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Posted (edited)

Claudio vs Takeshita!! (ROH World Title)



Wardlow vs Jay (w/ Sonjay & Satnam) (TNT title)


I wonder if Wardlow's gonna powerbomb Satnam.


T'under (w/Storm) vs Hayter (w/ DMD & Reba) (Women's World Title)


Good Lord I would mark out like crazy for a Hayter win here.

Don't need a title switch to be happy, though. I'm happy with getting three fun title defences as extras a few times a year.

Edited by Gordlow
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Looked forward to Claudio Castagnoli vs. Konosuke Takeshita for Claudio's ROH World Championship since it was announced. Nearly there now.

Jay Lethal's never done it for me so will enjoy Wardlow running through him defending the TNT Championship.

I'd put the AEW Women's World Championship on Jamie Hayter defeating Thunder Rosa for it. You can then do tensions between Dr. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter that she was able to do what DMD never could.

  • Like 3

The only thing I will say about this and my experience at the show before it airs is that the TNT match opens. And Platinum Satnam rocks.

  • Like 6
15 minutes ago, zendragon said:

May be an image of 2 people and text that says '"We'll make the Ass Boys retire like Vince McMahon" Max Caster #AEWDynamite Glatine VIACE MCMAHON'

Don't forget to make a note to set your DVR SPECIALLY. ITS NOT A RAMPAGE OR A DYNAMITE!

Oddly enough, my DVR (Xfinity) tapes everything and anything with AEW in the title, like the BotB specials and Countdown shows.

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On 8/4/2022 at 11:48 PM, Gordlow said:

Claudio vs Takeshita!! (ROH World Title)



Wardlow vs Jay (w/ Sonjay & Satnam) (TNT title)


I wonder if Wardlow's gonna powerbomb Satnam.


T'under (w/Storm) vs Hayter (w/ DMD & Reba) (Women's World Title)


Good Lord I would mark out like crazy for a Hayter win here.

Don't need a title switch to be happy, though. I'm happy with getting three fun title defences as extras a few times a year.

'This is awesome! Clap Clap Clap' Especially that fucking wet willy! Goddamn, give Hayterade all the belts!

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There were times where the action slowed down to cue Takeshita interacting, and the sequencing was a bit out of whack, but the actual execution was pretty damn good. I wish they could have simplified a few things, and I think they have a better match in them. Still a good match, though. 

Posted (edited)

Predictable results (was really hoping for a “shock” Hayter win) but amazing wrestling tonight.


Lethal really got me when he collapsed in the ring, that was some fucking food selling/acting from him, I really though his knee was messed up.


Main event was a proper MOTYC, I was 99.99% sure Claudio was winning but I really bit on a couple of near falls from Takeshita, specially the Knee/Brainbuster combo and the Helluva Kick/Blue Thunder Bomb. I love how El Generico is part of the AEW / Indy lore in this universe.

Edited by eikerir
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Hayter and Rosa ruled. Hayter is one of the best at putting little character moments in, to fill in gaps in the action. I worry that they don't see her as anything more than a heater, but she absolutely should get the belt

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Wardlow really should be crushing pretty much everybody at the TNT level a la Goldberg and the US title. 5 minutes tops, he takes 75% of it. This is doing him little good.

Hayter/Rosa was good but the finish wasn't great. I mean, I'm glad they gave Hayter something that it was more a desperation type of pinfall than the Thunder driver but man.

Main event was balls to the wall greatness. Loved it. Had some really slick transitions and setups. The German no sell stuff isn't great but I found it to be less annoying here than in the Kingston match. 

  • Like 4

I came in right at the end of the Wardlow match. Looked good. The pop for Satnam getting powerbombed is gonna be Road Warrior level. 

Hayter/Rosa was great! Jamie is so good at playing to the crowd and throwing in little taunts at her opponent. She ate up Rosa for most of the match so all you Rosa haters shouldn't be able to complain about this one. Though if you do complain about her loosey-goosey Majistral, I won't mind. Oh and the dropkick through the ropes from Hayter was cruel and unusual punishment. 

The main was super solid but didn't hit that next gear. There were some holy shit moments though, like Takeshita rolling up out of a bridge on his KNUCKLES, the DVD counter above, and the aforementioned Generico swipes. It's hard to do a face vs. face match and though they pulled it off I wanted Claudio to be a bit more BCC, a bit more of a dick. The boot scrapes made it feel like things were going that way but it petered out immediately. The only other problem was Takeshita missing the frog splash, which was almost covered by the camera angle, but not quite. They probably shouldn't have replayed that. 

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That was a whole lot of really good pro wrestling, capped by a great NOAH-style main event. 

I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea, but oh boy am I personally ever delighted to see that kind of pro wrestling on American TV in 2022. It's fun.

(Skip-able side rant: It's too bad, in my opinion, that a lot of my internet friends -and others- have convinced themselves that no-selling pop-up, hit a move, then collapse sequences and you-hit-me, I-hit-you fighting spirit strike exchanges are by definition bad pro wrestling. That is less incorrect than the take that it is by definition great pro wrestling, but still... When it's done as well as it was here, it really can be pretty great).

I LOVE how everyone in BCC uses hammer and anvil elbows to set up their finishers now. Love it.

LOVE the El Generico shout out followed by the "Hell of a kick!" call. Nice Easter egg for us wrestling nerds! We appreciate it.

The Cinnabomb!

Nice old fashioned struggle over a vertical suplex during the pitcher in pitcher.

Loved that match. It's gonna run away with DEAN's poll. Zero percent chance of it making Phil's Ringer list.

Wardlow looks even bigger. F#@&'s sake. 

Maybe he leaned out a bit, and it makes his giant pecs, lats, and traps stand out even more? 

