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If the DVDVR boards didn't exist, I wonder if I'd feel alone in being ridiculously stoked for Dustin vs Claudio? 

Let's take it a step further: If the DVDVR boards didn't exist, would I even be super-excited for this match in the first place? 

But the DVDVR boards do, in fact, exist... so, I am all worked up about this and I know I am not alone. 

Remember how this was set up? ROH champion Claudio came out to tip his (metaphorical) hat to Ricky Steamboat and say he wants to be a fighting champion. Then Dustin came out to answer the open challenge. Then we all marked out. Because this is going to be good. Good guy vs good guy. Wrestling machine vs wrestling machine, if you will. Dustin is going to do his "hang on a second, I gotta catch my breath" thing. CeasaROH is going to Giant Swing Dusty's son. And we are all going to mark out some more.

I don't ask for anything more than that from my pro wrestling, most days. 

I'm glad to see everyone having so much fun with the active rumour mill this week. My guess is it tickles some kind of important nostalgia for what it was like to be online during the attitude era for a lot of people. I lack that particular nostalgia, having been teaching in post-conmunist central Europe for most of that period. So, it seems I'm missing out on the "hot goss" fun. But I am all in on the good wrestling. So, we all have stuff to enjoy this week. Hooray!

Speaking of: Dark Order vs House of Metal! I scrupulously avoid spoilers, but I strongly suspect I already know what the result is here, just from extrapolating comments I have read without clicking spoiler boxes. Nonetheless, I am stoked. I can hardly wait to see how these two trios interact in the ring. Odds are, every match on this show will be really distinct. This match and Claudio vs Dustin will be totally different kinds of matches, but I am excited for both. This is a thing I really like about AEW!

Speaking of: Sammy and Tay vs Ortiz and Ruby!! For those of you into Hot Goss, are you more excited for this because Eddie Piefaced Sammy for calling him fat and Ortiz is Mad King's friend? I hope so! I kind of am, too! Damn it! I guess I'm not "above" the Hot Goss stuff after all. Who doesn't want to see Ortiz punch Sammy and Ruby kick Tay? And who won't kind of enjoy the, I dunno what to call it, frustration(?) when Sammy and Tay cheat and then tongue kiss? Anger? Whatever it is that makes it fun to boo.

Speaking of: Ryan Nemeth! Boo! Kill him, Wardlow! Something that those of us who watch the YouTube shows will enjoy more than those of us who don't. Although, probably, everyone will enjoy this.

Also: Jade speaks! Will she say "That bitch" and "Cut the shit, Tony"? I predict that she will.




Also: "Iron Savages" my ass!

But honestly I got so excited thinking about Claudio vs Dustin that I forgot I was doing a gimmick this week. I am bad at kayfabe.

Edited by Gordlow
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Gordlow said:

Speaking of: Sammy and Tay vs Ortiz and Ruby!! For those of you into Hot Goss, are you more excited for this because Eddie Piefaced Sammy for calling him fat and Ortiz is Mad King's friend? I hope so! I kind of am, too! Damn it! I guess I'm not "above" the Hot Goss stuff after all. Who doesn't want to see Ortiz punch Sammy and Ruby kick Tay? And who won't kind of enjoy the, I dunno what to call it, frustration(?) when Sammy and Tay cheat and then tongue kiss? Anger? Whatever it is that makes it fun to boo.

Having indulged too much in the Hot Goss recently, I feel seen.

I was excited for this one to begin with. I would temper the "more excited" talk just because a large part of the fun of Hot Goss is the fans knowing and getting on people. This is a taped show, so I won't get to enjoy that renewed/elevated Weird Heat for Sammy stemming from the newly-reported Eddie business until he's next on television. But I'd been well on the Sammy train once the relationship was getting he and Tay all that Weird Heat during the TNT title business, because I find those crowd dynamics very compelling (which I'm sure I've mentioned a time or a million). Turning them heel seemed to put them in a tinier box in terms of weird crowd dynamites, but it's still been fun and I'm for as much of them on TV as I can get these days. But I'm hopeful this new news can re-up the Weird Heat factor for the near future.

Regardless, there's not been enough Tay on TV embracing the Weird Heat in actual matches, so this one was already very much my shit. And a big TV spot for Ruby and Ortiz doesn't hurt either. 

I know some people look down on indulging in the Hot Goss, but I feel it can enhance the experience of the wrestling. My long-term hope is Sammy and Tay are able to steer as far into the Weird Heat as they can take while remaining safe mentally and physically. And that last bit matters a good deal, because a lot of people were weird as shit about their relationship. But if they can take advantage of people's feelings and interest and weirdness to the betterment of their star personas and wrestling careers, I hope they make everyone look like fools and take a mile when given an inch. Go get that Weird Heat. 


Also: "Iron Savages" my ass!

I heard AEW not only changed their team name, but filed a trademark for it. Some real Sports Entertainment stuff. 

Edited by John from Cincinnati
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, John from Cincinnati said:

 Go get that Weird Heat. 

I heard AEW not only changed their team name, but filed a trademark for it. Some real Sports Entertainment stuff. 

Completely agree about "weird heat." Lean  all the way into it, I figure. Why not? 

Although: Sadly also agree 100% with "while remaining safe, mentally and physically."

I thought about doing an only-kind-of-kidding bit about how Bear Country didn't need no merch because they were pure and beautiful and only doing it for love...

