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Dolfan in NYC

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SPOILERS?  just to be safe:


Planes Trains and Automobiles


John Candy admitting that his wife is dead and that he's homeless.


Armageddon?  Seriously?  Yes, the asteroid gets destroyed but giant pieces are still going to hit Earth.  Every second that Bruce Willis rambles, the asteroid gets closer to Earth and the more likeliness that a random chunk of it kills millions of people.  It's really one of the most selfish speeches in movie history.  If he went on for another ten seconds, Earth would have been destroyed anyway.  But hey, no worries about Mongolia no longer existing, at least Liv Tyler is okay.

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The last main scene of "The doctors wife".


House (the big bad for the episode) has tried to kill off the Doctor, Amy, Rory, and Idris (the tardis's soul transposed into a living body) by deleting the old control room in which Rory and Amy tried to hide. There's a timey-wimey explanation as to why this wouldn't work and why they would get tranported back to the current control room.


But the way Matt Smith delivered it just gave me goosbumps and caused me to shed a tear or two. The flow and cadence of his speech was majestic. Emphasis on you ripped made you realise he was perfectly okay with killing off this entity without a moments further notice. Quite a depature from the normal jovial doctor.


One of my personal favourites. Seek it out.


The Doctor: Yep, you've defeated us. Me, my lovely friends here. And last—but definitely not least—the TARDIS matrix herself. A living consciousness you ripped out of this very control room and locked up into a human body. And look at her.
Rory: Doctor, she's stopped breathing.
The House: Enough. That is enough.
The Doctor: No. It's never enough. You've forced the TARDIS into a body so she'd burn out safely, a very long way away from this control room. A flesh body can't hold the TARDIS matrix and live. Look at her body, House.
The House: And you think I should mourn her? 
The Doctor: No. I think you should be very very careful about what you let back into this control room. You took her from her home. And now she's back in her box again. And she's free.
The House: No! Doctor! Stop this! Stop this now!
The Doctor: Look at my girl. Look at her go. Bigger on the inside! See, House. That's your problem. Size of a planet but inside you are just so small.
The House: Make it stop.
The Doctor: Finish him off, girl.

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My mom is maybe the biggest Rocky fan I know. All the while growing up she would use Rocky as an example for why I should never give up. So for mother's day, back when Rocky Balboa was still in theaters, I took her to see it. I think it was her favorite mother's day gift ever. We both cried a lot watching it and I had already been through all those tears once already during it's opening weekend. This scene in particular really gets to me:



This is always why I get sad when Stallone gets dismissed as just another action movie guy who can't act. IMO, he's inconsistent, but when he's on, he's as good as any Oscar winner.

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Fuck you Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Fuck the right off.


Not to go on a self-pity tangent, but my dad died a few months ago and for the rest of the day, this speech was going back and forth in my mind. It's scarily accurate if you've ever seen a body.


And I was never even THAT much of a Buffy fan.

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Well, shit.  I never watched Buffy, but your post caused me to see this clip.  My wife's dad died a couple months ago, and I can certainly understand that.


Pretty much any of the WWE ads promoting being a dad (the ones with Del Rio, Roman Reigns, etc.) are hard to watch.  I wanted to show my wife the one with Roman singing "I'm a little teacup" thinking it's funny.  Well, let's just say that didn't work out like I hoped.


Johnny Sorrow hit the nail on the head.  I'm only 31, but I get emotional on certain parts more than in the past.  I didn't cry at Vickie's Eddie tribute, but came damn close to it.


The first 10 minutes of Up is a given.  That was the hardest I wept in the past couple years seeing a movie.  I can only imagine now and in the future how I'd react to that.  I saw it another time and had to force myself to not cry.  Luckily I was distracting myself by putting up the Christmas tree so that helped.  The Futurama episode with his dog Seymour is too damn sad.  I saw it one time and can only see it once.


I'll toss in "Forest Gump".  I loved the movie, but the one thing that just killed me is when Jenny died.  They grew up together and went through all that and then it ended like that with him a single dad.  From her being on her deathbed onward that was about it for me.


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This is always why I get sad when Stallone gets dismissed as just another action movie guy who can't act. IMO, he's inconsistent, but when he's on, he's as good as any Oscar winner.


If anyone ever wants to talk shit about Sly you can straight nuke them by saying "Copland".

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Maybe now that you're a teenage girl you'll like it more?


No, it's a fucking awful movie. Jenny treats Forrest like dogshit, and if Forrest is lucky, then he's treated like an afterthought. When Forrest finally gets his girl, it's only because she's dying of AIDS and she wants to dump her kid, which may or may not be Forrest's, off on him before she dies. She doesn't love Forrest, she only wants to keep using him. None of this even touches on the exploitative nature of the film as we all go HAHA and AWW at the simpleton on screen for 2 1/2 hours. I just feel empathy for Forrest because he gives his heart and soul into so much and that's really all he knows. What does he get for those efforts? He gets to watch a kid that may not be his and he gets to think that he's finally won over Jenny when she has so little time left. He doesn't even get to enjoy a life with her.

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This is always why I get sad when Stallone gets dismissed as just another action movie guy who can't act. IMO, he's inconsistent, but when he's on, he's as good as any Oscar winner.


If anyone ever wants to talk shit about Sly you can straight nuke them by saying "Copland".



Shit, not just Copland, but Rocky, Rocky II, the scene where Mick is dying in Rocky III, Rocky Balboa, and First Blood (NO ONE thinks about First Blood as a movie that Stallone acts his ass off in, but he does, ESPECIALLY at the end).


Speaking of First Blood, yeah, this one gets me too:



NOTHING IS OVER! It may be one of my favorite scenes and Stallone gives it his all.

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For some reason the "Don't forget to visit your mother" line at the end of that Rocky Balboa speech reminds me so much of the tiny little line in CA: the Winter Soldier that I loved so much. When Cap tells Black Widow in the car they had to steal "Feet off the dash." Both lines are just less than 7 word, but tell you exactly who that character is.

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I remember Ebert comparing Stallone to a young Marlon Brando when the first Rocky came out.  I mean, I don't think he ever had Brando's range, but there were certain types of roles he could play better than anyone else.


He just kinda messed things up in the 80s by:


1) Taking too many easy paychecks

2) Too many crappy scripts

3) Allowing himself to get miscast a lot.


As a result, you've only really got a handful of movies where he's genuinely acting, when there should be more.

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My buddy and I went and saw Rocky Balboa in the theatre and it was one of the best movie theatre experiences I've ever had. It was all guys, and they were getting pumped at the SIMULATION FIGHT. By the time the movie ended men that had never met each other were hugging and high fiving like we had just brought down an alien mothership. 

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Oh, I didn't even know there was an extended version of that scene.


I guess actually "alternate" is the more proper phrasing.


Anyway, yeah, you've been warned: 

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