having Cena doing eternally long 1997 Hollywood Hogan promos backed up by various cronies and allies.


I would think bitterness at never being full accepted by the WWE Universe despite being a "good guy" and carrying the company for a decade.

Something like "you hated me because your kids looked up to me instead of you, and your girls would leave you for me if I did so much as wink at them".

I think his character would have to be covering for his insecurities by playing off those of the adult males that booed him.


For six months, Cena wins under screwy circumstances. At Mania, he beats either Punk or Bryan - and yes, it has to be one or the other for this to work - after interference by... Let's say Rollins. After a thirty second Mexican standoff that John Woo would be proud of, Cena and Rollins shake hands. Seven minute promo about all the good he has done, all the kids and blah blah blah ending with "I'm John Cena and I'm what's best for business."


They shouldn't though because he moves merch.


After reading all these fantasy booking ideas for Cena's future I've come to the conclusion that I just want him to go away. Maybe become a part timer to help give the rub to some younger guys. I don't think it matters if Cena is on top as a heel or a baby he's still going to be in the way of guys that could actually freshen up the show.


For the record Bray is the guy I'd give the ball to. I think he's the most charismatic guy on the roster both in and out of the ring(though Ambrose is right there). They just need to cut some of the weirder stuff out the crowd doesn't connect with, and let Bray use his verbal talents in more conventional(aka I'm going to kick this heel's ass)ways.


I think Cena as heel would work best if he didn't even acknowledge being a heel, or use his own ideology and status as a reason for doing what the fans perceive as "bad guy stuff".


"I did what I had to do because I never give up. Where there's a will there's a way. The odds have always been stacked up against me and last night, I just couldn't let Zack Ryder destroy the Cenation." 


"Maybe I didn't need that chair to beat him, but I have lived and breathed the WWE brand of Sports Entertainment that you can watch on the WWE Network for only 9.99 a month. I've had moment after Wrestlemania moment, dropped ounce after ounce of blood sweat and tears for all of you and I just couldn't let my legacy fall at the hands of Justin Gabriel. The Cenation deserves better."


Basically a super evil version of Bo Dallas with enough history of winning and being dominant to back it up.


would Cena using wacky photoshopped pictures to make fun of people only work as a heel if the fans think the faces will kick the shit out of Cena for making fun of them like that?


so they'd turn Cena heel and put him in a month long feud with the Big Show?


although mentioning heel Cena/face Cesaro makes me think of Cena being paired with Paul E. for some reason.


I thought Angle going on about how Cena sucks for months, then Edge talking about how Cena wasn't edgy enough only for HHH to talk about how Cena wasn't good enough to be HHH started the whole Cena Sucks thing.

And people talk about how WWE killing characters before they get a chance like its a new thing.

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After seeing the reaction to Brock ending the streak, I'm more convinced than ever that it should have been Cena cheating to beat the streak, turning heel, and going after Bryan and the title. Even with Bryan's injury, you could end up with the title on him, and have a face Brock come out to destroy heel Cena at SummerSlam. The next night on Raw, Cena comes out, says he lost his way and needs a break. A little while later, Ambrose starts running his mouth towards Cena, and you replay Austin/Hart with those, except instead of a double turn, Cena comes back still an unrepentant heel.


He really needs to just go away for a while.


Lesnar needs to beat the brakes off of him at SummerSlam and I don't think he should return until after WrestleMania.  Really start heating up Reigns to take the title at WrestleMania from Lesnar.  Then a fresh Cena returns post-WrestleMania and you've got two money matches ready against Lesnar again and against Reigns.

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I thought Angle going on about how Cena sucks for months, then Edge talking about how Cena wasn't edgy enough only for HHH to talk about how Cena wasn't good enough to be HHH started the whole Cena Sucks thing.


No, people were getting tired long before that. They tried everything they could to make Angle a heel against Cena (such as cutting anti-military promos and pairing him with Daivari) but nothing took. Most of the heat Cena got from the Edge feud was winning the title back just a couple weeks after losing it. Edge winning was really fresh at the time, and most people saw that angle as wasting a huge opportunity for Edge just to continue shoving Cena down everyone's throat.


The HHH feud was the best thing that ever happened to John Cena, and though it looked bad at the time, I think we should retrospectively give HHH and the writers a lot of credit for being ahead of the curve on that one. HHH just kind of took what was there and went with it instead of fighting the current. It helped Cena develop the "I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks" aspect of his character and you could tell it was a big weight off his shoulders to be in a situation where being booed didn't look terrible (like the Angle and Edge feuds). Then he went over HHH clean at Mania to cement himself and prove he could "wrestle" with the best. They followed it up with the RVD feud which was another good spot for Cena at the time, and things just settled into place after that.


