JRGoldman Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 AJ might have married CM Punk, but her tanning buddy is pretty clearly Hulk Hogan. Girl was straight up orange tonight. I'm not sure I've ever seen a wrestler who trusts his character less than Adam Rose. You can tell he doesn't buy that it will get over at all. This was a very good Raw, with almost every segment advancing something noteworthy. 1
Tim Evans Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Can't wait to see Paige and Emma go back to NXT where they can be appreciated. I guess AJ will drop the title to Charlotte in a couple months when she debuts? As long as AJ's babyface, i'm fine with that.
piranesi Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 AJ might have married CM Punk, but her tanning buddy is pretty clearly Hulk Hogan. Girl was straight up orange tonight. Nikki had her beat. At some point she was booked in a color-vs.-color match with Brother Love and she won all that shit.
muhammedboehm Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Why is HHH giving Roman Reigns a title shot? Last I checked, he didn't like him, right? So why include him in the Fatal 4-Way where he's got a shot to win the title, instead of just making it a Triple Threat with just his guys against Cena? Cause Trips figures Cena doesn't trust Reigns so it's Cena vs 3 other guys...which will likely backfire when Cena talks to Reigns about how cool it was that they were in a science lab together in highschool. 1
APO Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Nice to see AJ's back to kill the Divas division deader than she did during her last reign. Yeah, that never happened. It was the most over the division had been since Trish and Lita. That before or after she buried them all in that shitty worked-shoot promo? And proceeded to beat them all over and over again? The division was more over after the promo, and everyone that challenged her was more over than they have been at any other point in their entire career. Oh, like who? All I remember are crickets chirping. Only one who kinda escaped unscathed was Naomi and that's only because Aksana busted her eye before the match.
Casey Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 oh my god guys the Divas division is not fucking dead. Paige/AJ will probably churn out the best Divas match on the main roster this year at Battleground if they're given enough time to work. Then you still got Natalya (fuck your opinions), Alicia Fox (crazy vs still crazy), Emma (YES PLEASE!), Naomi (has improved; will have fantastic matches with AJ) and then Cameron just be squash material because fuck her. Not to mention the handful of women on NXT that could be called up. I'm still waiting for Sasha Banks & Bayley to debut. It's far from dead. Just because on Diva is massively more over than the rest of her division doesn't mean it's dead - it means that people love AJ, so they aren't preconditioned to hate the female wrestling anymore. Their characters are (mostly) fleshed out and connect with fans - it's just up to the individual wrestler themselves to make it work. AJ made it work. Lita, Trish, Victoria, etc. Now the other divas need to step it up and prove they deserve to hang. Of course, my old member title was "cautiously optimistic about the WWE divas", so....
bink_winkleman Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 AJ might have married CM Punk, but her tanning buddy is pretty clearly Hulk Hogan. Girl was straight up orange tonight. You clearly did not see that pic where AJ and Punk were running, Punk was revealed as the pregnant one, and all his tattoos were irreparably sun damaged. He even had white spots between his deep brown fat rolls.
piranesi Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Guys we got Miz and Khali back tonight! They're gearing up for Wargames I tell you!!! You all should have known when they said "Multimedia platforms cross-branded entertainment superstar" that Jericho, for all his faults, wouldn't have come up with something that stupid to label himself. Then you should have asked yourself "Who is stupid enough to label themselves like that?" And it would have been elementary. It was Miz as James Spader as Steff in PRETTY IN PINK just not as, like, tough-looking. 3
Big Fresh Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Just watched Ambrose's promo on the aftershow. If he and Renee Young weren't dating before... they are now. 2
Greggulator Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 This is Dean from last week talking about getting put in the MITB match, where he says he would have sold the briefcase to a pawn shop.He also talks about how HHH and Seth made him their enemies for life. "And that's bad. Your life changes when I am your enemy."So friggin' great. 3
Big Fresh Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 That's twice now that Dean Ambrose has called himself "Scumbag" and I love it. There's your T-Shirt. Hogan has the Hulkamaniacs, Jericho has the Jerichoholics, Dean has The Scumbags. There's nobody else in wrestling I'd rather watch right now than Dean. Every time I needed a laugh this week, I watched the Payback press conference where he's unconscious on the table. 2
mco543 Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Ambrose is so delightfully strange. He's like a psychotic, drugged out version of Jimmy Stewart. 1
piranesi Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Part of what's so good about him is that he never ever breaks character to wink to the audience or even just to try to play to them. He doesn't try to get people to chant things. he doesn't pause when they are cheering to soak it in. He doesn't go on social media to promote his story. He doesn't show up with merch. on (at least in an obviosu way) so that we all know he's in the business of the business or whatever. That stuff even hurts Bryan a little. He's always got that worker's glint in his eye and he's always got one eye on the fans. Which is fine. It's smart. I mean it gets you over. Everyone has learned this, that you have to work the crowd, bring them in, play to them and with them. It's what made Rock so great, right? You have to do it. But Ambrose doesn't. He has that old 1980s stare which totally tunes us out...like how when Savage did his promos. He didn't talk to us, or to Okerlund or to the camera. He talked above us. He talked near a camera but never to it. Hell sometimes he wandered off camera or turned completely around and talked to the wall. We were all invisible to him. All those guys were kind of like that. It wasn't just exactly Kayfabe, but staying in character, and having that character be not part of this world and not part of the business. Out of phase with reality enough that the camera actually isn't there. The fans aren't there. Ambrose almost never acknowledges the crowd. In a weird way, he is uniquely old fashioned and I would guess probably way more into Kayfabe than a lot of other people in this generation. It stands out. 13
ebbie Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 1) is there anyway Wade can bullhammer the commentary team all at once and calls Raw all by himself? 2) who the hell wants to see The Miz or Jericho in 2014? Who wants to see The Miz vs Jericho in 2014?
