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Podcast Potpourri (aka Not Austin, AOW, Talk Is Jericho....)

Rev Ray

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It's a lot of rehashing what Russo said on the Austin podcast. Also, so many lies. Actually, what's really funny is that Russo will use the EXACT same verbiage time after time. Almost like he's rehearsed this bullshit for so long he actually believes it. Get ready for notes about how much he raised the ratings of Nitro!

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Death of WCW does a great job exposing the bullshit: 


Paraphrased from the book:: 

-Nitro's rating went from a 3.08 average to a 3.10, though it was a 2.9 since the 3.10 was for the new two-hour, which resulted in the loss of tons of ad revenue. Note that the few weeks before Russo were those lame-duck shows where everyone was talking about the big reboot under Vince and Ed. 
Attendance falls from 4600 to 3500.
PPVs from .52 to .26.-
It's funny how in all these interview Russo goes on and on about being a TV writer. He clearly doesn't put any thought on live attendance of PPV buys. That right there is the mindset that fucked up wrestling. 
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It's a lot of rehashing what Russo said on the Austin podcast. Also, so many lies. Actually, what's really funny is that Russo will use the EXACT same verbiage time after time. Almost like he's rehearsed this bullshit for so long he actually believes it. Get ready for notes about how much he raised the ratings of Nitro!

Oh, I definetely think he believes his nonsense.

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So does Russo support time limits and the banning of closed fists?

Ross and Bill Watts will either be interesting or really shitty. Depending on who guides the conversation

I'd imagine that it'll be a circle jerk like the Cornette/Watts shoots were.

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No, MSL is that loser in high school who ostracized himself and gets kicks out of being that weirdo and doesn't understand why no one wants to hang with him.he has admitted to dressing up in goth makeup in hs, eating burgers in restaurants with chop sticks just to get a rise out of people, his M7 diet is

the most pathetically common diet advice that any bozo could come up with, he outright lies and gets called on it, tells the laaaaaaaaaamest jokes ever that derail actual conversations between notable people in the biz, and I'm sorry but I just don't give a fuck about any stories he may or may not have of being the most peripheral nobody ever.

Fuck you MSL, BOOM


i love you too!

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It's a lot of rehashing what Russo said on the Austin podcast. Also, so many lies. Actually, what's really funny is that Russo will use the EXACT same verbiage time after time. Almost like he's rehearsed this bullshit for so long he actually believes it. Get ready for notes about how much he raised the ratings of Nitro!

Oh, I definetely think he believes his nonsense.


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No, MSL is that loser in high school who ostracized himself and gets kicks out of being that weirdo and doesn't understand why no one wants to hang with him.he has admitted to dressing up in goth makeup in hs, eating burgers in restaurants with chop sticks just to get a rise out of people, his M7 diet is

the most pathetically common diet advice that any bozo could come up with, he outright lies and gets called on it, tells the laaaaaaaaaamest jokes ever that derail actual conversations between notable people in the biz, and I'm sorry but I just don't give a fuck about any stories he may or may not have of being the most peripheral nobody ever.

Fuck you MSL, BOOM

i love you too!

Wow, you sifted through pages just to find someone talking about you? Your a cool interviewer but you know when your just trying to be a smartass.

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have been reading DVDVR religiously since the 90s. have wanted to tell you that i love you for a while, but on the new board i could never get the validation links to show up in the confirmation emails.

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Disco and Ed discussing booking WCW on the last MLW podcast. I like Disco and I always enjoy WCW stories but man...those guys just aren't competent. 


Disco does have my favorite line of the month, though. Defending the passion and hard work that he, Vince and Ed did, he states "what people don't understand is that we weren't trying to kill WCW, we were trying to save it."


Well, hell's bells. You know you're shitty at something when you have to state that you weren't actively attempting to destroy the company that was paying you. It was all just indirect, I guess. 

