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WWE 2K16

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So the press release and first six wrestlers are announced for the upcoming WWE game. So far all their boasting about is "the largest playable roster in WWE games history," Which I'm assuming means we're getting seperate spots for Masked Kane, Unmasked Kane, Current Taker, Biker Taker, Old School Taker, Phantom Mask Taker, Ministry Taker, Demon Balor, Finn Balor.


Newly Announced for the roster:


Dean Ambrose

Bad News Barrett

Daniel Bryan


Seth Rollins

Finn Balor


Also making her WWE 2K debut:

Sasha Banks (She mentioned on Twitter awhile back she was scanned for the game)


So what are everyone's expectations for this game?

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Played WWE 2K14 and 2K15 by 2K Sports...I actually prefer WWE '13, THQ's last game which is ironic as I wanted someone other than them to get the rights to make WWE games for a while. I particularly prefer the reversal system in that game to the 2K ones.

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Fire Pro Returns

4 on 4 elimination tags dude

A-THE FUCK-MEN! I'd pretty much give up one of my nuts (I have the kids I want) to get a good Fire Pro Returns port for a modern platform. I still have a PS2 JUST for that game.

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Why hasn't there been a kickstarter for a Fire Pro knock off or SPIKE/whoever owns the rights these days to get an actual Fire Pro sequel going through Kickstarter? I don't want to rely on WWE and THQ/2K for a good rasslin game because it's not likely to happen. We're stuck with that bullshit early access scam Pro Wrestling X. C'mon.


I'll never forgive that piece of shit Sonnybone for trolling the entire Fire Pro community with his elaborate rib. "I THOUGHT IT WOULD GET THE COMMUNITY GOING AGAIN..." Of course, it would. Ass.

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Yeah, that was a killer. Still, you'd think between the Japanese community and the small but extremely dedicated English speaking fanbase, they could raise enough to make a solid current gen game. If it were Spike, they wouldn't even have to add all that much. Online matches and a creation vault would be more than enough for all the buys.

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I'll do my own traditional comment, Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain is the best home console wrestling game I've played. I've long wanted an updated version of that game/engine.

It would be awesome if they gave us Brock Lesnar from Here Comes the Pain as a playable character.

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Fire Pro Returns

4 on 4 elimination tags dude

A-THE FUCK-MEN! I'd pretty much give up one of my nuts (I have the kids I want) to get a good Fire Pro Returns port for a modern platform. I still have a PS2 JUST for that game.


I bought that game right as my PS2 died

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I love how half the thread is talking about the wonders of No Mercy and especially Fire Pro.  Meanwhile, WWE 2K15 is all like "Hey, remember us?  It wasn't all bad, right?"


I'm happy to see Balor in the game, and Bayley/Sasha too.  Much like people who buy Madden yearly, I know I'm going to get this.  I would like to be more excited about this so I'm hoping they answer a lot of questions.  You figure another year with it they'd be able to put a lot more into this.

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