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Yes, this does deserve a topic, as holy hell is that show awesome!  He's pretty damn good at interviews, and when shooting the shit he's mostly pretty good too.  I like the word of the days, the things he can't stand, stuff people need that are sometimes useful, and the wacky nonsense he does when out of his mind.  As an avid beer drinker who wanted to cut down some, I can vouch for Steve's advice on Pellegrino water.  To my surprise it worked so if I can hopefully get a little less beer gut due to that then I'm gonna be alright.


Speaking of him going out of his mind, I just have three words:  Beany Body Diet.  I double dog anybody to hear that and not laugh.


Yes, MLW is great and the stuff on the Observer can be good too, but this show is far and way my favorite wrestling podcast.

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I'd recommend any of the interviews he did.  I'm sure you're cool with it, but him shooting the shit lately has had some stuff that guys would like more.  Sex stuff, farts, that sort of thing.  That and the interviews are better anyway to get a feel for what he can do.  The Bret one was great, same with Jim Ross too.  He had a great one with Trish as well.  That'd be a good start.

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His Tim White interview was good not only for the Andre stories but his take on Foley/Undertaker HIAC. It makes me want Austin to interview L'il Naitch Charles Robinson.

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"Anything with legs and a pair of tits walk by and your flagpole's gonna be at full salute!"




Get ya' some shrooms plus some test and start lifting those goddamn kettlebells.  And tell 'em Cold Stone sent ya'.  Ahhh, hell yeah!


The Jim Ross interviews were really good. Austin losing his shit over finding out JR was born in California was hysterical. The Nash interviews are both really good too. In fact you really can't go wrong with any of his wrestling guests. They've all been entertaining. I've listened to as many of Austin's shows as I have Cabana's and I like Austin's a lot more. His story of the woodpecker that was at his ranch was great but if you haven't heard Austin vs The Fly yet you need to get on that shit now.


He was on Coach's ESPN radio show last week and he mentioned his podcast.  Glad to hear that it's good.  I may have to catch it sometime.


I don't get how someone would use their time listening to Coach's ESPN radio show but haven't heard any of Austin's podcast yet.


The Cole and JBL show was good. I listened to the most recet episode since Zeb & Cesaro were on. Hearing Cole & JBL talking candidly about their histories in WWE was pretty entertaining.


I don't get how someone would use their time listening to Coach's ESPN radio show but haven't heard any of Austin's podcast yet.


Judgmental much?  <_<


I have ESPN Radio on at work, so it's by default that I listen to him sometimes.  Even with that, I find myself turning him down and listening to some music on YouTube.  Coach isn't a terrible radio host, but I don't think he's found a true rhythm yet.


You guys have convinced me.  The Bret Hart episode has been really entertaining, I can't wait for them to do their match breakdown that they promised to do. 

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Austin losing to The Fly because of outside interference from "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka was awesome. He's entertaining to listen to just sitting there and shooting the shit about any topic.

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Get ya' some shrooms plus some test and start lifting those goddamn kettlebells.  And tell 'em Cold Stone sent ya'.  Ahhh, hell yeah!


God damnit Steve I'm allready too smart as it is, I don't need that Alpha Brain and my bodies a physical specimen, like a redneck adonis...

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Scrubber on a stick and his adventures at Home Depot are my favorite so far. 


The Home Depot one is pretty great, especially when you consider nothing interesting actually happened, it's just the way he tells the story that's so entertaining.


He's the only podcast I heard that makes the ads worth listening. I get a big kick out of that. Especially when he's really over the top and he does the Onnit ad. Absolutely hilarious.

Oh, man, the Cootchietronic 6000. That was amazing!


God damnit Steve I'm allready too smart as it is, I don't need that Alpha Brain and my bodies a physical specimen, like a redneck adonis...


All ya' need is a cunt hair's worth.  Between the tits.  And you're good to go.  Ya' smelly motherfucker!

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