If Cena turned heel, and I am undecided on whether the writers could pull this off (bring back Pat Patterson as a long term angle consultant! And Hayes and Rotundo and anyone else over 50!!) as well as if it will be worthwhile in the long term, I would want him to really be the antithesis of his Cena Klassic character as it stands now. Meaning, not just an evil Master of Thuganomics w/more cheating, but more like a Million Dollar Man gimmick: an arrogant but skilled ring competitor who uses his money and influence to hire minions to get what he wants, who is difficult to get into the ring for babyface revenge. Use him sparingly, lots of video and live-via-satellite from his palatial mansions and backstage at rap concerts and from the cabin of his private jet, with his long-suffering wife at his side. He is too big for even the Authority to control, maybe only Mr. McMahon is his equal in influence and power. I gotta think on this more...



I think the WWE's hesitance over the last 2.5 years has made it kinda useless now. If they had turned him in the Rock feud/Rise of the Authority/Bray feud I think it could work, but right now with all the roster turnover and injuries, he's kinda the face safety guy. If Bryan comes back healthy or Vince can convince Punk to come back to a nuclear pop under the promise of being the clear #1 face then you could make it work, but if you're trying to build a new generation, keeping Cena as a Nagata type gate-keeper against the Tanahashi's and Okada's of the world is a better bet.


But if they do turn him, the bitter heel is the absolute worse way to go. He'll either get 50/50 cheers (cause people like bitterness nowadays for some reason) or just get go away heat like Miz/Del Rio guys are getting. If you want to make it work, you gotta make him overtly push the product straight down people's throat, 100% shill 100% of the time, Tebow levels of selflessness to the point he gets on your nerves, RTC level censorship of anything not good for the kids in order to keep the network happy, etc. He needs to be the anti-villian, so good-too-shoes you just wanna smack him.


If Cena turned heel, and I am undecided on whether the writers could pull this off (bring back Pat Patterson as a long term angle consultant! And Hayes and Rotundo and anyone else over 50!!) as well as if it will be worthwhile in the long term, I would want him to really be the antithesis of his Cena Klassic character as it stands now. Meaning, not just an evil Master of Thuganomics w/more cheating, but more like a Million Dollar Man gimmick: an arrogant but skilled ring competitor who uses his money and influence to hire minions to get what he wants, who is difficult to get into the ring for babyface revenge. Use him sparingly, lots of video and live-via-satellite from his palatial mansions and backstage at rap concerts and from the cabin of his private jet, with his long-suffering wife at his side. He is too big for even the Authority to control, maybe only Mr. McMahon is his equal in influence and power. I gotta think on this more...


Use the bus he has for travel between shows as a huge heel draw.  Have him point out the items that he has that the other people on the roster do not.


Rub it in that he gets his own bus when the talent rents cars and travels together.




ater on, Nikki gives sister Brie Bella a tour of John’s travel bus and Brie is blown away. There are flat-screen TVs, a master bathroom and a built-in wine cellar.


This just screams for a Million Dollar Man gimmick; Cena is a top level star who uses his star power to bully others around the roster.


If they are going to keep bringing up this ridiculous notion that Cena can't wrestle in promos I would like to them incorporate it in a heel turn. We've already seen he has a habit of working extra stiff with young up and comers. Going so far as to injure Michael Tarver. Rather than have him start some new faction have him hire a couple "trainers". Finlay and Regal. They just go around RAW, Smackdown and NXT working stiff and stretching people. Any time Cena doesn't quite get it right, or the ref turns his head, they give a proper demonstration. Even give Cena one of those microphones like Abraham Washington had so he can trash talk and rap at his opponent during the match. This way he would also have to learn a less obvious way of calling matches. One match can just be 5 minutes of him holding a guy in a Boston crab hold. I realize now I am kind pitching Cena being a rapping Stu Hart. Might not actually be a great idea.

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Cena is way above a gimmick like that now, but it would be hilarious if they used it for someone like Mojo Rawley when he gets called up.


It'd be neat if, starting on Sunday, Super Cena begins to show some cracks and eventually joins the Authority to stay on top. It would seem an organic story that could play out really well if they have a strong babyface to take the reigns. Currently that guy's on the shelf. I'd slow burn the heel turn until Bryan returns. Have them match up and either do something similar to the WM X7 heel turn or shortly after Cena loses to Bryan again.


Edit: I was wondering, Will, where did you get the info from that Hardy sold more merchandise than Cena back in '09? Does Meltzer get that kind of information? Fascinating if true, as I wasn't watching WWE at the time but knew of Jeff's renaissance.


My unofficial count of Jeff Hardy arm sleeves compared to John Cena sweatbands when I was in attendance in Philly for Night of Champions 2009. 

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