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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2014 in all areas

  1. Don't blame him. Batista is gone for years, has a small role in a movie and gets the big push, fuck that. New network deal might cut into your pay, fuck that. Working on the road over 300 days a year, fuck that. I never blame any wrestler for "taking their ball and going home." It's a brutal, shitty industry.
    16 points
  2. http://www.daily.co.jp/ring/2014/01/30/0006672086.shtml I hate when people copy the WON word for word.
    14 points
  3. There are less than ten people on this board that even know what the inside of an athletic center looks like - let alone what someone that is athletic looks like.
    14 points
  4. I was so fucking pumped about getting my wish and Batista coming back. But this is turning into some Monkey's Paw shit.
    13 points
  5. Wrestlers being not athletic enough or not athletic at all is about the dumbest fucking thing to talk about in reference to professional wrestling. I hope and pray to Harley Race that He comes and finds each one of you fucks and breaks your knee caps with some rebar, praise be to Harley Race. Amen.
    11 points
  6. The dogs are in the enclosed pool area.
    8 points
    7 points
  8. WWE Facebook page just updated their relationship status to "It's complicated" too. This is rock bottom.
    7 points
  9. I'd like to see one of you fucks get the air on a dropkick that Orton does. I know we are supposed to treat most conversations with respect but this is completely idiotic. A top 3 star in WWE (whether you liked him or didn't) just quit.. and we're discussing the definition of athleticism.
    7 points
  10. I like how we're all speculating on Punks next move when it's prob just read the newest Chew trade paperback and continue not talking to his mom.
    7 points
  11. I try not to be too negative here, and I lurked long enough to know that this is a sore spot, but I'm just going to say that Punk being gone makes the show instantly better and more watchable. I find Punk to be tiresome on the mic. He's what your typical Cageside Seats poster would be if they were a wrestler: cringe-worthy promos full of snark, terrible-looking offense and crappy athleticism, thinks he's a billion times better than he is. If they were going to use Punk, it should have been as a heel that still gets cheered by the depressing part of the crowd that thinks being a creepy-looking dude who complains incessantly while also doing a disservice to Randy Savage every time he drops an elbow is cool. Then they could put him in the ring with the faces that can help him do passable work (Bryan, Cena, and turn Cesaro because that dude is awesome). Otherwise, he's worthless as a character on the show. Now that he's gone, it leaves room in the fringe main event/upper-midcard for someone who is actually good at the pro graps.
    7 points
  12. Rumblings are that Punk is leaving because he forgot to pay his air bill.
    7 points
  13. Recently I was granted access to a WWE creative meeting where I was able to snap this picture.
    6 points
  14. I want to see a disgruntled Jim Ross bring in Corey Graves as the new and improved CM Punk.
    6 points
  15. The real victims in the Punk leaving thing are Living Colour.
    6 points
  16. Hey, rumblings are that KENTA will be able to use the Go2Sleep now.
    6 points
  17. Heeeey, the website soundonsight.org, has posted my first column for them today. It's a look at the visual elements of Antonioni's Red Desert: http://www.soundonsight.org/antonionis-red-desert/ It's the first time someone has actually wanted to publish something I've written on film and I'm proud of it.
    6 points
  18. Well, all the ones whose hearts haven't exploded yet from coke and methamphetamine use, at least.
    6 points
  19. I get that the dude has a bad elbow drop, but saying he's the most un-athletic wrestler of all time is just sickening when we're less than 72 hours removed from one-half of the Mania main event looking like he was going to pass out as soon as he got into the ring.
    5 points
  20. I think the first few episodes were setting up that Cohle was a lunatic who is out of control and dangerous, but he is the exact opposite. He is 100% in control, he knows who he is and thinks almost everything out before he acts. Hart on the other hand is a raving lunatic, who is almost completely impulsive. He came off as such a simp in all of his relationships. His wife knows he is up to no good, Cohle knows he's unstable, and his side chick has had enough of him. The whole conversation where Hart tried to make a point about why they are different, and Cohle shutting him down with "Yeah, I know the difference, Denial," told the entire story of the show so far. Cohle may be crazy, but he knows he's crazy and uses his knowledge of his crazy to his advantage. Hart is insane, and doesn't know it, and his inabilty to recognize his insanity is going to be his downfall. He simply can't see that he is far worse off than Cohle. His fixation on family, despite the fact that he openly disrespects his family, just shows that he can't see his forest for the trees.
    5 points
  21. 5 points
  22. Also, this possible NSFW picture leaked out onto the net which may shed a little light on the current Punk situation. Spoiler just in case.
    4 points
  23. This reminds me of the retarded fucking argument about Punk not looking big enough to compete with Lesnar at Summerslam, then they tore it up at the PPV. He drops a shitty elbow, but give me anything he does over Batista, old Rey, Del Rio, and boring fuckin' Randy Orton. Oh, and about 90% of the SuperCena bullshit.
    4 points
  24. Beat me to it. That is such a bad reason to do a move that looks terrible, and when not done properly can hurt him or his opponent.