Nice tease of the powerbomb on Satnam. Sets up the next logical step for Wardlow very nicely. 

Hayter? No, man. We all love her. 

I get the sense that the roof would have blown off the building if she'd won. 

Hell of a match.

It was very hard hitting indeed, but... Come on, Taz! Have you never seen Hokuto vs Kandori? Kong vs Kansai? Devil Masami? 

What a great time to be a pro wrestling nerd this is!



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Sorry I'm late!  Got a late start on the Xfinity race and the wife had to watch that punk, Ty Gibbs, get the checkered flag.  THEN at 8:15, I realized that BOTB wasn't recording!  So I missed the Wardlow/Lethal match.  I did see the highlights of BEATDOWN!  Looked like fun.  JAMIE HAYTER!  Is prolly losing to Thunder Rosa!   Hayter attacks EARLY and Britt Baker DMD CHEATS!  Baker is great at ringside.  Hayter is beating the crap out of Thunder for a while. Thunder counters a SNAP Suplex on the floor with a DDT.  Baker distracts Thunder Rosa and she bumps BIG to the floor.  GAAH! Picture in picture!  Rosa is just taking an ass beating to the delight of everyone on the Death Valley Driver Video Review Message Board. I am delighted because I dig Jamie Hayter on offense, not because I don't love Thunder Rosa.  I love Thunder Rosa and I think she gets a lot of shit from internet rubes.  Emi Sakura was talking about Thunder Rosa after the Miyu Yamashita match in that Thunder Rosa doesn't try to get over her own style in a match but tries to match the strength of her opponent- thus you had Rosa trading kicks with the best kicker in Tokyo Joshi Pro.  Emi said that's why Rosa doesn't ever look as good as her opponent.  Here, she will try to match stiffness with the stiffest worker in the Women's division.  Rosa hits the Sarray Through the Ropes Dropkick.  Crossbody for TWO!  SWEET FUCKING BRAINBUSTER by Hayter!  For TWO!  Britt Baker grabs Rosa around the head while Hayter distracts the ref, making Toni Storm fend off Baker!  Baker hits a great Superkick.  Storm hits a DDT to the floor!  Hayter is distracted by the shenanigans on the floor and Rosa does a series of roll-ups until finally pinning Hayter.  That was good.  Rosa is good selling a beating as a sympathetic babyface.  Hayter is fucking awesome beating a mountain of heat onto a babyface.  That was good.  KONOSUKE TAKESHITA!  CLAUDIO CASTIGNOLI!  PRESENT BLACKPOOL COMBAT CLUB!  FUTURE BLACKPOOL COMBAT CLUB!  Oh man, this match is fucking awesome.  They are going long and the crowd is going along with every step of the way.  Claudio works the back and Takeshita sells it like a champ.  Great Vertical Suplex by Claudio in picture in picture.  Oh man, I can't wait for the INTERNATIONAL FEED to hear Regal go on about Claudio working on Takeshita.  Takeshita hits an EVEREST VERTICAL SUPLEX while we await the little  screen to become a big screen.  Takeshita comes back with a Flying Lariat and then hits a Tope Con Hilo!  MAGNIFICENT EVEREST GUTWRENCH SUPLEX TOPROPE!  A GIANT SWING!   Takeshita comes back with a BLUE THUNDER BOMB!  Excalibur notes that Takeshita has a CINNABOMB!  GREAT FUCKING NEARFALL after German Suplex and a Lariat and A GREAT LARIAT by TAKESHITA!  Takeshita sells the Claudio Lariat like a fucking KING.  KNEE STRIKE AND A FUCKING AWWWESOME BRAINBUSTER!  For TWO!  FUCKING GREAT NEARFALL ON A COUNTER TO A RICOLLA BOMB!   DEATH VALLEY DRIVER BY CLAUDIO!  This match is fucking GREAT.  RICOLLA BOMB FOR THE WIN!  That match was fucking GREAT.  FUCKING GREAT.  AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD.

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26 minutes ago, The Natural said:

Now that's a counter.

That was motherfucking GREAT.

  • Like 4


I was glad to see my prediction of the match order was right, I didnt think they'd start with the womens and I knew TNT wasn't main eventing. Platinum Satnam is even bigger in person, second time seeing him it's just as crazy. Lethal has been studying his Zbyszko tapes with all that stalling. Wardlow rolling into that first powerbomb opportunity had the kid behind me screech with excitement and blow my eardrums out but you know what, it was really cool. Glad it only took one powerbomb to drop Lethal. Also glad we got a tease of a Platinum Powerbomb rather than busting it out now. Match should've been shorter and less competitive if they were ending with the post match beatdown.  Women's match. We really wanted Hayter to win. She really brought her a-game and Britt did some great stooging. If Rebel (Not Reba) was a better wrestler, they'd be Lady Freebirds. I'm really over Rosa's reign here because this was the perfect chance to hotshot it. Main Event Time, despite the deflating Rosa win, we kept the energy up for Claudio/Takeshita.  I was on the edge of my seat the whole match but felt it was a sure Claudio win until Takeshita's Ricola Bomb reversal, I've never been so worked by a match in my life. Both men brought their absolute best and I think it might've been the best ROH title match I've seen in person (even better than Danielson's win over Gibson).

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On 8/5/2022 at 6:30 AM, The Natural said:

Looked forward to Claudio Castagnoli vs. Konosuke Takeshita for Claudio's ROH World Championship since it was announced. Nearly there now.

Jay Lethal's never done it for me so will enjoy Wardlow running through him defending the TNT Championship.

I'd put the AEW Women's World Championship on Jamie Hayter defeating Thunder Rosa for it. You can then do tensions between Dr. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter that she was able to do what DMD never could.

Feel same on all three counts.

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