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With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, He pulls the spitting high tension wires down...

The Forbidden Door ™️ opens on Sunday! Who knows what horrors are on the other side!  There may even be a Chris Jericho match there.😞 😞

Helpless people on a subway train, Scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them!

I'm really sorry to have to scare you that way, but there's a reason the door is Forbidden!   Let's see what else is happening this week. 


I'll just take a guess and say that the Strickland/Ospreay tag match will feature some miscommunications on the champs' part and will lead to some hurt feelings!  JUST A  GUESS THOUGH! 

History shows again and again, how nature points out the folly of men...  Godzilla!

And based on the pairings in that women's trio match... I'm guessing there's gonna be some 🏳️‍🌈 related miscommunications there too!   Guess we'll just have to tune in and see! 


Enjoy the week!

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With ZSJ facing Kylo Reilly here, and then Orange Cassidy on the PPV, does that mean that he finishes his one-man war with the Conglomeration by facing Mark Briscoe for the belt (ROH World) somewhere down the line?

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Posted (edited)

Damn you, Dolphin! You closed down the other thread right when I was gonna do Collision. Well, I'm gonna do it anyway. (And you're excused. No anger shall come toward anyone who offers us my favorite band for song of the week, my oceanic friend.)


I'll keep it brief. Really if anything I thought Hechicero looked worse than Ultimo on Saturday. Aside from Ultimo having to fuck with his mask all the time he worked just fine, maybe a little slower, and Okada worked HIS match, not the other way around. I think some of us forgot that Okada started his career in -- guess where? -- Toryumon Mexico, trained by Ultimo Dragon. So this was like fitting into an old glove for him. They had a neat finish that looked really cold as a heel to pull off. Okada's having a blast and the man showing personality is what we need to see. Hechicero was all sloppily dumping poor Daddy Magic on his face though. All those back tosses or whatever were just reckless and I wonder if he really did hurt his arm, Doctor Sampson (I WANNA TALK TO HIM~!) was hot on his heels on the way back. 

Bill was funny. Match was whatever. I skipped over Patriarchy/Savages and the main. Three commercial breaks, whoo, no thank you. 

The women's was a workrate tag and done pretty well. Crowd love love love Toni and May, all the flirty/sexual posturing combined with some stiff fucking wrestling is just a knockout. Poor Leyla looked like a mini. Ms. Frost... well, you know how I feel about her, so let's move along, shall we? 😉 (Also: Damn am I happy for Luther, he has been in the business for what, 30 years? and has finally found his spot. It's in the most unexpected place, but there it is. Good on the man!)

This is so big it's GODZILLA SIZED~~~


B.O.C. Godzilla ad | Blue oyster cult, Blue öyster cult, Godzilla

EDIT: To offer a brief explanation of the "Godzilla" ad. In radio terms, "AOR" is "Adult-Oriented Rock", evolved from "Album-Oriented Rock". So, your Rushes and your Led Zeps and your Deep Purples... and your BOCs. "CHR", the opposing title unused here, is "Contemporary Hit Radio", or as named in the ad, Top 40. In those days AOR WAS Top 40, so it's kind of weird, but then by the early '80s New Wave had showed up and things were definitely starting to lean away from hard rock, as much as the '80s are defined by heavy metal and hair bands. AOR is probably as much of a dinosaur term as the music itself. ("Dinosaur"... HA! See what I did there?) I'm not even sure if there's a Top 40 anymore either. They might have the AI voice of Casey Kasem introducing Cardi B on some mutant Sirius channel somewhere, I dunno.

Edited by Curt McGirt
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Loving all the BöC talk - was happy to be off the grid on vacation for a week, but I probably missed these threads more than sleeping in my own bed.

This is shaping up to be a great week on paper. I don't think I need to tell anyone twice how psyched I am for a Gates of Agony main event, and I think Jay/Fenix are gonna blow a lot of people away who may have forgotten what both are capable of - my brain is a little foggy from sunburn and Mai tais, but off the top of my head the last singles outing for Fenix was vs one of the Martins on Rampage and I can't even remember Blade's (not Billy Gunn was it?) so I'm looking forward to that one heavy.

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Blade's last singles match was Dustin Rhodes, and a few people didn't like it. I thought it was alright.

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I'm kind of psyched for Swerve/Ospreay vs. GoA, should be a fun match.  Opponents teaming before the PPV is a bit of a trope but I don't mind because AEW doesn't do it often and this was set up by weeks of booking, plus it's still face v. face and they've acknowledged being friends

I can already hear the bitching because the "jobbers" get a competitive match and haven't been built up and blah blah blah blah blah.  fuck em

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Things I remember from this week's edition of AEW Dynamite:

Lots of talking this week compared to the norm?

MJF and Daniel Garcia talk, we get a Garcia vs Ospreay match, which feels like it's telling us what the PPV result might be.

