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I honestly think Page might be the most underrated wrestler from the entire 96-01 U.S. boom period.


Guy went about 4 years without having a single bad match.

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I honestly think Page might be the most underrated wrestler from the entire 96-01 U.S. boom period.


Guy went about 4 years without having a single bad match.


DDP is proof you don't need a ton of physical talent to be a great pro wrestler.  

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The Diamond Cutter changed the way you thought about finishers forever and ever.  I will always think of DDP as one of the few true innovators of pro wrasslin.

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Different strokes for different folks, I suppose, but I was at BATB when Rodman and Malone wrestled and it was a fucking ordeal.  Rodman was very clearly in no condition to perform, and the match just went on forever.

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When I was a kid, DDP was one of my favorite wrestlers. He was so damn good working the underdog role that you could forgive the hokey nature of the character and get into him bigtime. For me he was the ultimate WCW guy, even above Goldberg. Sadly the main matches I could think of him are the Raven ones, which involve Benoit, so... yeah.

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For matt


Everyone needs to watch this.  DDP"s AWA mullet is.... something.... even by the standards of ridiculous wrestling mullets.


Actually, the Diamond Doll that appears in that segment with Tanaka, Diamond, and DDP may have the worst hair of the lot,


And, DDP from '96 on was one of my favorites.  Guy had an amazing run, considering he was a manager in AWA and his early WCW run was pretty dull (and. god, I hate that feud with Johnny B. Badd, where Badd left in the middle and the Booty Man replaced him.  Ugh).

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Agreed that DDP is one of the most underrated performers of his era.  I'm not even sure why he got SO much disdain from so many people: yeah, he was a bit too old for that spot (but still younger than half the other main eventers in WCW!), and yeah his longtime friendship with Bischoff did kinda make his success look like nepotism, and yeah his personality was awfully goofy, and yeah his catchphrases were often strained and contrived, and yeah he's one of those guys who insisted on scripting every move in the locker room... okay, I guess I DO understand why he got so much heat.  


But still, who gives a shit about all that?  The only thing that matters are the RESULTS, not how the results were achieved.  And Page's results were consistently pretty damned great.  He had what was not-very-arguably the best match of Goldberg's life, which is certainly no small feat.  Certainly, his call-it-in-the-back style WORKED when it was allowed to.  Consider this: Undertaker was almost certainly the one calling those awful matches he had with DDP, and doing so in the ring because that's just how Taker does things.  Seeing as how crappy those were, maybe they should've let Page script the damn things himself so they wouldn't have sucked so much, huh?  


This match... Yes, Leno was an utter embarrassment.  But DDP and Hogan both (credit where it's due!) worked hard, and if nothing else it's a shitton better than the Rodman-Malone tag match.

YES, THANK YOU.  The Leno match has always received WAY more mindless hatred than it ever deserved.  I seriously think the worst thing about this match is simply the fact that they had it at Road Wild; how are a bunch of Hell's Angels supposed to be a great demographic for a talk show host?  


Yes, having Hulk Hogan sell for a stand-up comedian was kinda embarrassing; but then again, Hollywood Hogan was generally portrayed as the world's biggest chickenshit who could never beat ANYONE clean (except for Sting at Starrcade of course, grrrrr) and typically got his ass kicked by pretty much everyone until the inevitable NWO run-in for the finish.  And it's not like Leno was using a bunch of power moves, tossing Hogan all over the ring; he just did a couple of brief arm-wringers (while Hogan had already been softened up by DDP, who held Hulk's arm trapped in place so Leno could just come in and take Page's place on the already-existing wristlock rather than grabbing a new hold by himself) and that was pretty much it.  


Leno actually tried his damndest, and didn't look horrible considering he's an almost-elderly non-wrestler who'd only had a few days of training.  (Kanyon did his training, right?)  And the match was perfectly booked, keeping Hogan with DDP 90% of the time and limiting the majority of Leno's in-ring time to kicking the shit out of Eric Bischoff.  The right team went over, in the right way; the babyfaces getting their win (in what was a relatively pointless celebrity match, so there's no reason for the good guys to lose) in the right way (with... uh, whatisname, Jay's lead music guy, hitting the Cutter on Bischoff as sweet ironic revenge for YEARS of NWO interference and dirty finishes).  Everything was done better than we possibly could've expected.  


Compare that to the bloody post-birth-abortion horror show which was the Malone/Rodman match, which still remains one of the very worst PPV main events I've ever seen in my entire life.  It was the exact opposite: Hogan sold for Malone WAY too much, the match went on WAY too long (forty fucking minutes), Rodman was obviously stoned out of his goddamn mind and couldn't do ANYTHING right, and then it had the most insulting finish possible with goddamn Beefcake hitting a Stunner on the babyfaces for the cheap pin.  And then afterwards, for revenge, Malone diamond cuts... the referee?!  Not the devious heels, but the poor innocent official?!  What the hell, "hero"?.  

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I will lighten this up by bringing up the fact that DDP has managed to raise not one but two men from the (nearly literal) dead as a potential for sainthood, maybe not as a wrestler, but just as a human being. 

On top of that, it's a full circle thing considering Jake basically taught him all the nuances of pro wrestling and Scott was one of his biggest fans in the AWA days.


I mean, more than 20 years later, he's the biggest thing keeping both those guys alive. Crazy.

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