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WWE TV - 5/20 - 5/26/2024 - The King of Wishful Thinking

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Well, we're a few days away from not only Memorial Day weekend, but a new King AND Queen of the Ring!  

For their thoughts on the matter, let's go to semi-finalist Tama Tonga!  


Well said Tama.   The only thing I can think of to say for y'all this week is to just keep on going. Hopefully you too can be more than the king (or queen!) of wishful thinking!



Enjoy your week!

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6 hours ago, odessasteps said:


Full disclosure, I was going to use the following song, but I don't think anyone outside of me and maybe 2 other people would know it:

Which is a shame because the song is awesome.

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As I said on the Discord...

Kevin Nash's illegitimate son

As I also said on the Discord...

Shayna and Zoey looked like members of the X-Men. Or maybe whatever Rob Liefeld Image ripoff of them, because of pouches.

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Posted (edited)

Opening segment with Sami and Alpha Academy was solid. The Sami/Gable match it led into was even better with Gable getting some good heel heat and further setting up the eventual Otis breakaway that will molten. Dug Maxxine and Tozawa's parts in this and how Gable sent them away after failing to cheat for him.

Bron murdering a a PC/NXT rookie was great. As was his later murder of Ricochet. It is a bit amusing to me though as I'm not sure this will have the heel turn effect they are hoping for with the crowd clearly being into Bron and wanting to cheer him generally speaking.

Io/Lyra was good though not as good as Io/Shayna or Bianca/Tiffany from last week. Not big on Lyra getting the victory though I suppose she is need of this to further establish her as something worthwhile. I just feel like Lyra is another Zoey Stark where the in ring talent may be there, but the lack of character or charisma hurts her. 

Awesome Truth vs. Finn/JD was surprisingly good fun with decent action and everyone working well together. Curious to see if this Braun stuff actually leads to him vs. Priest for the belt.

The Liv/Becky segment was fine.

4-way no. 1 contenders' match for the women's tag belts was decent chaos with some fun moments. Never been big on the Shayna/Zoey team, but they should make for a solid match with Bianca and Jade. I'm also curious to see where the relationships with Sonya heads.

Gunther/Jey was Gunther's weakest match in the tournament and it was still pretty good. Dug the arm work from Gunther. Dug the big hope spots for Jey, and the finish was pretty nice with Gunther choking Jey out with another unique submission compared to the norm we see.

Solid show though no great matches like the last couple of weeks. Crowd was pretty weak tonight though they were alive for the tag titles match and Jey/Gunther which are both worth catching alongside Io/Lyra.

Edited by Eivion
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Any of those four might do it, but half are caught up in the tag division while the other half are likely too big to lose right now to him.

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Only made it thru the start of the tag title match (but hey, our pub quiz win got me $5 cash, and it only cost me $18 in beer and tips!) Gable really charmed me last summer with his face run; him going heel again but with almost none of the comedy has been fantastic. He's a cruel, nasty little bully and I love it. Also great: the remixed theme is perfect for the Angle "you suck" chants.


Lyra/Iyo was pretty good but not amazing. Genuinely shocked at both tourney results. Gunther/Orton should be a beauty. 

Bron has new music that doesn't make me think "is this just Dan Severn's old song with a siren and dog noises?" The squash was hilarious. I half expected (and wanted) him to chase the ambulance. 

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Posted (edited)

I actually think Jey would be the perfect guy to feed to Bron right now. He’s mega over but has also clearly maxed out what he’s capable of being as a singles guy. If you’re serious about pushing Bron straight to the top, Jey is the perfect springboard at this moment. Like feeding Jim Duggan to Yokozuna in 92.

Edited by EVA
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13 minutes ago, EVA said:

I actually think Jey would be the perfect guy to feed to Bron right now. He’s mega over but has also clearly maxed out what he’s capable of being as a singles guy. If you’re serious about using Bron straight to the top, Jey is the perfect springboard at this moment. Like feeding Jim Duggan to Yokozuna in 92.

Only issue with that is, there's a lot of money to be made by that match, and the next massive PLE is only about 10 weeks away.  If Bron is gonna rip shit apart like I expect him to, he'll be destroying guys like Tozawa and the New Day by next month.  Letting him annihilate Jey at SummerSlam may frankly be too soon. 

Now, opening in Cleveland, Bron vs. Braun.... that could be a LOT of fun.  Then feed him guys like Jey, Owens, Zayn, Priest, Sheamus, etc.

Hopefully they can hold off on Bron's coronation til Vegas when he gets a big name veteran champ (thinking Punk, Seth, or Cody - I'd say Roman too, but I think they're starting to build to Roman-Solo).  