Bucks and Acclaimed also talk

Jericho ends up getting put into a match with a man older than him

We had two different matches centered around PPV opponents having to work together

Mariah May got bumped into

Orange Cassidy joked about the orange thing with Taz

The matches probably all ruled although they were probably also a bit predictable

Nice of them to make the people of Buffalo watch the screen and read subtitled Japanese

Hopefully for the sake of some people's vibes, the BBT leadin boosts the rating even if it's going up against the NBA Draft

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ExcellenceofAirPollution said:


I can already hear the bitching because the "jobbers" get a competitive match and haven't been built up and blah blah blah blah blah.  fuck em

Yep. Anyone complaining about that can git tae fuck. Tremendous main event.

Also: Credit to Toa Liona for COMPLETELY transforming their body since playing Amanda Kirby in Jurassic Park!


Whose spray? Aw's spray!




Forbidden Luchadore


Great to see Gates of Agony and Dancy Pants moving up the ranks! I was afraid that having such a STACKED roster was going to prevent anyone from moving up.


ISHII!! SUZUKI!! ❤ (winks at Bull Nakano)



f'n HIROMU ❤




ZSJ vs KOR. This is wrest-ling!! Clap clap clapclapclap,


Crowd seemed inadequately hawt until Bruv came out.I


Orange discussing strategy was GOLD


ah, Forbidden Door season. You get me, every time. Guess I'm just a Forbidden Dork

Edited by Gordi the former AEW fan
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Finally watched this live, and on the Discord! 

- Good open. They're gonna have to build Danny up way higher than this though. 

- Had no idea what the open was gonna be and it was a shock. Opening with Claudio and Shingo throwing forearms at each other that literally did not make contact was even more shocking. Was that a rib? Titan is supposed to be real good and he looked it; should call that the Impaler Tope. Yuta/Takahashi is gonna be my dark horse pick of the PPV. They broke this up way too early, I expected some kind of restart, maybe a No-DQ? In any case they should have at least panned to backstage later on showing Naito and Mox still brawling away and Mox covered in blood. It's kind of a bait-and-switch when a wrestler shows up wearing a forehead bandage like that. (Also, Mr. Ron Funches, @Midnight Internet Champion, must've lost his shit when his commercial came on during an episode of Dynamite.)

- Jay/Fenix basically looked like a Fenix match from what I watched. Jay's music would make a nice rap song. Immortal Technique or something.

- The women's was another good workrate match like last week's tag, maybe not as good, but had more interpersonal drama and sold the title match well. I was expecting more of a flip-out from Toni than we got but that was good enough. 

- Tanahashi calling himself the "Scissor Ace" broke me up. Suzuki's promo showing up on my TV's subtitles IN JAPANESE was just surreal. It wasn't in Japanese alphabet but still. Was the swear jar really in effect tonight? I counted three mutings and they made fun of Taz not even being able to say yambag. 

- Surprisingly liked KOR/Black more than KOR/ZSJ, even though I like ZSJ worlds more than Black. Clearly they knew each other and it was super fluid and teched-out and had some nasty shots, but it had the taste of exhibition at times as well. Still really good. Orange saying "I don't know those moves" was quite the fib. The main, my focus drifted. I did catch Swerve hitting one of the Gates with a legit stomp from the apron, and the kick he hit Ospreay with, you know Will was in the back saying "Bruv, if you don't try and knock me teeth out I'm tryna do yours". 

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They were never going to come close to matching last year’s Forbidden Door hype with Okada/Danielson and Omega/Ospreay, but I feel like this year’s build on the New Japan side of things has been kind of depressing. They just have zero stars in America at this point. Not a single NJPW guy got a pop aside from Tana calling himself Scissor Ace. And Buffalo was a regular stop on the old ROH/NJPW tours, so this was theoretically a crowd that should know and care about these guys.

6 or 7 years ago, Hiromu seemed like a guy destined to be a huge crossover star in the States, and tonight the crowd thought he was just a guy. Like I said, very depressing stuff!

The show will be good, as usual, but it might be time to rethink the FD concept moving forward. The CMLL crew has way more juice at this point. Let’s do it out West and get Mistico in the main event next year.

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13 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

Opening with Claudio and Shingo throwing forearms at each other that literally did not make contact was even more shocking.

I know Claudio has a rep as a guy with no in-ring weak points... but his forearms have generally been soft as hell for a bit now. No clue why as he'll still paste people with the euro.


Tonight was a pretty good episode of Dynamite. I can't think of anything that didn't really work which was a nice surprise.

MJF opening the show was a good start to things. Was surprised to see Garcia come out, but then I realized oh yeah he's from Buffalo. They are really planting the seeds for MJF vs. Osprey and that should be a great match hopefully with MJF as his natural heel self when that rolls around.

The opener was pretty good with the BCC vs. LIJ. I got a good laugh when Naito sauntered out and took his sweet time taking off his suit and Mox finally was like the hell with this and went after him.

So it should be interesting to see who The Buck's have as the wild card. But either way we're getting Memphis babyface Jeff Jarrett and it would be a good story if Jarrett is able to beat this hired gun whomever it is that the Buck's want as world champion.