    4 points
  25. Don't worry guys, WWE's got this... Also, I wanna the first to say, "Why don't we wait and see how this plays out?"
    4 points
  26. You want athletic looking, watch Randy Orton. He's built well, tall and lean, reminds you of a UFC fighter, a walking Affliction shirt. His matches are less exciting than paint drying.
    3 points
  27. Oh God, Punk's offense is fine. It doesn't look any worse than 90% of the roster. Most of the moves he does are stuff the kids in the WWE universe have never seen before, no matter how sloppy he executes them.
    3 points
  28. The only acceptable CM Punk relationship fantasy-booking I will allow is that he's decided to run off with Ronda Rousey, after they met at whatever UFC show. They will then go on to produce the most angry and miserable offspring the world has ever seen. The kid will come out of the womb scowling.
    3 points
  29. That was an awfully low bar, to be fair.
    3 points
  30. In probably the greatest thing ever - Cheerios is bringing back the interracial family that infuriated the rubes for a Super Bowl Ad http://youtu.be/LKuQrKeGe6g Basically - Cheerios > Than All Other Companies right now.
    3 points
  31. Well, a few things on Punk. One, for years I thought it made sense that WWE should use older stars on cycles. Where the old days, these guys would have already gone to WCW, nowadays you can guys back in for short runs. However, I don't think they've managed the system well. I can understand Punk's and other people's frustration. I mean, Jericho has been used to mainly put people over, so that's fine. Rock is Rock, but his run was a bit of a flop. Lesnar has been used good, but not perfect, and Batista is back basically on a regular deal so he clearly should be a top player, but they probably should haven't made it so much of a foregone conclusion. Two, you don't walk out on your contract. This isn't quite an Austin situation, but you fulfill your obligations. Three, I imagine this kind of stuff proves Vince's point for him. The knock on Punk that he was always a whiny, malconent that didn't have the stuff that a true #1 should have. Well, when you randomy walk out on the company that tends to confirm that. You can argue that if Punk was booked like Cena he'd be happier, but then you get into the argument of whether he could hang at Cena's level in all facets. It's like when everyone ranted that RVD was underpushed because the company didn't trust, and the minute they give him the belt he gets arrested. Jeff Hardy was the same way. Edge was always injury-prone etc. Four, there's a reasonable chance Punk is back sooner rather than later, but you can imagine that walking out of a WM "main event" match is something that the company, and probably a lot of older wrestlers, will be absolutely appalled by. I think Punk, unless this is a situation wherer there's some serious injuries that we don't know about, will probably one day regret.
    3 points
  32. I'll believe a dude walking out right before a WrestleMania PPV payday when I see it. They're getting really good at this stuff.
    3 points
  33. So, Nattie, you've come to my girlfriend Alicia to confide in her an embarrassing moment in the hopes that she will give you some small measure of comfort and reassurance as a friend. Well I'm afraid I've got some Bad News!
    3 points
  34. They could keep going year round if they gave each guy like 2 months off a year, just constantly rotating who's active and who's on break. It would probably be good for keeping guys fresh too.
    3 points
  35. Look at how many undeserving opportunities he's gotten Cabana over the years! He's altruistic to a fault.
    3 points
  36. Your comment required a slight editorial change.
    3 points
  37. You should really choose your words more carefully.
    3 points
  38. Yeah how can we have "Alicia Fox laughs in Nattie's face" moments without Nattie?
    3 points
  39. HAha. Foley would be a mark if he wasn't getting paid to do all this. Here is my list of Japanese wrestlers who could get over in the WWE: 1. Tajiri
    3 points
  40. I've found that a surefire way to block someone is to put them in a long feud with either Sheamus or Alberto del Rio. Soon you'll never know they were ever there.
    3 points
  41. Phhh. When my granddad came out of the bedroom wearing a leather vest and no shirt, memaw just said it was because of his "Agent Orange" and made us go into the parlor until she helped him shuffle back into the bedroom. When Grandpa Batista tells those annoying neighborhood kids to stop playing on his lawn, they get the fuck off of his lawn. Except he'd blow up walking down the porch steps.
    2 points
  42. I've heard rumblings that this thread has been extremely entertaining today. Thank you for helping me kill off a dead workday.
    2 points
  43. Jay: Up next, we've got a prospect out of Hazelwood Central High in St. Louis - Randy Orton. Now, here's the thing about Randy Orton - he's 6'5", but he's got the wingspan of a guy who's 6'8". And just look at this guy's vertical in action: His father is former WWF great Cowboy Bob Orton, so Randy's got the pedigree to do great things, but he's also got a bit of a chip on his shoulder because of that. There are some red flags about him. He has had issues in the past with his shoulders, as well as a brief bout with IED - so there are definitely health concerns. There are also character issues, such as problems with authority, but the talent is there and that is why I still have him listed as the best available on my board. The guy's a pure athlete with a great motor. He just needs to be properly motivated.
    2 points
  44. After only 4 months at the new job, I got a raise today.
    2 points
  45. Step 1: Do a search for Gonzalez.
    2 points
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