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someone remind me why I'm supposed to cheer for the two guys who are extremely racist and xenophobic. But, that's par the course for WWE babyfaces. The heels have more face qualities than the actual faces on the roster.


To be fair, Rusev is also extremely racist and xenophobic. Swagger is the lesser of two evils here. I honestly do not see how Rusev has more face qualities than Swagger.


I only caught the last hour or so but I loved it.

I thought the Miz/Y2J/Wyatts segment was awesome. Miz coming back as a Hollywood wanna-be is a perfect way to use him. I love Jericho coming out as the cool dad returning star to put Miz in his place only for GLUUURRRRRRRRTTTTT. One of Bray's early targets was The Miz, who he describes as "everything he hated the most about this world. I could totally see Bray and Harper/Rowan huddled in the back frothing at the mouth at this pretty boy's return, only for Jericho to make his surprise... and that's someone Bray hates even more along the same lines -- Jericho returned as the old Y2J tonight, who is essentially a face version of Miz's Hollywood snob act. He gets out of the rocking chair and then they come out and wreck Jericho's world.

Bray/Jericho had a really good match on NXT. Bray's way better, now. That should be a fun feud and if Jericho can get back some of his old mojo, than they might have some secretly good matches.

AJ putting Paige in a corner to regain the title was fun and a swerve from where I thought they would go -- with AJ attacking Paige and chasing from there. Instead, AJ hoodwinked Paige and regained what's hers while a jealous Paige whimpered on in disbelief. AJ and Paige are the only two divas (non-NXT division) who have mattered the past few years so they'll actually have some crowd heat and the like.

The main event was solid and ended with so many great layers. Cena was really great on the apron when Reigns was in Ricky Morton mode. I loved how it broke down Kane doing The Authority's bidding setting up the Rollins cash-in (with now Randy present, mind you). Dean hunting Rollins whenever he's doing a cash-in is absolutely money. Have they done that before, where a rival swore he'd ruin someone's cash-in attempt? I don't think so.


But it's a really great idea and Dean's PERFECT for it. They really found something fantastic with Dean as a psychotic face. We've all been dicked over by someone we were friends with at some point -- be it for a girl or for high school popularity or workplace ladder climbing. Dean's doing what we all wish we could do when we get backstabbed. They really found greatness with that.

I loved how it ended with Reigns and HHH in a showdown. Reigns looks like such a badass. He rules so much.


Dean/Rollins and Reigns vs. HHH dwarf Cena and the belt right now.

I think we live in a world where Cena needs the belt to stay relevant more than anyone else does.

Shaping up to be a fun summer run.

  • Like 1

Dean Ambrose promo on Backstage Pass about being in an Mexican jail for 2 months because he beat up a guy giving him the finger and following him 30 some miles is awesome and somehow believable   :lol:

  • Like 3

Dean Ambrose is still wearing the same clothes he was wearing last night. 


I imagine he leaves a show, gets in his VW bug and drives alone through the night guzzling a mixture of Dorito dust and Pixie stick dust stirred in with dry Koolaid mix and roofies until he gets to the next arena.  The whole time listening to Kill'em All on cassette and screaming Rollins name over and over.  

In my dream this has been going on for three weeks now.

Why is Santino's t-shirt Florida?

  • Like 11


Nice to see AJ's back to kill the Divas division deader than she did during her last reign.


Yeah, that never happened.  It was the most over the division had been since Trish and Lita.



That before or after she buried them all in that shitty worked-shoot promo? And proceeded to beat them all over and over again?

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For all the hype (deservedly so) for Reigns as the future, Ambrose is more interesting to me.


A Brian Pillman "loose cannon" gimmick who can cut a promo like Jake Roberts. Yes, please.

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You know, I don't think A.J.'s really pregnant.


Have you learned nothing.   There's always Plan B.



...I don't give out many likes, but you earned this one.  Well played.


Dean Ambrose is still wearing the same clothes he was wearing last night. 


I imagine he leaves a show, gets in his VW bug and drives alone through the night guzzling a mixture of Dorito dust and Pixie stick dust stirred in with dry Koolaid mix and roofies until he gets to the next arena.  The whole time listening to Kill'em All on cassette and screaming Rollins name over and over.  

In my dream this has been going on for three weeks now.