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I forgot to comment last night on RAW. I thought it was a pretty decent show. I was most interested in Bron after he murdered that NXT kid. I kept seeing visions of Sid Vicious when he had the stretcher gimmick. If Bron had a powerbomb I could see him powerbombing a guy onto a stretcher or taking the guy on the stretcher and shoving him off the stage. He's a perfect combination of Rick's explosiveness and Scott's mean streak.

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Posted (edited)

NXT thoughts:

--I notice Duke wearing the mental-health version of the Together shirt as a kilt. We haven't seen anyone try to "sell" the other Together shirts that I've noticed, so I presume it's personal either because of his or a loved one's life

--Fallon v Thea was fun as hell. Fallon still needs a more heelish entrance than "her face entrance but she lip syncs taunts into the camera."

--backstage bit with Axiom/Nathan and the Family was cute.

--tag match was good but I already knew we were in for a non-finish ending. Maybe NQCC should grab Kendal Gray?

--had a hard time getting into the NorthAm 3-way for the same reason; spoilers really make it hard for me personally to care about matches that end with angles rather than wins.

--Parker/Reece wasn't great but for possibly the 2 greenest women on weekly non-LVLUP TV it wasn't as bad as I'd feared.

--man, there was a small group absolutely psyched to hear Dante's music, and the rest of the Orlando weirdos were happy too as soon as they realized he wasn't getting crushed. 

--I want the Trickmelo friendship and betrayal to play out again in a year and a half with Trick in Melo's role and Je'Von in Trick's

Edited by Cliff Hanger
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Thea/Fallon was pretty solid.

Axiom/Frazer vs. Stacks/Luca was good. Not sure why at this point, but it always throws me how good  atag wrestler Stacks really is. Luca managing to hold up his end to a decent has been a nice as well. Wasn't expecting NQCC at the end though I really should have.

Wes vs. Coffey vs. Briggs was as good as expected. The double pin was a decent surprise. Don't love it, but I don't hate it either. Have to admit I'd rather see Oba/Wes in a singles. Hopefully it happens in the next PLE after Vegas.

Jaida/Brinley was pretty decent and possibly the best either woman has looked in NXT. I still maintain that these two are the weakest of the regulars in the division, but it is nice to see them growing. 

King/Chen was alright. Chen isn't an exciting name for me though the NXT crowd is into him so maybe this is the start of an actual push/story on NXT tv.

Shayna/Lola vs. Nattie/Karmen was solid despite some weaker moments. Still not digging Karmen though I do like her with Nattie for reasons I'm not really sure of, and I dug the Hart gear. The post match turn was expected though not in the way they did it. Would have preferred Shayna made the first move since she was clearly getting frustrated with Lola's cocky dancing. Good with an NXT Underground to settle their beef though I wish they would return to the Fight Pit.

Decent-solid show with some solid-good matches and forward moving segments. Still seen better out of NXT the past few months.

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I see alot of Hip-hop fans that follows current wrestling aren't too happy Sexxy Redd is getting involved with WWE. I love that she's getting involved. Her music isn't what anyone's children should be listening to but I'm sure my parents thought the same thing about the music I listened to growing up. I'm just not used to WWE hopping on to somethings in pop culture so early on. I know Shawn Michaels has no clue who Sexxy Redd is but I'm sure people in the performance center in her age group probably let him know about her and how much of a fan she is of wrestling. I love how Hip-hop is puzzled about her coming in. She'll probably end up on Raw soon. I'd like to see if it gets NXT mentioned on Hip-hop radio shows and places like that next week 

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I don't care about whether Sexxy Red is good or bad for NXT.  I want to know when that one woman who was with Trick and Melo about a year and half coming back.  I'll settle down now 😁

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Isn’t the WWE more current now with the celebs, given the use of Logan Paul and Bad Bunny? I don’t know who is still current these days and who is past their sell by date.

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I would say they are for sure more current than ever before. Sexxy Red is probably the hippest person they have had as a guest in years. Kinda funny that people are confused because I hear wrestling mentions all the time in rap. Sada Baby said his bricks are big and white like Brock, talks about sweet chin music...

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Skipped this and will be doing the same for tomorrow as I tend to skip the Saudi shows. Did catch random clips on twitter. Looked pretty fun and the crowd was into a good deal. Orton is ridiculously over everywhere.

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On 5/23/2024 at 9:36 AM, hammerva said:

I don't care about whether Sexxy Red is good or bad for NXT.  I want to know when that one woman who was with Trick and Melo about a year and half coming back.  I'll settle down now 😁

OllieJayy! I don't think she's particularly good or bad, but yeah I'll settle down too.

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