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Battleground V

Dolfan in NYC

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Flag match was terrible and the finish was something everyone saw coming a mile away,  Actually, why bother discussing all the matches.  Only the opener was good.  The women's match was sloppy.  AJ and Owens was lazy with a horrible finish.   Nak and Corbin was horrible with a finish that kind of made sense but nobody wants to see a rematch so who cares. 

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11 minutes ago, El Dragon said:

Nakamura jumping to WWE might shortlist as worst career moves in wrestling history. His aura feels fucking gone, he hasn't had any great matches since his first.

Why would he?  He's been working with Ziggler and Corbin.  He had a good what 5-10 minutes with AJ during the MITB match that pretty much dwarfed anything I've seen from SDL this year.  So obviously Nakamura can still go..   he's in there with shitty wrestlers and green wrestlers and doesn't care and why should he. 

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Seriously though, in the entire history of WWE PPV's were does Mahal/Orton Punjabi Prison rank? Even in name its horrible, and it lived up to the anti-hype. Someone find me one worse.

Meanwhile, the Usos are starting to cement a claim as being a top 10 tag team in WWE history. Also, first tag team in the E to have multiple great matches as both faces and heels since it was the F instead of E.

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Tag Titles match was solid. Nakamura/Corbin was ok.

Thought the Women's 5-way was decent enough though Nattie was the most boring choice to win. I assume Carmella cashes in at Summerslam.

I didn't pay much attention to AJ/Owens until the last few minutes. Not sure what was up with the finish.

Cena/Rusev & Orton/Jinder would both been much better w/o the stupid gimmicks.

Breezango was still a good highlight.


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Ever since they've gone to having B PPVs every two weeks, these shows have mostly been hot garbage. Because feuds never end until the big dual-brand events, these get stuck full of fuck finishes and repeat matches in feuds that take forever to end. Have you ever seen a Philly crowd barely give a fuck like tonight's?

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2 minutes ago, Niners Fan in CT said:

Why would he?  He's been working with Ziggler and Corbin.  He had a good what 5-10 minutes with AJ during the MITB match that pretty much dwarfed anything I've seen from SDL this year.  So obviously Nakamura can still go..   he's in there with shitty wrestlers and green wrestlers and doesn't care and why should he. 

He's pretty clearly been told he needs to sell more, which is terrible advice.

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3 minutes ago, El Dragon said:

Seriously though, in the entire history of WWE PPV's were does Mahal/Orton Punjabi Prison rank?

Noooo it wasn't THAT bad.  It was a pretty meh main event but we've seen far worse especially during the PG era where Cena was feuding with Johnny Ace and shit.  

I don't want to sound too negative tonight because RAW has been okay and Great Balls of Fire was a very good show. 

For whatever the reason WWE cannot have two good shows.  SDL was great and then it fell off a cliff. RAW was horrendous and now it's getting better. 

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2 minutes ago, Niners Fan in CT said:

Why would he?  He's been working with Ziggler and Corbin.  He had a good what 5-10 minutes with AJ during the MITB match that pretty much dwarfed anything I've seen from SDL this year.  So obviously Nakamura can still go..   he's in there with shitty wrestlers and green wrestlers and doesn't care and why should he. 

Because that doesn't fucking work in the E. You can't completely mail it every fucking month and expect people to give a shit 3 months later. And I've watched good Corbin matches with guys a lot worse then what Nak can do. I'd watch Corbin over multiple guys who are in the G1. Nak only works hard with guys he wants to work hard with. When Punk did that every once in a while, he'd get blasted for it, and Nakamura has basically done that for about 18 months. No more fucking excuses for that bush league shit. Great wrestlers get good matches out of worse people, not drag them down to their least interesting match of the year.

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10 minutes ago, L_W_P said:

Kevin Owens getting a pin... somehow? Can someone explain what happened at the end here? Was it a botched count?


It looked like a double pin and I assumed the match was going to be restarted until they played Owens' music.  They'll probably continue the tradition of someone bringing up the camera angle that shows the questionable finish on Smackdown and use that to prompt a rematch.


The Orton/Jinder program has to be done, save for a blowoff match between Orton and Khali (can he even still work a match?) right?  Jinder running down America followed by Cena coming out is going to happen, giving us weeks of "I'm here to save 'Murica!" Cena promos followed by him collecting another title.  Oh well, at least the Raw world title match has a potentially good match that will probably be the main event.

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34 minutes ago, El Dragon said:

I tried to think of a matchup between 2 wrestlers in any gimmick match I'd want to see less. I came up with Tamina vs. Natalya in an Ironman match, you judge.

Nah. The iron Man would end sooner. Tamina would probably break Nattie's neck 5 min in, if her skills tonight are anything to judge. I legit feared for Charlotte's safety in a few spots.

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I know an Armstrong. Nice family. What did Bullet Bob ever do to you?

Terrible show, although where did the 'Nakamura as super worker' myth come from? He sleptwalk through a lot of New Japan matches.

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2 minutes ago, El Dragon said:

I'd watch Corbin over multiple guys who are in the G1. 

I wouldn't.  I like Corbin okay enough but he has a long ways to go.  He's not in the same universe as a guy like Yoshii or Nagata,  I don't even need to discuss the cream of the crop.  But that's besides the point.  If your argument is that "Nakamura shouldn't be mailing it in"...   

I don't necessarily disagree with that argument but how can we be surprised?  He mailed it in on NJPW shows all the time. That's who he is. If anyone thought he'd come in and have great TV matches with performance center projects,  it was never going to happen. 

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Hmmm, I'm the outlier here I guess. I thought it was a decent enough show with some questionable finishes (been a bunch of weird finishes in WWE PPVs this year actually)

And living in a Punjabi household I'm obviously biased but the main was a ton of fun for us.

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Look the best use of Nakamura was to use him like The Undertaker.  He should have been a special attraction.  He's not a 365-days a year talent and if they thought he could be that.... he can't. They should have figured out how to use him months ago.. 

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1 minute ago, Cameron Swift said:

Hmmm, I'm the outlier here I guess. I thought it was a decent enough show with some questionable finishes (been a bunch of weird finishes in WWE PPVs this year actually)

And living in a Punjabi household I'm obviously biased but the main was a ton of fun for us.

I thought the match improved once they got out of the inside cage. However, it had been so dull up to that point that I struggled to care. I do think the brothers gave Randy a better match than the champ gave him. They're at least more interesting.

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Orton was fine for the St. Louis show because you knew he'd get a nice ovation and the crowd would be into it etc. but they went to the well with Randy fucking Orton 3 fucking times?!!  How does this happen???  

They could have paired AJ with Jinder in the cage and he would have bounced around like a maniac. Even if they wanted to do the fuck finish okay fine it still would have protected AJ.  Orton is a guy who can still go and still be utilized in the main event scene with the right people or the right circumstances but this is asking way too much. 

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I think Orton deserves some credit for making that reidiculous cage shaking spot look good. Somehow he made it look convincing that Kahli could fhake the cage causing him to flip back over to the inside and off the cage but hold on with one hand.  I sear 50% of the time that has to fuck up somehow.

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