Why is Santino's t-shirt Florida?



I think you mean a VW Bus. That dude totally drives a food-wrapper filled van that has some weird hobo bed rigged in the back on top of stereo equipment bought at a pawn shop. Because Dean buys -- not sells -- things at pawn shops.

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So, there is a time when a Seinfeld reference doesn't work, when it comes from Jerry fucking Lawler. Heyman has to come out next week and say he had sex with Lawler's wife.

I'm all for Jack Swagger, patriotic face. That pop was awesome.

I was expecting Ambrose to drop some AC/DC lyrics and follow up T-N-T with I'm Dy-no-mite.




Nice to see AJ's back to kill the Divas division deader than she did during her last reign.


Yeah, that never happened.  It was the most over the division had been since Trish and Lita.



That before or after she buried them all in that shitty worked-shoot promo? And proceeded to beat them all over and over again?



The division was more over after the promo, and everyone that challenged her was more over than they have been at any other point in their entire career.

  • Like 3


Nice to see AJ's back to kill the Divas division deader than she did during her last reign.


Yeah, that never happened.  It was the most over the division had been since Trish and Lita.


Ignoring the contributions of Total Divas and Brie mode stirs an anger within me that only Vincent would know. 



Dean Ambrose is still wearing the same clothes he was wearing last night. 


I imagine he leaves a show, gets in his VW bug and drives alone through the night guzzling a mixture of Dorito dust and Pixie stick dust stirred in with dry Koolaid mix and roofies until he gets to the next arena.  The whole time listening to Kill'em All on cassette and screaming Rollins name over and over.  

In my dream this has been going on for three weeks now.

Why is Santino's t-shirt Florida?



I think you mean a VW Bus. That dude totally drives a food-wrapper filled van that has some weird hobo bed rigged in the back on top of stereo equipment bought at a pawn shop. Because Dean buys -- not sells -- things at pawn shops.



Dude, I have footage of him outside the Arena:



  • Like 1

I did enjoy that Adam Rose has finally figured out that a party ain't a party until the booze comes out.  


Or Rosita   :wub:


Man, I usually pay attention to the Rosebuds nowadays to spot the indy workers and I missed Rosita.  Hope she eventually gets signed.


I think it would have been a better deal if once Hunter went to the knee looking at Cena and motioning to the back that when Rollins came running down with the case he didn't have a ref but Hunter ripped open his shirt to show he had a ref shirt on under his dress shirt and then goes about yelling at the time keeper to ring the bell when leading to Ambrose running to the ring.


Dean Ambrose is still wearing the same clothes he was wearing last night.

I imagine he leaves a show, gets in his VW bug and drives alone through the night guzzling a mixture of Dorito dust and Pixie stick dust stirred in with dry Koolaid mix and roofies until he gets to the next arena. The whole time listening to Kill'em All on cassette and screaming Rollins name over and over.

In my dream this has been going on for three weeks now.

Ambrose is Jeff Spicoli. He and his surfer/stoner buddies all fall out of the van amidst a cloud of smoke when they arrive to each arena.



Dean Ambrose is still wearing the same clothes he was wearing last night.

I imagine he leaves a show, gets in his VW bug and drives alone through the night guzzling a mixture of Dorito dust and Pixie stick dust stirred in with dry Koolaid mix and roofies until he gets to the next arena. The whole time listening to Kill'em All on cassette and screaming Rollins name over and over.

In my dream this has been going on for three weeks now.


Ambrose is Jeff Spicoli. He and his surfer/stoner buddies all fall out of the van amidst a cloud of smoke when they arrive to each arena.



I eagerly await someone punching Ambrose in the head and him responding with, "That was my skull!"


Catching up on Bo Dallas. I can't wait to watch this whole segment but he might be the best comic on television right now, with apologies to Nathan Fielder. I have no idea how he can keep a straight face with his absolute insane commitment to a lack of self-awareness.

I love the Jack/Zeb turn. Their face turn makes sense. Zeb and Jack have xenophobic views I don't support. But Lana's constantly running down America and trumpeting the supremacy of Russia. Zeb's a war hero who stared those Commie bastards in the eye. I don't agree with his vision of what America should look like, but I do agree with him that this lady can run down America yet the equivalent in Russia ends up with someone getting whipped by Cossacks.

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