...but then I remembered about Bryan Danielson coming out in a plain white tee because he "(doesn't) want to sell anything to anyone" and that made me happy but it also makes me happy that people who want a Blackpool Combat Club tee or a stick-on Cody neck tattoo can buy one and it turned into a whole navel gazing thing about merch. 

So I just gave you a laugh instead.

Edited by Gordlow
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21 minutes ago, DEAN said:

This is hypnotic.


My daughter has started using "Bruv" all the goddamn time.

We live in Kentucky.

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2 hours ago, Log said:

My daughter has started using "Bruv" all the goddamn time.

We live in Kentucky.

watch Attack the Block and get her to switch to “Fam”

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Allright!  Come on, House of Black!  I don't care if Dark Order has been there since the beginning of AEW, House of Black is much better group of wrestlers.  I see they are planting the seeds of Hangman coming in with Preston Vance feigning a knee injury!  Ah sweet picture in picture!  I didn't know how much I missed you until I had to SUFFER through commercials during SMACKDOWN!  House of Black are SOOOO much better than the Dark Order but I get the feeling we are getting a Dark Order win to advance the Hangman versus the Elite storyline.  Which sucks.  House of Black versus the United Empire would completely ROCK but neither are getting any farther.  Dark Order vs the Elite is so much less.  Miro comes out and distracts the House of Black to allow the Dark Order to win with a roll up!  House of Black beat the crap out of Miro!  Darby Allin and STING~! show up.  As a consolation, the House of Black vs Miro/Sting/Darby will be good.  Ryan Nemeth is from CLEVELAND!   He THEN MOVED TO A REAL CITY!  Wardlow didn't move to a real city! Hey!  It's Chris Sabin.  Man, the poor Motor City Machine Guns are gonna get JACKED UP by FTR and fricking WARDLOW.  Private Party versus Rush and Andrade?  Okay, I'm listening.  Jericho getting behind Ashton Day is heartwarming.  JESUS.  That was a NASTY Lariat.  That was GNARLY Spinebuster.  GNARLY!  The Factory actually did something!  Awwww, poor Leila Grey.  Tay Melo works the busted wrist of Ruby Soho!  TAY IS EVIL!  Ruby FIRES BACK!  Tay fucking CRUSHES her with knee to the head!  Tay goes back to the wrist!  This match is filled with psychology.  Sammy is fucking AWESOME being an annoying little prick.  In sweet sweet picture in picture, Tay and Sammy double team Ortiz. Sammy hits a DBS Delayed Vertical Suplex!  But Ortiz fight out!  I assume the crowd is getting behind Ortiz' STRUGGLE to escape the dickish heel offense of Sammy and Tay!  Ruby is great on the apron and she makes the HOT TAG.  NICE Backdrop Driver by Soho.  Sammy is awesome taking the Poison Rana from Soho!  ANGELO PARKER!  ANNA JAS!  FUCKERY!  That was a wreck but that was fun.  Claudio and Dustin is awesome.  Dustin bumps like he isn't 53 years old.  While in picture in picture, Claudio wrenches Dustin's neck.  Dustin looks fucking great.  FRANKENSTEINER BY DUSTIN!  CODE RED FOR TWO!  Giant Swing makes nine rotations!  GREAT fucking Powerslam by Dustin.  Lowblow!  European Uppercut by Claudio!  FOR THE WIN!  That was fun.  The main event was good but could have used a little more time.  The rest of the episode was kinda slapdash.  AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!

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Really enjoyed Claudio vs Dustin, but the finish was kind of weird. This might be the week I get to vote for Emi in the poll!

Claudio's shoulder looks all kinds of banged up. 

Looks like we really are headed for DO & Hanger vs Kenny & The Bucks plus Miro Sting Darby vs Spooky House at the PPV.

Wardlow looks bigger. And leaner. FFS. Dude is a freak.


I heard Sammy and Tay went to southeast Asia for their honeymoon and smoked a little weed.


They got Thai mellow.



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2 minutes ago, Gordlow said:

I heard Sammy and Tay went to southeast Asia for their honeymoon and smoked a little weed.

  Hide contents

They got Thai mellow.




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Had a soft spot for The Dark Order ever since the late great Mr. Brodie Lee on Being the Elite. Feels a little to late with Stu Grayson, Alan Angels and Anna Jay no longer with the group. Time to do something with them was last year when Adam Page teamed up with them but they then lost that big tag team match that Page could no longer challenge for the AEW World Championship. House of Black losing to a distraction finish sucks. House of Black should have won.

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1 hour ago, zendragon said:

Sleep paralysis but its Will Ospreay in the backseat of your car yelling "BRUV LET ME GET THE AUX BRUV" while you are trying to drive 

Dubstep remixes of Disney sountracks. That's all my mind's ear can hear.

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That crowd was dead after the Wardlow match. Could’ve heard a pin drop after the Hobbs squash during and after the Factory video. And then they might have been even deader for the Anna JAS interference. And you know what, they were right both times.

Really, just a weird night, about the only thing done right was the Wardlow squash. HoB losing the first round of a tournament they should be winning or at least in the final, in order to be YET ANOTHER trios match on the PPV. Hobbs having an impressive squash and then having any buzz killed by QT and the job squad. Jade/Athena finally thrown together in a backstage promo. The interference in the mixed tag that killed the crowd again, and the refusal to let Ortiz or Ruby finally have a fucking moment of glory. The excellent Dustin/Claudio main killed by a screwy ending for no particular reason. I was excited for tonight and brutally let down.

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