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It better be a 100% in character podcast where Sullivan has a panel of Abuddadein, King Curtis and Alice Radley gradually transitioning into the Lock. Sullivan spends the first 30 minutes recounting his adventures for the week, then 60 minutes with a guest and then 5 minutes to close of Sullivan talking about the Boston Red Sox


who WAS Abuddadein?

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Disco and Ed discussing booking WCW on the last MLW podcast. I like Disco and I always enjoy WCW stories but man...those guys just aren't competent. 


Disco does have my favorite line of the month, though. Defending the passion and hard work that he, Vince and Ed did, he states "what people don't understand is that we weren't trying to kill WCW, we were trying to save it."


Well, hell's bells. You know you're shitty at something when you have to state that you weren't actively attempting to destroy the company that was paying you. It was all just indirect, I guess. 


I listened to this last night, and I'm so glad that other people feel the same way.  After listening to Disco explain that "we're not writing a wrestling show, we're writing a television show", and actually defend some of the shit they wrote and shit on Terry Taylor for being "old school" all in the same interview, he should never speak on what can make wrestling good again.  I was literally getting upset listening to him kiss Ferrara's ass.

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I enjoy the MLW talk due largely to the different slants Disco provides, but I know his recollection on past events seems to skew more positive than negative. That can be annoying especially when he talks about how great some of WCW's creative was, during an era when it was mostly awful.

Despite that, I love the shows. I mentally note the bullshit but don't get too worked up over it... even when he went as far to include his name along with Benoit, Guerrero and other mega talented WCW midcarders who had unrecognized potential.

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Eh, Disco was a pretty fun midcard act. He would get over fairly well during his mini-pushes. Although, when a company is hot usually everything seems to get over pretty well. I thought he wrestled his gimmick well, if that makes sense. In fact, I always loved those times when he'd decide to be serious and all of a sudden become a credible threat, only to blow up when he'd start dancing again. 


What always gets me in these talks is for all the talk about TV ratings these guys never bring up attendance, PPV buyrates or merch, which are actually the signs of a thriving promotion. Russo will defend his TNA record to high heaven without acknowledging that his booking devalued the company. That Crash TV format will get viewers, especially early on, but those viewers won't spend money. Of course, Ed and Vince are lying about the TV ratings, and they never even talk about the shitty PPV numbers or the half-empty arenas. 

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I listened to the MLW podcast this week and was literally disgusted at how Disco and Ferrera spoke about their time in WCW.  First, I found it striking how all the guests praised Breaking Bad as one of the greatest shows in television history. What they failed to mention was that show had 5-year build with consequences to the characters. Walt with his losses - his wife and friendship with Hank - had consequences which altered the course of the characters. When Disco talks about win/loss records in a mocking fashion, he forgets that win/loss do matter because they can help with character development (ie: Austin at Wrestlemania 13). Second part to that argument is Disco's inability to sit through a two-segment match. If he is having difficulty doing that, I am wondering how he got through Breaking Bad?


It almost seemed that they were ashamed to be apart of pro wrestling. Could you imagine if these guys wrote an actual television show. But in fairness, Disco mentioned statistical data that he had to prove that segments consistency outdrew long-television matches. MSL, next time you have Disco on, I would love for him to present some of these findings.


As someone who has decided to watch some old WCW 2000's stuff recently, it evident that the booking committee had passion and heart was in the right place, I would rather watch Kevin Sullivan push the Dog then watch wrestlers pretend to act.

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I'd love to see a Breaking Bad episode scripted by these no talent clowns. Bryan Cranston breaks kayfabe on camera and shoots on Vince Gilligan.

Walt becomes a crystal meth addict in an episode glamorizing meth, the other characters realize Walt is on meth and decide to elect him President of the USA.

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Walter Junior shoots because he's tired of playing a character with CP, because Russo doesn't realize the actor has CP in real life.


Also, the entire subplot with Don Elegado, Gus, Gus' boyfriend, Hector and the poisoned tequila is scrapped because "nobody cares about Mexicans."


The show is moved to New York, obviously.

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