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The All Things HORROR thread~!


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To round out my Halloween viewing, I watched a couple episodes of the BBC series Dead Set. It's... okay-ish, I guess. The premise is that the zombie apocalypse happens right in the middle of an episode of Big Brother, with the usual collection of howling madmen inside the house being completely oblivious of the undead uprising outside until it's much too late. Kind of a cute idea, but the characters are largely such awful people that it's hard to even watch them, much less care about them. And damn this is gory for a British comedy, with Walking Dead-level carnage being perpetrated in a way which suggests that you're supposed to laugh at it, but I didn't find it terribly funny.

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I didn't find the CG too bad in Evil Dead. That said, you could tell pretty plainly what was CG and what was practical. I found the first episode did a good job bringing the goofy fun while also making the deadites scary as shit again. Sort of a compromise between Army of Darkness and the relentlessly brutal Evil Dead reimagining.

Totally in for the ride.

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I watched Bone Tomahawk last weekend.  It's really good, though it's much more of a western/adventure film and not much horror about it until the final act.  The movie is pretty lengthy and there's plenty of good development among the characters.  Pace is slow but not boring and it's amazing how well they did which was probably a small budget.

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Gunnar Hansen paased away last night at the age of 68 due to pancreatic cancer. Man, fuck 2015: Betsy Palmer, Christopher Lee, Wes Craven, and now Gunnar.

I got to meet Gunnar at the 2010 Chiller convention and talk to him for a few minutes. He autographed my TCM poster, "Cosmo, you're next!" Yes, that's right, my name is Cosmo.

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I need that poster for my loft / man attic like yesterday.



I find it kind of amusing how hard they're finding it to create the online component of the thing.  Wikipedia and IMDB and probably other sites keep deleting all the hoax pages they try to put up to make it seem like a real documentary and googl helpfully lets you know right on the search page that none of the web pages about the events existed before 2013 or so.


We're different now than we were in '99.

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Watched Demons on Hulu over the weekend. I usually despise the many iterations of jump-scare tactics in horror, but despite this film being a series of jump-scares, I enjoy it. Sparse character development, apart from the pimp who actually has concern for his hoes.* One thing that takes me out of the film, midway through, is the introduction of a quartet of punk ne'er-do-wells rolling on a coke binge; we follow this crew in intercuts for about twenty minutes, just so they can get high, show a titty, get chased by police, enter the heretofore sealed-off theater somehow, then immediately be assaulted & converted into demons.

A while back, I got on this kick about meta horror films, and I totally forgot about this one. I know there had been movie-in-a-movie tropes in films long before this one, but I neither remember nor can find evidence of a movie-in-a-movie being responsible for the events that occur in the main film proper.

The ending (well, the precursor to the ending [well, the first of several precursors to the ending]) is a total deus ex machina clustefuck, but given all that precedes it, you might as well shrug it off.

I liked it. It's a fun film with a fair bit of gore (and a lot of green pudding spitting bitches), and a weird set piece where a demon erupts from a victim's back (which makes little sense anatomy-wise, but lolmagic so no point in complaints). It feels like a lot in this film inspired the "28 Days Later" zombies-that-aren't-zombies. And of course, it's an Italian horror film, so APOCALYPSE!

*If the guy isn't a pimp, it has nothing to do with steps they took to portray him as such.

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I could almost be convinced that was a direct quote, and I watched the film within the past 48 hours to know it isn't. (Unless, of course, it is...)

Mentioning the gore, I almost forgot the effects of the one demon-ho losing her teeth by way of a full set of fangs growing in and pushing the human teeth out of her gums.

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Razorback redux? Bill Moseley? Yes please.


Okay, I have to go see that.


and HOLY SHIT~!  I thought that I was the only human being in North America to have ever watched Razorback~!

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