Big Fresh Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Part of what's so good about him is that he never ever breaks character to wink to the audience or even just to try to play to them. He doesn't try to get people to chant things. he doesn't pause when they are cheering to soak it in. He doesn't go on social media to promote his story. He doesn't show up with merch. on (at least in an obviosu way) so that we all know he's in the business of the business or whatever. That stuff even hurts Bryan a little. He's always got that worker's glint in his eye and he's always got one eye on the fans. Which is fine. It's smart. I mean it gets you over. Everyone has learned this, that you have to work the crowd, bring them in, play to them and with them. It's what made Rock so great, right? You have to do it. But Ambrose doesn't. He has that old 1980s stare which totally tunes us out...like how when Savage did his promos. He didn't talk to us, or to Okerlund or to the camera. He talked above us. He talked near a camera but never to it. Hell sometimes he wandered off camera or turned completely around and talked to the wall. We were all invisible to him. All those guys were kind of like that. It wasn't just exactly Kayfabe, but staying in character, and having that character be not part of this world and not part of the business. Out of phase with reality enough that the camera actually isn't there. The fans aren't there. Ambrose almost never acknowledges the crowd. In a weird way, he is uniquely old fashioned and I would guess probably way more into Kayfabe than a lot of other people in this generation. It stands out. Well, I don't think there's a lot of kayfabe there. He's absolutely at least partially crazy. Ever listern to her appearance on The Art of Wrestling or the Onnit podcast? The guy lived in Florida, whent on a European tour with WWE, and while he was over in Europe just said, "I think I'd rather live in Vegas". So he never even flew back to Florida, just went straight to Vegas and lived there. Normal people don't do that shit. I also think the Mexican jail story might be PARTIALLY true. 2
bink_winkleman Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 Eh, I can never turn in Jericho. Ambrose has a great Cabana interview where he explains how he never had the Internet so he was reading wrestling magazines and being a total mark and basically coming up like all the old guys did. EDIT: Kinda sorta beat to it by Big Fresh.
piranesi Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 It's like we're being visited by a soul from another era. Any guesses who is in that body?
JonnyLaw Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 I'm sorry Cesaro, but right now I'm riding Ambrose all the way to the March Madness 2015 finals. 8
piranesi Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 I'm sorry Cesaro, but right now I'm riding Ambrose all the way to the March Madness 2015 finals. "Jonnylaw is always in line to ride Space Mountain all March long. Well Jonny you don't need to drive to Florida to ride Space Mountain. You just gotta get to Vegas baby because Space Mountain is there and you can ride all you want WOOOOOOOOOOO!"
The Man Known as Dan Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 I'm sorry Cesaro, but right now I'm riding Ambrose all the way to the March Madness 2015 finals. To be fair, what has Cesaro done since Mania that would put him in march madness winner territory. Hell, who really has stood out in the voting period other then Seth and maybe The Usos?
Big Fresh Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 I'm sorry Cesaro, but right now I'm riding Ambrose all the way to the March Madness 2015 finals. To be fair, what has Cesaro done since Mania that would put him in march madness winner territory. Hell, who really has stood out in the voting period other then Seth and maybe The Usos? Cesaro hung off the belt with one arm while punching Sheamus with the other. 3
piranesi Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 He also stopped punching Kofi in the corner tonight just long enough to yell "WELL DO SOMETHING!" 1
Go2Sleep Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 What a great Raw, about 100x better than MITB. With all the excitement, I can't fully fault anyone for skipping over this, and I can't believe I'm actually going to type this out... But RVD had really good match in 2014. I've always been a fan of matches where guys sell injuries from big matches the night before, and Rollins and RVD made it work here. Rollins was selling the back early and often on simple moves to build the stakes, and RVD was desperately trying to keep him off the leg. The dueling body part work was honestly some of the most focused and well-executed offense of RVD's life. Rollins using that Marufuji-style dragon screw over the ropes was a great spot made even better by RVD's bump off of it. Rollins is also really good at selling the toll of a match. Then you cut in with another awesome Ambrose promo, and Rollins "slightly scared but doesn't wanna show it" trash talking and I'm thinking WWE has real money feud on their hands if they play it right. This is an angle everyone can get excited for. So much other stuff to talk about too. Angle-wise, it felt like a very attitude-y Raw. Not a lot of things made sense (especially Paige going heel out of nowhere), but it was so chaotic and the crowd was so hot, I loved every second of it. You need a show like this every once in a while to keep you on your toes. 2
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