The women's trio match was good. I had to rewind the dvr when I saw Mariah come out with Mina because she had all ready come out with Toni. I didn't realize she ran to the back to be with Mina. I liked the post match with Mina hitting her with the bottle. Poor Mariah is caught up like Miss Elizabeth with Savage and Hogan at WM 5.

ZSJ vs Kyle was a damn good match. Orange Cassidy on commentary was pretty funny with him being like "if he puts me in an armbar, i should try to get out" deadpanned to Taz. 

The main event was good. As mentioned before, opponents as tag partners has been done to death. This worked which wasn't so bad. I liked the post match where Osprey got ahold of the belt and Swerve kicked his head off for doing that. Osprey vs. Swerve should be a great match on Sunday. I honestly can't pick a winner which for me is good.

Overall a pretty good show tonight.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, username said:

I know Claudio has a rep as a guy with no in-ring weak points... but his forearms have generally been soft as hell for a bit now. No clue why as he'll still paste people with the euro.

What amused me was Shingo doing the exact same thing back. You could see the daylight. It's amazing that a Japanese wrestler trained in Japan even knows how to pull a forearm 😄

Edited by Curt McGirt
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Liked the opening with MJF/Garcia/Ospreay, felt different and had layers to it setting things up for the future. 

Nice set of trios matches. I was confused as to if the Learning Tree trios match is off for FD or not, but I love the idea of Suzuki/Jericho over the FTW title. 

Kyle, Mark, and Orange continue to kill it in the backstage promos.  Fun main event tag.

Looking forward to everything coming up... Forbidden Door this weekend, Beach Break next week.  and let's go Jarrett!

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1 hour ago, Curt McGirt said:

What amused me was Shingo doing the exact same thing back. You could see the daylight. It's amazing that a Japanese wrestler trained in Japan even knows how to pull a forearm 😄

I mean, he was trained in the Dragon Gate system so... not the hugest surprise 😛

6 hours ago, Phantom Lord said:

So it should be interesting to see who The Buck's have as the wild card. But either way we're getting Memphis babyface Jeff Jarrett and it would be a good story if Jarrett is able to beat this hired gun whomever it is that the Buck's want as world champion.

The table is set perfectly for a Hangman return; He runs roughshod thru this tournament, and we get Hangman vs Swerve at Wembley.


Not saying that is what will happen, but there is logic there.

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A show of hands, who thinks Jericho SHOULD have watched the Suzuki video before broadcasting it to us guys? I wonder if he learned something,  there?

Will Ospreay giving out title shots for a  title he doesn't even have? Swerve took it surprisingly well, though! He also finishes quick in the bedroom. Hey, at least you start, Bruv!


Every week Briscoe and O'Reilly are together, I feel more and more validated for my KOR fandom.  It makes me happy that despite losing his best friends, OC found some new ones along the way. haha.  


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i mean if you want to make Hangman a complete heel,  having him take out Jeff Jarrett after last week is a very good start

Maybe this will make sense in about 3 weeks but it really feels that MJF is out of place in almost everything.  Never mind the fact that MJF is almost his Dojo Wars babyface version and not the douchebag we loved.

1 hour ago, Shartnado said:

A show of hands, who thinks Jericho SHOULD have watched the Suzuki video before broadcasting it to us guys? I wonder if he learned something,  there?


NGL, that actually made me indentify with Jericho. I'm also one of those naturally awkward folks, and I know full well that almost nothing I'm invovled in will work out like it's "supposed to." 

  • Haha 3
3 minutes ago, Mike Campbell said:

NGL, that actually made me indentify with Jericho. I'm also one of those naturally awkward folks, and I know full well that almost nothing I'm invovled in will work out like it's "supposed to." 

So, YOU could have possibly taught him something important!

53 minutes ago, hammerva said:

Maybe this will make sense in about 3 weeks but it really feels that MJF is out of place in almost everything.  Never mind the fact that MJF is almost his Dojo Wars babyface version and not the douchebag we loved.

Agreed on both points, but mainly the 'make sense in 3 weeks':  I think the out-of-placeness is intended as a feature, not a bug. We were having a similar conversation here on the couch, and the conclusion we came to is that MJF is going to be slowly driven back to his old ways by the idea he's been cast aside by the audience in favor of younger stars like Garcia, or "shiny new toys" like Ospreay. Kinda similar in premise to Timeless Toni but played straight.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, username said:

I mean, he was trained in the Dragon Gate system so... not the hugest surprise 😛

Wasn't gonna make the joke haha. Besides, he's been such a destroyer recently from what I've seen. 

Something to fear... Murder Grandpa was saying "I don't want this Chris Jericho" and I could only think "oh god we are seeing THE PAINMAKER again aren't we?" Suzuki has faced Mecha Mummy before, and giant octupi, but that could possibly be cheesier. 

EDIT: Oh, and I had looked it up and his main trainer was Animal Hamaguchi. You can't get more old-school than a dude from frickin' IWE who probably wrestled cage matches with Rusher Kimura and Gypsy Joe. 

Edited by Curt McGirt
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